We Need Solid Peer Review - ACS Publications - American Chemical

We all acknowledge that peer review of research papers is the foun- dation on which science is based; without it the scientific litera- ture would be ...
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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ©Copyright 1996 by the American Chemical Society



William H. Glaze, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ASSOCIATE EDITORS

Walter Giger, EAWAG (Europe); Ronald A. Hires, Indiana University; lames E Pankow, Oregon Graduate Institute; Jerald L. Schnoor, University of Iowa (water); John H. Seinfeld, California Institute of Technology (air); Mitchell J. Small, Carnegie Mellon University; Joe Suflita, University of Oklahoma ADVISORY BOARD

William L Budde, EPA Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory; Stuart R Cram, Hewlett-Packard Company; Joan M. Daisey, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; John Ehrenfeld, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michael R. Hoffmann, California Institute of Technology; Sheila Jasanoff, Cornel! University; Richard M. Kamens, University of North Carolina; Michael Kavanaugh, ENVIRON Corporation; M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University; R H. Pritchard, EPA Research Laboratory; Dennis Schuetzle, Ford Motor Company; Alan T. Stone, The Johns Hopkins University; Alexander J. B. Zehnder, EAWAG WASHINGTON STAFF

Managing Editor: Stephen Cole Associate Editor: Jeff Johnson Assistant Editor: Danny Shannon Contributing Editors: Tony Reichhardt, Rebecca Renner Program Assistant: Dawn Hayes MANUSCRIPT EDITING

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We Need Solid Peer Review


e all acknowledge that peer review of research papers is the foundation on which science is based; without it the scientific literature would be awash with bad science and badly composed papers. The problem is that very few people seem to have the time or perhaps the inclination to compose a useful review. As a result, editors have a tendency to overwork the reviewers they know will do good reviews. We badly need more conscientious reviewers. On ES&T's reviewer reporting form, we ask that reviewers give us written comments that (1) judge objectively and thoroughly the quality and significance of work described in the manuscript, (2) evaluate the theoretical and experimental work reported with reference to whether the methodology is adequate and sufficiently stated, and (3) evaluate the exposition of the work with due regard to high literary standards and brevity. Many of our reviewers follow these guidelines and submit superb reviews. The best ones are critical but not unkind, and clearly show that the reviewer has studied the manuscript carefully. Very often the author will return a revised manuscript and say how much the thorough review was appreciated and how it helped improve the paper. On the other hand, we too often get reviews such as the following: "This paper is well written and describes an important subject. There are a few typos and grammatical errors which I have listed below but I like the paper." Or, "The experiments were well designed and the paper should be published if space is available." These and similar reviews are not helpful to the editors. Of course, it is always possible that we have received the perfect scientific paper and no changes are called for. We wonder, however, if a reviewer has really bothered to read the paper when another, more conscientious reviewer sends us two pages of critical comments on the same paper that point out major flaws in the experimental work or interpretation of the data. Nevertheless, we are forced to return this inadequate review to the author, who naturally feels that the more critical review is unfair. To our reviewers: We are aware that all of you are very busy. And that the time you commit to ES&T is time lost to another important obligation. We are also aware that you contribute your valuable time to peer review. We are also aware, however, that when you submit a paper you want it to be reviewed thoroughly and fairly. And, you expect ES&T to publish only good stuff. In the final analysis, ES&T can be a high-quality publication only if you take your job seriously. Last year we received 967 papers. We cannot expect a few reviewers to handle this increasing load. I ask then, that all of you who agree to review a manuscript for ES&T follow the guidelines listed above. And to those of you who have done so many times already, please accept our thanks. We try to say so in personal letters and when we see you at meetings, but my guess is that you know you are doing a good job. Again, thanks!

William H. Glaze Editor


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0013-936X/96/0930-U5A$12.00/0 © 1996 American Chemical Society