Weak or unstable iodo complexes. II. Iodo complexes of titanium(IV

Weak or unstable iodo complexes. II. Iodo complexes of titanium(IV), iron(III), and gold(III). Jack Lewis Ryan. Inorg. Chem. , 1969, 8 (10), pp 2058â€...
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The values of X u n c o r ( M ) obtained from the data of Table VI using eq 2 are listed in Table VI1 along with those obtained for the MClf13-and MBrfi3- coiiiplexes from ref 4. It is interesting to note that there is a slight increase in all cases in the measured value of x , ~ ~ ~ ~ for~ a( M given ) lanthanide as one goes from

hexachlorides through hexabromides to hexaiodides. A similar effect of about the same degree occurs for tetravalent actinide hexahalides and uranyl tetrahaMess and for uranium(Vi) hexahalides.'* (18) J. L. Ryan, unpublished d a t a presented in part a t the 155th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., April 1-.5, 1968.





Weak or Unstable Iodo Complexes. 11. Iodo Complexes of Titanium(IV), Iron(I11), and Gold (111)' BY JACK

L. RYX?:

Received March 3 , 1969 Salts of iodo complexes of several d group metal ions which are strongly oxidizing toward the iodide ion were prepared by reaction of the corresponding chloro complexes with liquid anhydrous hydrogen iodide. These unstable complexes are TiIe2-, FeId-, and AuId-. An attempt to prepare CUI**- by this method was unsuccessful. Of these, only FeI4- has any stability at all in solution at 25", and i t decomposes with a half-life of a few minutes. The absorption spectra of these complexes are compared with the spectra of the corresponding chloro and bromo complexes. Evidence is presented for the lack of higher halide complexes of Au( 111)than AuXd-.

Introduction The preceding paper2 discusses the preparation of very weak iodo complexes of the trivalent lanthanides by condensing liquid anhydrous H I on the corresponding salts of the chloro complexes. The driving force for the reaction is the higher free energy of formation of HC1 than of H I and to a lesser extent the greater volatility of HC1. Partly because of the lorn temperatures involved, this technique is also very useful in the preparation of relatively stable salts of halide complexes where the reducing power of the halide is such that the particular metal valence state cannot be maintained in solution in the presence of the halide. Thus salts of CeBrs2- have been prepared by a similar r n e t h ~ d . ~This , ~ paper discusses the preparation and absorption spectra of salts of the TiIf12-complex which can be expected to be both very weak and also unstable to autoreduction of the central metal and of the Fe14- and A d 4 - complexes which are expected to be unstable to autoreduction. It appears from preliminary work that it will be possible to prepare salts of chloro complexes of very strongly oxidizing metal ions by treating the fluor0 complexes with Sic14 or BC13 in liquid HC1 a t low temperatures. Experimental Section Salts of the iodo complexes were prepared and the absorption spectra of these solid salts obtained by the methods used for the lanthanide complexes.2 The absorption spectrum of (C2Hs)aNFeIa was also obtained in solution in CaSOa-dried acetone and nitromethane. Molar extinction coefficients of FeIa- were obtained by dissolving a weighed sample of the salt in a known vol(1) This paper is based on work performed under Contract N u . AT(45-1)-1830 for t h e U. S . Atomic Energy Commission. (2) J. L. Ryan, Iizorg. Chem., 8 , 2053 (1969). (3) J. L, Ryan and C. K. J@rgensea,3. P h y s . Chem., 70, 2815 (1966).

ume of acetone a t -78". This solution was then added to a 0.1cm cell and the spectrum was scanned rapidly immediately after the transfer. Small corrections were made for decomposition based on the rate observed at a constant wavelength on another sample of the solution. ,411 spectra were obtained using a Cary Model 14 recording spectrophotometer.

Preparation of Complexes Ti(1V) is considered to be one of the most typical A group acceptors4 and thus iodo complexes, if such exist, are expected to be very weak. The absorption spectra (due to electron transfer) of TiClO2- and TiBrfi2have been recently m e a s ~ r e d .From ~ ~ ~ these and the variation of optical electronegativity of the halide,7 i t can be predicted that Ti162-mill be black and relatively unstable to decomposition to Ti(II1) and iodine. When [(C2H6)4N]2TiC16 is treated with liquid HI, a pure black solid resembling carbon black results. This material is very unstable to air and is changed to the dark red-brown of Is- in the time required to pour it quickly from one container to another in laboratory air. In this regard i t is less stable than the lanthanide MIo3- salts.2 It is not stable in solvents such as acetonitrile or nitromethane a t 25" with or without excess I-. If anhydrous H I is added to a partially frozen (about -46') acetonitrile solution of (CIHs)4NI containing a small amount of [(C2Hb)4N]2TiC16,an intense black solution results. The intense black color is completely replaced in a few seconds by the much less intense reddish brown color of Is-. (In the absence of the Ti salt only a white precipitate similar (4) S. Ahrland, Strztct. Buiadirig (Berlin), 1, 207 (1966). ( 5 ) J. I,. Ryan, unpublished results quoted by C. K. JZrgeneen. (ti) B. J. Brisdou, T,13. Lester, aud I