News Newly Observed Urinary Meta bolites of Thyroid Hormones: I. Solid-State Extraction Methods Used for Isolation and Character ization. II. Purification for Mass Spectral Analysis Achieved by Use of a Bonded Phenyl Phase after HPLC Separation on ReversedPhase Cig. J. T. Gordon, M. B. Dratman, VA Medical Center Determination of Cimetidine in Whole Blood and Plasma by Rapid Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. A. M. Rustum, N. E. Hoffman, T. Wehr, Marquette U Absorption: A New Technique in Treating Diseases of Plants, Ani mals, and Humans. R. C. Crippen, Crippen Laboratories, Inc.
Studies. L. P. Hart, B. W. Smith, N. Omenetto, ISPRA Laser-Excited Atomic Fluores cence in a Graphite Furnace. D. Goforth, J. D. Winefordner, U of Flor ida Laser-Excited Atomic Fluores cence in a Carbon Tube Furnace. M. D. Seltzer, J. P. Dougherty, R. G. Michel, U of Connecticut Zeeman Background Correction for Laser-Excited Atomic Fluores cence in a Carbon Furnace. J. P. Dougherty, M. D. Seltzer, R. G. Mi chel, U of Connecticut Plasma Spectroscopy—Sample Introduction
Near-Infrared Qualitative Anal ysis. H. Mark, Technicon Instruments Corp. Pattern Recognition Studies in Chemical Communication. Β. Κ. Lavine, P. C. Jurs, Pennsylvania State U Chemometrics and Process Ana lytical Chemistry. D. Honigs, U of Washington Diffuse Reflectance FT-IR Stud ies at Elevated Temperatures. K. Krishnan, S. Hill, Bio-Rad, Digilab Division Statistical Practices for Spectrophotometric Calibrations. P. J. Coo per, Pacific Scientific Co. Vibrational Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Polymers and Thin Films
Arranged by J. A. Caruso
Wednesday Afternoon Anachem Award Symposium Arranged by D. N. Buchanan Applications of Fast Atom Bombardment. L. Baczynskyj, Upjohn Co. Structure Analysis of Bioactive Molecules Using Soft Ionization and MS/MS Methods. S. A. Carr, Smith Kline & French Labs High-Pressure Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometry. B. Munson, U of Delaware Title Not Available. M. V. Buchanan, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Title Not Available. A. J. DeStefano, Norwich-Eaton Pharmaceutical Title Not Available. W. Benz, Hoffmann-La Roche Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Spectral Interferences, Matrix Effects, and Improved Detection Limits in ICP-Excited-ICP Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. R. J. Krupa, G. L. Long, J. D. Winefordner, U of Florida Laser-Excited Fluorescence of Diatomic Molecules of Copper and Lead in a Glow Discharge Sputter ing Source. B. Patel, J. D. Wine fordner, U of Florida Fluorescence and Ionization Studies in Flames and Plasma by Dual Wavelength Laser Excitation. B. W. Smith, L. P. Hart, N. Omenetto, ISPRA Laser-Excited Fluorescence of Argon in an Inductively Coupled Plasma as a Tool for Diagnostic
Alternatives to the Nebulizer in ICP Analysis. M. A. Sainz, J. S. Beaty, S. B. Smith, R. J. Bellmore, Al lied Analytical Systems Direct Introduction of Powder Samples in Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy. K. N. Desilva, R. Guevremont, Na tional Research Council Slurry Injection dc Plasma Anal ysis of Coal. V. C. Anigbogu, G. N. Coleman, U of Alabama Organic Solvent Introduction into a Free-Running Cavity-Oscil lator Inductively Coupled Plasma. P. G. Brown, B. S. Burnes, J. A. Caru so, U of Cincinnati Aluminum Speciation by LC-ICP with a Fritted Nebulizer Interface. J. A. Koropchak, D. H. Winn, South ern Illinois U Flow-Injection Hydride Genera tion Analyses with the dc Plasma Jet. V. C. Anigbogu, G. N. Coleman, U of Alabama Multielement Determination by Plasma Emission Spectroscopy with Electrothermal Vaporization Sample Introduction. P. Pfannerstill, J. A. Caruso, U of Cincinnati Multielement Analysis of Waters and Wastes by Electrothermal Volatilization into an ICP Emission Spectrometer. D. A. Leighty, D. D. Nygaard, D. R. Hull, R. G. Schleicher, Allied Analytical Systems
Arranged by F. M. Mirabella Infrared Characterization of Conductive Metal Oxide Films on Glass. R. O. Carter, Ford Motor Co. Optical Constants of Selected Polymers. E. G. Brame, B. V. Lockshin, V. A. Yakovlev, G. N. Zhizhin, Institutes of Spectroscopy and Organo-Element Compounds of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Current Developments and Ap plications of FT-IR/ATR and PAS Dichroism or Polymer Surface Characterization. C. S. P. Sung, J. P. Hobbs, U of Connecticut Applications of Photoacoustic and Attenuated Total Reflection Spectroscopies to Polymer Sur faces. J. A. Graham, Hercules Inc. Characterization of Highly Drawn Polypropylene Films. F. M. Mirabella, Northern Petrochemical Co. Multiaxial Characterization of Oriented Polarized Infrared Spec troscopy. R. J. Samuels, Georgia In stitute of Technology FT-IR Studies of Molecular De formation Mechanisms. R. P. Wool, U of Illinois Raman Scattering in Submicron Polymer Films at Cryogenic Tem peratures Using Integrated Optical Techniques. J. F. Rabolt, IBM Re search Laboratory
Separation of Blomolecules: State of the Art
Arranged by D. Honigs
Arranged by J. Dibussolo
Spectral Compound Identifica tion—Qualitative Chemometrics? M. F. Delaney, J. R. Hallowell, D. M. Mauro, F. V. Warren, S. F. Rhode, Boston U
Benchmarking Size-Exclusion Chromatography for Biopolymer Separations. F. E. Régnier, Purdue U; E. Pfannkock, W. R. Grace & Co.
News Reversed-Phase LC of Peptides and Proteins—A Status Report. M. A. Stadalius, H. S. Gold, Du Pont; L. R. Snyder, L. R. Snyder, Inc. Modern Hydrophobic I n t e r a c t i o n Chromatography of Biopolymers. J. Fausnaugh, F. E. Régnier, Purdue U Rational Approach to Stationa r y - P h a s e Design for Nucleic Acid Separations by H P L C . R. Hartwick, T. Floyd, S. Cicero, Rutgers U Improving P r o t e i n Recovery from H P L C Systems. J. M. Dibussolo, J. R. Gant, Perkin-Elmer Capillary Zone Electrophoresis of Proteins. J. Jorgenson, U of North Carolina
Wednesday Evening— Posters Vibrational Spectroscopy R a m a n Optical Activity. C. G. Zimba, L. A. Nafie, Syracuse U R a m a n Scattering from a HighVoltage S p a r k Discharge. M. J. Roellner, A. Scheeline, U of Illinois
Indirect N I R Analysis Methods. T. Hirschfeld, Lawrence Livermore Laboratories IR Studies of Hydration-Induced O r d e r - D i s o r d e r Transitions in L a n g m u i r - B l o d g e t t Monolayers. D. Saperstein, IBM Instruments Analytical Applications of F T I R / P A S . C. Q. Yang, W. C. Fateley, Kansas State U F T - I R Macro P r o g r a m for Mixed-Component Quantitative Analysis. H. Win, Allied Bendix Aerospace Environmental Analysis by Directly Linked Gas C h r o m a t o g r a phy-Fourier Transform-InfraredMass Spectrometry ( G C / F T - I R / MS). D. F. Gurka, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; R. Titus, Harmon, U of Nevada at Las Vegas r Analytical Applications of F T I R / P A S . C. Q. Yang, W. G. Fateley, Kansas State U Computerized Data-Handling Techniques in G C / F T - I R and L C / F T - I R . G. L. McClure, P. B. Roush, R. A. Hoult, Perkin-Elmer
Developments in Reversed-Phase H P L C / F T - I R with Solid-Phase Extraction. R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech, Inc. Eliminating Specular Components in I n f r a r e d Diffuse Reflectance Measurements. R. G. Messerschmidt, Spectra-Tech, Inc. Vibrational S p e c t r a of 3,4-Dichloroaniline. S. K. Singh F T - I R and M i c r o - R a m a n Spect r a of Some Silylated Nucleosides. Z. Xu, K. K. Ogilvie, Peking U; I. S. Butler, McGill U Quantitative Analysis Using a Variable-Angle Diffuse Reflectance Accessory. J. N. Sun, Analect Instruments P a r a m e t e r Optimization for F o u r i e r Domain Spectral L i b r a r y Search. J. N. Sun, B. C. Mcintosh, Analect Instruments Applications of a n Open-Geomet r y F T - I R Spectrometer. B. C. Mcintosh, Analect Instruments F T - I R Investigation into the Curing of a Polyimide Thermoset, PMR-15. P. J. Codella, J. Maguire, Ε. Μ. Bellot, General Electric Corpo rate Research & Development
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