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Only W E I G H I N G C O M P O N E N T S offers a packaged unit t h a t : Fits your present or pro­ posed conveyor system with little if any modifi­ cation. Responds only t o verti­ cal weight—not affected by side · thrust, load placement or pile-up. Measures totalizes.


Offers high with rugged


sensitivity simplicity.

Has automatic weight adjustment.


Electrical or pneumatic operation—your choice.

Use for indicating, re­ cording a n d / o r control­ ling . . .

Highest accuracy — no knife edges, levers or springs.

Lifetime construction.

Safe for all locations. Full information available. Send for Bulletin 11.

ACF Valves 76 Agency—Ullrich & Brown, Advertising Air Prehcatcr Corporation 36 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., General Chemical Div 94 Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., National Aniline Division 55 Agency—James J. McMahon, Inc. Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., Nitrogen Division 69 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., Solvay Process Div 35 Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. Alsop Engineering Corporation Ill American Hard Rubber Co 24 Agency—W. L. Towne, Advertising American Potash & Chemical C o r p . . . . 8 Agency—The McCarty Company American Steel & Wire Div., U. S. Steel Corp 26-27 Agency—Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co 80 :81 Agency—The Bayless-Kerr Co. Autoclave Engineers, Inc 102 Agency—Davies and McKinney Adv. Agency Bailey Meter Co 48 Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. A. O. Beckman, Inc 70 Agency—Dossier Eastman and Com­ pany Beckman Instruments, Inc 60 Agency—Charles Bowes, Advertising The Boardman Co 46 Agency—Erwin, Wasey & Co., Inc. Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc 126 Agency—Ε. Μ. Freystadt Associates, Inc. Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., Div. Union Carbide & Carbon C o r p . . . . 23 Agency—J. M. Mathes, Incorporated The Carborundum Company (Refrac­ tories Division) 87 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Celanese Corporation of America 40 Agency—Ellington & Company, Inc. Chapman Valve Mfg. Co 38 Agency—S utherl and- Abb ot t Chemineer, Inc 119 Agency—Odiorne, Industrial Advertis­ ing Chiksan Co 39 Agency—The McCarty Company Climax Molybdenum Co 43 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Columbia-Geneva Steel Div., U. S. Steel Corp 26 27 Agency—Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc. Combustion Engineering, Inc., Raymond Div 3 Agency—Warn s ley and Heer, Inc. Dempster Bros., I n c . . . .* 82-83 Agency—Charles S. Kane Co. Dicalite Div., Great Lakes Carbon Corp. 21 Agency—Darwin H. Clark Co. Dow Corning Corp 112 Agency—Church & Guisewite Adver­ tising, Inc. E . I . du Pont de Nemours & C o . ( I n c . ) , Petroleum Chemicals Div 37 Agency—Charles L. Rumrill & Co., Inc. Duriron Co., Inc 52 Agency—Kircher, Helton & Collett, Inc. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc Agency—Fred Wittner Advertising Eimco Corp Agency—Matsie Company


Firestone Plastics Co Agency—Grey Advertising Agency

206-H Lincoln Ave., Hatboro, Pa. Circle No. 128 A on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A

128 A


96 10


Foremost Food & Chemical Co., El Dorado Division 68 Agency—Sidney Garfield & Associates, Inc. Foster Wheeler Corp 3rd Cover Agency—Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt and Reed, Inc. Foxboro Co 18 19 Agency—Horton-Noyes Company General American Transportation Corp., Louisville Drying Machinery U n i t . 7 Agency—Weiss and Geller, Inc. General American Transportation Corp., Wiggins Gasholder Div 78 Agency—Weiss and Geller, Inc. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp 94 Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. General Radio Company 59 Agency—Kenneth E. Morang Company Georgia Kaolin Company 88 Agency—Thorn a and Gill Graver Tank & Mfg. Co., Inc 74 Agency—Ladd, Southward & Bentley, Inc. Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, Nerofil Dept 107 Agency—Darwin H. Clark Co. The Harshaw Chemical Co 84 :103 Haynes Stellite Co., Div. Union Carbide & Carbon Corp 16 , Agency—J. M. Mathes, Incorporated Hercules Powder Co., Inc 47 Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. 127 Hetherington & Berner, Inc Agency—Caldwell, Larkin & Sidener— Van Riper, Inc. Heyden Chemical Corp 56 Agency—Sommers-Davis, Inc. The Inferno Company Agency—Bryan & Bryan Advertising The International Electrolytic Plant Co., Ltd Agency—Row linson-Brou gh ton International Nickel Co., Inc Agency—Mar s chalk and Pratt, Div. of McCann-Erickson, Inc.


M. W . Kellogg Co Agency—Ellington & Co., Inc.


LaBour Co., Inc Agency—Grimm & Craigle, Inc. Charles S. Lewis & Co., Inc Agency—Whitehead & Sprague, Inc. Lithium Corp. of America, Inc Agency—Keystone Advertising, Inc. Louisville Drying Machinery Unit, Gen­ eral American Transportation Corp. Agency—Weiss and Geller, Inc.

88 108

44 73 122 7

The Matheson Company, Inc 86 Agency—Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc. Mixing Equipment Co., Inc 4th Cover Agency—Charles L. Rumrill & Co., Inc. Nash Engineering Co National Aniline Division, Allied Chem­ ical & Dye Corp Agency—James J. McMahon, Inc. National Carbon Co., Div. Union Car­ bide & Carbon Corp Agency—William Esty Company, Inc. National Research Corp Agency—Sutherland-Abbott New England Tank & Tower Co Agency—Horton, Church & Gbff, Inc. Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Norton Co Agency—Tames Thomas Chirurg Com­ pany, Inc.

115 55 116 75 22 69 98