We'll send you the proof .NEWTONS
Made possible by a grant from 3M
If you've got a surface tension problem, 3M has the solution. With a small amount of Fluorad surfactant, you can reduce surface tension up to 30% lower than hydro carbon surfactants. We have over a dozen different prod ucts for a wide range of applications. 3M Fluorad fluorochemical surfactants are active in both organic and aqueous systems. Try them and see for yourself. They'll prove to be the best.
Free Fluorad Surfactants sample kit Mail to: 3M Specialty Chemicals Division 3M Center Bldg. 223-6S-04, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000. Yes. I want proof. I plan to evaluate Fluorad surfactants in the following systems: Aqueous
LJ Organic
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