Werner Centennial

WERNER CENTENNIAL. Berzelius, J . J. 9. B2H6 with alkylamines, cleavage re actions of. 631. B2H6, dimethylsulfoxide as a ligand with. 633. Bidentate ...
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Downloaded by on June 14, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 1, 1967 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1967-0062.ix001

A Acceptor, one-electron Acetic acid Acetonitrile complexes with am­ monia, reaction of Acetylacetonato complexes, cobalt (HI) Acetylacetone Acetylene-metal complexes Acid-base theory Acidic nature in coordinated ligands. Acids A C Q matrix Acs, V A E Q matrix Affinity and valency 7r-Allyl-iron tricarbonyl ir-Allyl-metal complexes Alphabetical listing of l i g a n d s . . . . 155, Aluminum oxide, bond energy i n . . . Al(III) ammonia complexes of coordination numbers of trimethylamine complexes of Alcohols Aliphatic amines, complexes of transition metals with poly­ dentate Alkylamine complexes of G a ( I I I ) . . Alkylation of (2-aminoethylthio) diethylgold A l k y l phosphites, transition metal complexes of Alkynes, ^-complexes with Alkynyl compounds Ambidentate ligands Amides Amine coordination to boron, chelate effect in Amine displacement reactions steric factors in Amines, hydride displacement by. . . Amines, metal halide complexes with Amino acid copper (II) complexes. . . Amino acid reactions Amino acids, cyanate reaction with. a-, /3-amino acids Ammonia complexes of Al(III) ofGa(III) polynuclear cobalt (III) metal complexes of

205 369 246 460 580 501 58 259 369 218 180 218 49 90 552 493 157 194 638 638 638 368

Ammonia (Continued) reaction of acetonitrile complexes with reactions of coordinated tetramethyldiborane and Ammonium salts Analytical separations Angular overlap model Anion-exchange Anion precipitation tests Anisotropic complex Anti-prism, Archimedean square. . . Aqua ions Aquation induced spontaneous Archimedean square a n t i - p r i s m . . . . Arene-metal complexes Aromatic ligands, electrophilic at­ tack on Aromatic phenols, masking Aromaticity of the cyclobutadiene ligand Arsine complexes.. 134, 135, 137, 139, Arsine, masking of coordinated Arsines, tertiary Arylalkyl ketones, halogenation of A1C1 complexes Asymmetric synthesis, partially Asymmetry Atomization energies Average environmental rule Axial ligand field strength Axial ligands Azobenzene 3

565 639 244 590 334 327 295 369 633 633 633 634 632 234 234 238 238 76 638 639 78 284

246 245 635 52 94 163 183 229 182 583 165 412 412 412 583 508 243 233 552 140 244 326 248 240 158 190 439 441 623 93


Back-donation theory. Bacterial inorganic chemistry Bailar inversion Base hydrolysis cobalt(III) Bases, displacement series of Bases, metal ions binding to Bassett, H Benzcyclobutadiene-iron tricarbonyl Benzene-chromium tricarbonyl Benzene problem. Benzoylpyruvic, acid complexes Berl, Ernst. Beryllium benzoylpyruvic acid com­ plexes Beryllium complexes

Kauffman; Werner Centennial Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.

320 112 464 415 459 633 383 153 550 511 50 132 86 132 132

Downloaded by on June 14, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 1, 1967 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1967-0062.ix001



Berzelius, J . J 9 B2H6 with alkylamines, cleavage re­ Cadmium actions of 631 amines 577 B2H6, dimethylsulfoxide as a ligand arsine complexes 139 with 633 compounds, partial resolutions of. 133 Bidentate sulfur-donor ligands 642 diamine complexes 143 Bimolecular reaction dithiol complexes 132 cobalt(III) 461 phosphine complexes 139 iron(II) 461 Calvin, Melvin 275 Bisacetylacetonoplatinum(II) 274 Cambridge, University of 120 Bis (3-aminopropyl)methylamine— 571 Carbonato complexes, cobalt ( I I I ) . . . 460 Bisaquo groups 149 Carbon-metal bond 581 Bis (benzene) chromium 509 Carbonyls, metal 492 Bis (2-dimethylaminoethyl) methylCatacombs 5 amine 569 Catalyst Bisethylenediamineplatinum(II) dicyano-bistriphenylphosphine chloride. 273 palladium(II) as a 106 Bivalent cobalt 77 halo-nickel complexes as a . . . . . . . 106 Bjerrum, J 180 hydridotrichlorostannato-bistriBlomstrand, L . W 20, 25 phenylphosphine platinum Bodeker, C .. 19 (II) as a . 105