Westinghouse Solid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell - Advances in Chemistry

Solid-electrolyte fuel batteries have been constructed. Cell dimensions have been selected to maximize the power/volume ratio. Three-cell batteries we...
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24 Westinghouse Solid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell D. H. ARCHER, J . J . ALLES, W. A. ENGLISH, L. ELIKAN, E. F. SVERDRUP, R. L. ZAHRADNIK

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Westinghouse Electric Corp., Research&Development Center, Pittsburgh 35, Pa,

Solid-electrolyte fuel batteries have been con­ structed. Cell dimensions have been selected to maximize the power/volume ratio. Three­ cell batteries weigh 6 grams, occupy 6 cc, and produce 2.1 watts at maximum power operat­ ing around 1000°C. on hydrogen and oxygen; the current density at these conditions exceeds 750 ma./sq. cm. This performance is equiva­ lent to 150 watts/pound and 9500 watts/cu- ft. of battery components. The measured load curves of these batteries check the predictions based on simple theory. Large power systems can be constructed by joining large numbers of optimized cells with the techniques used in con­ structing the three-cell batteries. Studies show that systems larger than 0.5 kilowatt can main­ tain their operating temperature without auxiliary heating; they will weigh less than 50 pounds/kilowatt and occupy less than 0.3 cu. ft./kilowatt.

J h e basic component of the Westinghouse solid-electrolyte fuel cell is the ( Z r O ) . 8 5 ( C a O ) . i 5 [or ( Z r O ) (Y 0 )o.i]electrolyte. This material is an impervious ceramic w h i c h has the ability to conduct a current b y the passage of 0 = ions through the crystal lattice. T h e ease w i t h w h i c h these ions pass through the electrolyte is measured b y the electrical resistivity, p , of the electrolyte. Values of p for both (Zr0 )o.85 ( C a O ) . i 5 and ( Z r 0 ) o . 9 (Y2O ) .i as functions of temperature ( Γ ) are given i n Figure 1 ( 4 ) . T h e resistance of a disk of (Zr0 )o.85 ( C a O ) . i 5 electrolyte, 2 inches i n diameter and 15 mils thick, is about 0.1 ohm at 1000° C . 2







0 9








332 Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.




Solid-Electrolyte Cell


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Fabricating the Cell To fabricate a cell from such a disk, porous platinum electrodes are applied to both sides. O n the lower electrode of Figure 2 , a molecule of oxygen from the surroundings acquires four electrons and forms two 0 = ions, which enter the crystal lattice of the ceramic. A t the upper electrode, two 0 = ions emerge from the electrolyte, give up four electrons, and recombine to form oxygen. The lower electrode is positively charged; the upper is negatively charged if oxygen i n the form of 0= ions flows upward i n the electrolyte as indicated i n Figure 2 . The most direct method for bringing about this flow is to construct one chamber around the lower electrode i n which oxygen is kept at a high partial pressure and another chamber around the upper elec­ trode i n which the partial pressure of oxygen is maintained at a low value. In this case, the observed open-circuit voltage of the cell, E can be computed from t>

E (4F) t





(PO , /PO,,L) 2


where 4 F = 4 (the Faraday number) = quantity of charge transferred per mole of 0 passing through the electrolyte, 386,000 coulombs/ mole R = universal gas constant, 8.134 watt-sec./°K mole Τ = absolute temperature of cell, °K. Ρθ2,//;ί θ2 Γν = 0 partial pressures in lower and upper chambers. RT In (PO H/PO2,L) = work per mole obtained from reversible, isothermal expansion of a gas at temperature, T, watt-sec./mole. 2





Utilization as Fuel Cell The device can be utilized as a fuel cell (2,6,7) b y flowing oxygen or air to the lower chamber. If atmospheric air is used, the oxygen partial pressure i n the lower chamber is maintained at about 0 . 2 atm. F u e l flows through the upper chamber, combines with any oxygen present, and reduces the oxygen partial pressure i n the fuel chamber to about 1 0 ~ atm. (The total pressure i n both chambers is 1.0 atm.) T h e calculated value of E i n this instance is approximately 1.0 volt. T h e oxygen partial pressure—Ρ — i n equilibrium with any fuel and its combustion products can be computed from their partial pressures i n the fuel chamber and from the equilibrium constant for the overall combustion process. T h e voltage developed b y the cell can be, i n turn, related to the free energy of combustion for the fuel. This specific relationship has been derived for hydrogen-oxygen reactants elsewhere ( 1 ). W h e n a current (/) is drawn from the terminals, the voltage ( V ) of the cell drops below the open-circuit voltage (E ) because of resistance losses i n the electrolyte and electrodes. 1Β









— IR

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.



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where E is the voltage computed from Equation 1, and R is the ohmic resistance of electrodes and electrolyte. A n approximate expression for the resistance ( R ) of a cell is t

Λ = ΡΑ/Λ




where δ& = electrolyte thickness A = active cell area / δ = resistivity-thickness quotient for the cell electrodes (Figure 3). This quantity has been determined experimentally by an adap­ tion of a method developed by van der Pauw (5) for the meas­ urement of surface conductivity. L = mean distance traveled by the electronic current in the electrodes passing from the plus to the minus terminal of the cell P = mean width of the electrode perpendicular to the direction of electronic current flow b





F o r a cell operating at 1000° C . using a ( Z r 0 ) o . 8 5 ( C a O ) . i 5 elec­ trolyte, 5 cm. i n diameter and 0.04 cm. thick, 2


Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.





Solid-Electrolyte Cell

(60Ω - c m . ) (0.04 cm.) (4TT) (5 cm.) ^


+ (0.44 ohm)

(2.5 cm.) (2*·) (2.5 cm.)

^ 0.12 + 0.07 = 0.19 ohm If the electrodes of the cell are sufficiently porous, the IR loss—as indicated in Equation 2—is the only voltage loss i n the cell; there are no appreciable voltage drops i n the solid-electrolyte cell attributable to the slowness of diffusion or chemical reaction. Products

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Poo, H

(or Air)

Figure 2.





Solid electrolyte fuel cell






Temperature, °C Figure 3.

Characteristics of air-sprayed platinum electrodes

Characteristics of Single Cells A number of single cells based on these principles have been con­ structed and tested. The components of a disk cell with an effective

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.


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Figure 4.

Single cell test assembly

Current Through Cell, amps

Figure 5.

Voltage and power output of Westinghouse solid electrolyte fuel cell

diameter of 1.3 inches are shown i n Figure 4, and the performance of such a cell is shown i n Figure 5. The open-circuit voltage of the cell with

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.




Solid-Electrolyte Cell

hydrogen fuel is 1.15 volts; its resistance is about 0.4 ohm at the operat­ ing temperature, 1010° C . The maximum power delivered by the device is 0.85 watt, and the current density at these conditions is 150 amp/sq. ft. No variation in temperature with load current was observed in testing this cell.

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Solid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell Batteries Solid-electrolyte fuel cell batteries have been investigated. One type of battery is constructed of short, cylindrical electrolyte segments shaped so that they can be fitted one into the other and connected into a long tube by bell-and-spigot joints. Figure 6 shows an electrolyte segment. A mathe­ matical analysis has been carried out to determine the active cell length ( L ) which maximizes the power per unit of cell volume for given values of p S , electrolyte resistivity-thickness product; pjl , the electrode re­ sistivity-thickness quotient (Figure 3 ) ; I, the seal length; and R , the elec­ trical resistance of the metal alloy joint which both makes the seal and connects the individual cell segments electrically i n series. b




μ — D

Figure 6.



Cross section of basic cell unit for bell-and-spigot design

A n optimized three-cell battery with bell-and-spigot joints is shown i n

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.



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Figure 7. One of the platinum wires at each end of the cell stack is the current lead to the battery; the other wires are probes for measuring potentials throughout the battery.

Figure 7.

Three-cell segmented tube battery with belland-spigot design

Performance of Battery on Hydrogen Fuel and Air The performance of the battery on hydrogen fuel saturated with water at 20° C . and air is shown i n Figure 8. The fuel gas flow rates were sufficiently large so that i n no case d i d the mole fraction of water i n the fuel gas stream leaving the battery exceed 0.15. Under these conditions the measured voltages developed by each cell i n the three-cell battery d i d not differ significantly. For this reason only the over-all battery voltages are given. The open-circuit voltage of the device is below the expected 3.3 volts because of some shorting of the cells occuring i n the seal region. The electrolyte i n the seal region—designated by i n Figure 6—acts as a high resistance shunt between successive anodes of cells i n the series-

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.



Solid-Elect roly te Cell


connected battery. As a result, circulating currents occur i n the individual cells of the battery. Such shorting has been determined to draw about 100 ma. i n each cell ( 3 ) ; improved seal design w i l l minimize this loss. I n spite of this problem, a current density greater than 450 ma./sq. cm. has been achieved i n this battery at the maximum power point— about 1.2 watts. Three of the four joints required i n the fabrication of the battery (Figure 8) have been demonstrated to be tight with a helium leak de­ tector. The leak was determined to pass between the oxygen surrounding the battery directly to the hydrogen inside through a small passage in the brazing metal filling the joint. The oxygen leak rate through the fourth joint was less than the oxygen added to the fuel by a current flow of 20 ma.

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Operating Temperature 1000°C Electrolyte: (Zr0 )





Electrolyte Thickness.- 0.05 cm Area: 2 c m / c e l l

tn 2.2 ο




Performance on


Fuel and Air

2.0 1.8


CO =



g ι·

« 1.3 Ω '



-g c=


Maximum Power Point



0.8 0.6


0.2 0.0





I 300

I 400











1 1000

Current Through Cell Battery, Ma.

Figure 8. Voltage-current characteristics of three-cell segmented tube battery with bell-and-spigot joints (hydrogen fuel and air) Performance of Battery on Hydrogen and Pure Oxygen The performance of this same three-cell battery with hydrogen fuel and pure oxygen is shown i n Figure 9. The open circuit voltage is 2.9 volts. The current density at maximum power was 750 ma./sq. cm. A t the maxi­ mum power point, the battery produces 2.1 watts; and each cell segment, 0.7 watt—about the same as an ordinary flashlight battery.

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.



The segmented-tube bell-and-spigot battery gives promise of provid­ ing a compact, lightweight power system. 4.0

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Achieved Battery Performance

1.0 -

0.5 -

1 200

pi 0

ι ι I I 600 800 1000 1200 Load Current - milliamperes

1 400







Figure 9. Voltage-current characteristics of three-cell segmented tube battery with bell-and-spigot joints (hydrogen fuel and oxygen) Cell Segment Characteristics The characteristics of the cell segments which make up this battery are: Over-all length, ( L + I) = 0.58 + 0.53 = 1.11 c m . M e a n diameter, D = 1.07 c m . Electrolyte material: ( Z r O ) . 9 (Y2O3V1 Electrolyte resistivity-thickness parameter at 1 0 0 0 ° C , ρ δ& = 0.4 ohm-sq. c m . Electrode material: porous platinum Electrode resistivity/thickness at 1 0 0 0 ° C . ( ρ , . / δ ) = 0.43 o h m - c m . / c m . Segment weight (including one joint = 1.97 grams Segment volume (including one joint) = 2.0 cc. 2




The electrodes of the cell are quite light, and the total weight of the cell is also small—about 2.0 grams. If the cells are operated at maximum power, the power produced is equivalent to 160 watts/lb. of electrolyte and electrodes. (This figure does not include battery casing, insulation, and auxiliaries. ) T h e power per unit volume of the cell unit is 9.5 kw./cu. ft. These performance figures can still be improved by developing electrodes with lower pj§ values, using electrolyte materials with lower p values, and optimizing the seal dimensions. More power/volume can also be ob­ tained b y using smaller diameter cells. e

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.




Solid-Electrolyte Cell


Solid-Electrolyte Fuel Cell Systems for Space

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In order to provide a useful power source it is necessary not only to combine the unit cells into batteries but also to provide manifolding, casing, and insulation. A l l these components must be integrated into a system. A series of 500-watt solid-electrolyte fuel cell systems have been designed for use in space. Stacks of cells connected by bell-and-spigot joints are contained i n an insulated cylindrical can which is maintained at the 1027° C . operating temperature by the heat generated i n operating the system at the design power. The hydrogen fuel flows inside each tube stack and the oxygen oxidant fills the can housing the stacks (Figure 10). The gas stream emerging from the stacks is water vapor with 4 mole % or less unburned hydrogen; this gas is exhausted to the surroundings.

Figure 10.

Diagram of over-all cell system

Minimum-weight 500-watt systems have been determined for 10-hour, 100-hour, and 1000-hour total mission lengths using 1-inch diameter stacks. A choice of 1/2-inch diameter stacks would have resulted i n a smaller, lighter device. F o r a 100-hour mission, the estimated weight of the fuelcell system (including the cell battery, casing, manifolding, insulation, radiator, and controls ) is 25 pounds; the estimated weight of hydrogen and oxygen reactants and reactant storage system is 115 pounds. F o r the 1000-hour mission, the estimated minimum fuel cell system weight is 47 pounds; the reactant and reactant storage weight is 643 pounds.

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.



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Advantages of Solid-Electrolyte Fuel Cells Although particular solid electrolyte fuel cell systems have been con­ sidered, modifications can be made to meet other specific requirements. I n addition to their light weight, solid-electrolyte fuel cell systems have dis­ tinct advantages over other fuel cells: They are compact; their high op­ erating temperature enables the heat generated i n operating the cell to be radiated to the surroundings without weighty, complex cooling systems and radiators; the electrolyte is physically and chemically stable; there is no difficulty i n removing water from the cell (it flows from the system i n vapor form); and the system operates independently of gravitational forces. F o r all these reasons, the solid-electrolyte fuel cell system is a promis­ ing candidate for generating power in space. Literature Cited (1) Archer, D. H., and Sverdrup, E . F., "Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cells," Proc. 16 Annual Power Sources Conference, pp. 34-39, PSC Publications, Red Bank, N. J. (1962). (2) Archer, D. H., Sverdrup, E . F., English W . Α., and Carlson, W . G . , " A n Investigation of Solid-electrolyte Fuel Cells," Technical Documentary Report ASD-TDR-63-448, U S A F Aero-Propulsion Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (1963). (3) Archer, D . H., Zahradnik, R. L . , Severdrup, E . F., English, W . Α., Elikan, L . , and Alles, J. J., "Construction and Performance of 20-Cell Solid-electrolyte Batteries," Proc. 18th Power Sources Conference, PSC Publications, Red Bank, N. J. (1964). (4) Strickler, D . W., and Carlson, W. G., J. A m . Ceramic Soc. 47, 3, p. 122-27 (1964). (5) van der Pauw, L. J., Phillips Research Reports 13, pp. 1-9, (1958). (6) Weissbart, J., and Ruka, R., in "Fuel Cells," vol. 2 (edited by George J. Young) pp. 37-49, Reinhold, New York (1963). (7) Weissbart, J., and Ruka, R., J. Electrochem. Soc. 108, 8, pp. 723-26 (1962). R E C E I V E D February 1 7 , 1 9 6 4 .

Young and Linden; Fuel Cell Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1969.