What happens when you buy from Eastman! Be Prepared - C&EN

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What happens when you buy from Eastman!

Be Prepared The P.A. had called one of our Eastman sales representatives early Thursday afternoon about the chances of obtaining some propionic anhydride. The request was an urgent one so the representative started checking local distributors at once. When this source ran dry, he contacted Eastman's Kingsport plant to see if there was any possibility of delivery within the two day deadline. It was determined that the material could be broken down into 100 pound drums and shipped air freight. But they would wait for definite word before loading. This would have to come from the customer... the call came a few moments later. "Any luck in getting us some propionic anhydride?" "There's still nothing definite in the immediate area, so I took it upon myself to check Kingsport. If nothing turns up by this afternoon, they can air freight the material and it will get here by Saturday morning." "That's fine. There's nothing like being prepared." "Old Boy Scout training, I guess." "Well I'll be, I was one too... You know, I think we went to scout camp together about twenty years ago." Not only did the representative meet an old acquaintance, but also the delivery date. When it comes to service, Eastman is no tenderfoot.

Interested personal service—always— when you buy from Eastman


With more than 400 industrial and specialty chemicals, Eastman serves these industries: Adhesives • Agricultural chemicals • Chemical specialties • Cosmetics • Drugs • Foods • Industrial chemicals Packaging • Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers • Petroleum • Plastics • Printing Inks • Rubber • Textiles

For properties and shipping information on Eastman industrial and specialty chemicals, see Chemical Materials Catalog, page E-l, or Chemical Week Buyers' Guide, page 101.





SALES OFFICES: Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., Kingsport, Term.; Atlanta;

Boston; Chicago; Cincinnati; Cleveland;

Dallas; Detroit; Greensboro, N.C.; Houston; Memphis; New York City; Philadelphia; St. Louis. Western Sales Representative: Wilson fc Geo. Meyer & Company, San Francisco; Los Angeles; Seattle; Salt Lake City.