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and services. TRACERLAB. A Division of Laboratory for Electronics. 2030 WRIGHT AVENUE, RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA. Circle No. 182 on Readers' Service Ca...
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a f t e r a s h i n g the delicate inorganic structure remains unaltered for precise quantitative analysis. Tracerlab's new LTA-600 oxidizes samples with a cold plasma of atomic oxygen to leave inorganic constituents unaltered. Permits more accurate quantitative elemental and structural analyses of plant and animal tissues, bones, coal, oil well cores, polymers, and radioactive materials. Prepares pure samples for atomic absorption spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microscopy.

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subdivided chapter sources for standard procedures, materials specifications, and methods for classifying polymers. The last chapter presents a list of periodicals, texts, abstracts etc. Mixed with the portion of treatiselike chapters are chapters on temperature and humidity conditioning for polymer testing (F. M. Gavan and F. A. Joy), erosion of polymers caused by the collapse of cavities formed in liquids under high turbulence or vibration (J. H. Brunton), odor and taste transfer property tests (L. B. Sjostrom and F. Sullivan), indentation and compression testing of floor coverings (F. M. Gavan and J. T. Wein, Jr.), and the gas and vapor permeation and diffusion (V. Stannett and H. Yasuda). From the titles alone it can be seen that these tests range from the end use testing to determination of rather fundamental properties of diffusion of small molecules in polymers and accordingly the contents vary from a mere recitation of recipes and description of equipment to the well-rounded chapter by Stannett and Yasuda which includes introduction, theory, measurements, and a sufficient list of references. The value of the series can only be judged after the next few volumes have appeared. The first volume is a somewhat unsatisfactory mixture of treatiselike chapters and discussions, in particular since the treatise-like portions are incomplete and the danger exists that they will not be completed later on. Its proper place is most likely in the industrial laboratory library. It is hard to see sufficient use for a single researcher for the investment. The overall quality of the book is satisfactory, although the quality of the presentations varies somewhat. Annoying is the fact that of ten German words printed in chapter 5, six contained errors in spelling. A grouping of the articles in the future into volumes describing tests of common fields would make it a useful book to have on the lab bench and not only in the library.

NEW BOOKS Advances in Mass Spectrometry. Vol. 3 . W. L. Mead, editor, xvii + 1064 pages. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. 1966. $27.

TRACERLAB A Division of Laboratory for Electronics

2030 WRIGHT AVENUE, RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA Circle No. 182 on Readers' Service Card •




The proceedings of the Mass Spectrometry Conference sponsored by the American Society for Testing Materials, the Groupement pour I'Avancement des Methodes Spectrographiques, and the Hydrocarbon Research Group of the Institute of Petroleum, held in Paris,


14th ed. Bernard L. Oser, editor, xvi + 1472 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 10036. 1965. $19.50. This comprehensive text of physiological chemistry includes modern theory as well as detailed experimental procedures. Among the subjects which have received special emphasis are the composition, configuration and role of nucleic acids and related compounds, enzymes and cofactors and their functions, estimation of steroid hormones in blood and urine, the use of radioisotopes for the study of metabolic processes, and current concepts pertaining to muscular contraction, blood coagulations, and detoxification. Numerous new analytical procedures and instrumental techniques are presented. Spectrochemical Abstracts. Vol. X. 1963 to 1964. Ernest H. S. van Someren, F. Lachman, and F. T. Birks. 109 pages. Hilger & Watts, Ltd., 98 St. Pancras Way, London, N. W. 1, England. 1965. £3. Ss. Od. Almost 500 abstracts of papers describing apparatus, methodology, theory, and applications are included in this publication. Abstracts of review articles, tables, and books are also presented together with indices of elements and authors. Microchemical

on equip-

ment, techniques and services.

80 A

September 1964, are recorded in this volume. Theory, instrumentation, relation of molecular structure to analysis, ionization phenomena, ion-molecule reactions, isotopic abundance measurement, and application to the analysis of solids, and free radicals, are among the topics covered. A bibliography covering the period from January 1961 to December 1962 is included together with an author index.



pages. I. U. P. A. C. Butterworth Inc., 7300 Pearl St.. Washington, D. C. 20014. 1965. ' $8. This monograph contains the Plenary Lectures presented at the International Symposium on Microchemical Techniques—1965. A brief discussion of the history, development, and goals of microchemistry is presented along with separate papers describing methods used in forensic chemistry, chemical microscopy, clinical chemistry, and in the identification of functional groups. Photometric titrations, organic microsynthesis, and the status of organic microanalysis in Japan are also included.