WHEN YOU HAVE TO METER • corrosive acids and alkalis • abrasive

500 atmospheres. FREE PUMP SIZE CALCULATOR ... Write for free calculator on your busi ness stationery. ... sistance and mechanical strength arc featur...
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WHEN YOU HAVE TO METER • corrosive acids and alkalis • abrasive slurries • extremely small volumes • in response to fast chang­ ing process demands


PVC Globe Valves

Homogenizing Mixer

PVC globe valves are now avail­ able in Va through 3-inch sizes, with either screwed or socket-weld ends. The valves are rated for 125 p.s.i. at 145° F. High chemical re­ sistance and mechanical strength arc features of the unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) valves. Prices vary from $12.75 to $88, depending on size. Dept. IEC, Dorak Prod­ ucts Corp., 78 Pearl St., New York 4, Ν. Υ. 4

A complete line of mixers for lab­ oratory and production is now available. The Convertible Jet

Water Draw-off Valve Valves having two seats or valves mounted on the same stem are packless and not subject to freezing conditions. The inner valve is located well within the tank and is insulated by the air chamber be­ tween the inner and outer valve. Prices vary, depending on which of the four sizes is required. Dept. IEC, The Johnston and Jennings Co., 4700 W. Division St., Chicago 51, III. 5

Whenever you have a critical need for. controlled volume p u m p i n g , t a k e advantage of Milton Roy's years of experience. The most difficult meter­ ing problems in the world are solved daily by Milton Roy's worldwide team of engineering representatives, apply­ ing Milton Roy controlled volume pumps wherever chemicals are metered at rates from 3 ml. per hr. to 7,500 liters per hour against pressures to 500 atmospheres.

Corrosion Resistant Valve

FREE PUMP SIZE CALCULATOR Homogenizing mixer can be modified to fit a particular job

Helps determine size of pump and tank required for chemical feed systems. Write for free calculator on your busi­ ness stationery. Milton Roy Com­ p a n y , E x p o r t D e p t . . 1300 E a s t Mermaid Lane, Phila. 18, Pa., U.S.A.




Controlled Volume Pumps · Quantichem Analyzers Chemical Feed Systems · pH Instruments

Mixers arc produced in sizes rang­ ing from V 4 - to 15-hp. sizes. Can be converted in seconds from closed turbine to open turbine mixer. Mixers have many possibilities for modifications to fit the particular mixing job. Prices on request. Dept I EC, Barring ton Industries, Inc., 185 Union Ave., Providence, R. I. 2

Sump Pump Nitric acid waste disposal sys­ tems can now be handled with a vertically submerged sump-type pump which is becoming standard equipment where radioactivity is present. Pump is designed for use in corrosive and abrasive service. Price available on request. Dept. I EC, Eastern Industries, Inc., 100 Skiff-St., Hamden 14, Conn. 3

Circle No. 205 on Readers' Service Card

68 A

A new line of corrosion resistant, light-weight chemical flow control and shut-off valves is said to elimi­ nate considerable downstream pres­ sures and permits instantaneous cut-off of liquid flow for applica­ tions in spray drying, sprinkling, and other industrial chemical proc­ esses. Available with pipe threads, hose fittings, or tubing connections. Sizes from 3 / 4 to 2 inches vary in price from $39.75 to $76.20. Dept. IEC, Agricultural Aviation Engi­ neering Co., 858 Scott St., Santa Clara, Calif. 6


Corrosion-resistant valve can be used in spray-drying operations