When you need CORROSION COUNSEL ...here's a source of help

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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"Our magnesium chloride heat exchangers operate at 50 psi. and average temperatures of 180° F.," said a producer of magnesium. "The air-free solution is circulated at a vetocitv of 61/2feet a second. Our present equipment suffers from corrosion pitting and stress corrosion cracking." I N C O Technical Service reviewed a l l reports o n m a g nesium chloride which w e r e contained in the Corrosion D a t a File. A comprehensive summary of this information w a s sent to the producer. ( H e l a t e r requested a d d i t i o n a l copies f o r members of h i s staff.) Space limitations make it impossible to g i v e complete details of t h e summary h e r e . * The principal conclusions drawn w e r e : 1 Corrosion rate o f Inconel i n relatively air-free solutions of hot magnesium chloride will o r d i n a r i l y b e less t h a n I mdd2 Inconel is usually not subject t o pitting b e l o w t h e l i q u i d level. 3

Inconel is not subject to stress corrosion cracking.


In air-free solution under v a c u u m , M o n e l showed a corrosion rate o f 2 m d d .

5 Ni-Resist and 3 0 % nickel cast iron have sufficient corrosion resistance to be useful materials f o r pumps a n d valves. The producer installed siderable success.

Inconel e q u i p m e n t w i t h



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"Perhaps you'can help us 4 with "our corrosion problem. "*r Please sead m e a copy of the Corrosion Data^Work Sheet for use in reporting the details o f my problem.





T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L ISUCKEL C O M P A N Y , I N C . , , 67 W a l l S t r e e t . - N e w . York 5, N . Y . \ ^ ? „ ^ Ki% ~ H s„

? - Name.


THE INTERNATIONAL : 6 7 W a l l Street


* Copies of the jtell summary, exactly as furnished Producer, are available. If you'd like one, use coupon at the right.


^^G^në pàsy^siep led to the/solution of the problem ^àtit&evlieft: •?~ j - ~ - TJbfat's^nbt unusual, y r For more than "20 years, INCO Technical Service \yTa^S^éetilst^dying a l l forms .of cprrosion/rhaking -* ^laboratory and field tests, summarizing and comr/^pilmg corrosion;data. * χ ^ ^ -, - ' ^; Complete records . . . secured through tests- o n 1 *oveV4p^0003rnetal.ahd alloy specimens .„ .are now ,: i n I N e p : s ^ r r o s i o n Data File, / .Corrosion ^ rates, pitting^ tendencies and similar *" informat^n^l^rdnérit to your problems may also \ be in.^this^file fight n o w · JWe'll place i t at' your « t disposal I ^. without cost or x obligation. If you^haye a knotty question ^involving corros i o n and woiildllike help, here's all y o u Kaye to do. Just teilus„the;sighificànt r details of:theLprbblem you face. W e l l g o ahead from there. \ —~ * \ I ^ ~ T h e coupon^ below, will· bring 'you a- specially -" * prepared w^orksneetw'hichinâlces yourjjaWofithe ~^~J job a n easy one. Send for it^V- today.. j \; '- ~ ^ ,v

2 5.. 1 9 4 4


C. and Ε . Ν - . 9-25-44.


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