Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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through fluorine chemistry...new dimensions in catalysis:

WHY BF, IS THE CATALYST TO THINK OF FIRST Does a universal catalyst exist? Boron Trifluoride — a major development of General Chemicars fluorine research program—seems to be the next thing to it! In a broad spectrum of reactions, it speeds reaction rates, increases yields, lowers costs, refines through-put—in acylation, alleviation, arylation, condensation, cyclization,esterification,halogenation, hydration, isomerization, nitration, and many others. For

First in Fluorine Chemistry

any new organic synthesis process, it has become standard practice to try a BFs catalyst first. General Chemical offers BF3 gas and a wide selection of BF3 complexes, in one-pound laboratory quantities right through to tank car lots. Its development from a laboratory curiosity to a workhorse catalyst is but one example of the way General Chemical research has advanced fluorine technology . . . contribut-

Allied (Jiemical

ing to many fields of industry. T o d a y , Allied C h e m i c a r s General Chemical Division is far out in front in fluorine chemistry — thanks to a major, continuing research program . . . long experience with the manufacture and application of a wide range of products . . . and the size, scope and versatility of its production. If your p r o b l e m s involve fluorine chemistry, you may find it profitable to talk with us.

GENERAL CHEMICAL D I V I S I O N 4 0 Rector Street, New York 6, N. Y.