Why hot caustic can't destroy EPON® RESIN finishes! - C&EN Global

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Why hot caustic can't destroy



Dusands of surface finish manuurers all over t h e country saw test . . . and were amazed! he Set-Up. On the left beaker: a adard aluminum foil. On the right ker: more of the same aluminum b u t with its underside coated an E p o n resin enamel. I n both kers: a n indicator liquid. Poured ach sheet of foil: hot 2 0 % caustic tion. he Result. On the left: the caustic through the aluminum foil in 12 nds. On t h e right: t h e foil dises here, too, b u t t h e Epon coatis unaffected. The caustic remains

suspended indefinitely by the Epon film alone! The Reason. Epon resins are an entirely new class of polymer—with an ether linkage instead of the usual ester bond. Epon has unparalleled resistance t o detergents, caustics, m a n y acids a n d s t a i n - p r o d u c i n g agents. And . . . Epon's inertness is backed u p by outstanding flexibility and toughness.

SHELL CHEMICAL CORPORATION CHEMICAL PARTNER OF INDUSTRY A N D AGRICULTURE Eastern Division: 500 Fifth Avenue, New York 18 Western Division: 100 Bush Street, San Francisco 6

The demand for Epon resins is ahead of present production. Increased capacity is on the way. Now is the time to develop formulations based on these new resins. Experimental quantities may be obtained tor evaluation.

Los Angeles • Houston • St. Louis • Chicago Cleveland • Boston • Detroit • Newark I N CANADA: Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited Toronto

