Why the crumple test won't crack EPON® RESIN finishes! - C&EN

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Why the crumple test won't crack

EPON R E S I N finishes!

T W O A L U M I N U M T U B E S ...the one on the right coated with a standard white enamel . . . the left-hand tube coated with an Epon enamel.

These enameled toothpaste tubes looked alike originally. B u t after a brutal "accordion" test the Epon r e s i n f i n i s h on o n e r e m a i n e d smooth and unharmed . . . even on t h e s h a r p c o r n e r s ! T h e second tube, coated with a standard widely-used enamel, cracked and flaked off. T h e secret of this adhesion lies in the polar n a t u r e of the Epon molecule. So outstanding is this property t h a t even an unprimed zinc die casting takes a hard dura-

ble finish with a single coat of an Epon resin enamel. This p r o p e r t y plus excellent chemical resistance and flexibility make Epon resins unusually attractive.




Eastern Division: 500 Fifth Avenue, New York 18 Western Division: 100 Bush Street, San Francisco 6

Although the d e m a n d for Epon r e s ins is a h e a d of p r e s e n t production, increased capacity is on the way. Now is t h e time to develop your formulations based on these new resins. E x p e r i m e n t a l quantities may be obtained for evaluation.

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IN CANADA Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited Toronto

