Jun 9, 2003 - I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE Board of Trustees(BOT),Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members,has added a valuable member benefit to it...
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COMMENT so, you're probably wondering how to address your continuing need for this essential coverage. ACS has the perfect short-term medical plan for recent college grads, people between jobs, or those waiting for other insurance to PETER CHRISTIE, CHAIR, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, GROUP INSURANCE take effect. It offers $1 million of protection, covering hospitalization, surPLANS FOR ACS MEMBERS gery, and outpatient expenses for up to AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE plans that are especially important in 12 months. Board of Trustees (BOT), Group Inthese changing times. A few selected • Supplemental Retirement Plans— surance Plans for ACS Members, has plans are highlighted below to give Investing in an individual retirement acadded a valuable member benefit to you a better understanding count or a tax-deferred anits portfolio of insurance plans—the of how ACS membership nuity allows you to add to Auto & Homeowners Plus Plan. In 2002, helps you personally, as well other sources of retirement the Membership Affairs Committee as professionally. income so you can live com(MAC), based on member input, asked fortably during your retire• Long-Term Care—Did the board of trustees to consider the fea- you know that women have ment. BOT is pleased to ofsibility of adding this type of insurance more of a financial risk than fer both IRA and fixed coverage to the Member Insurance Pro- men if they don't carry longannuity supplemental retiregram portfolio. This ongoing MAC-BOT term care insurance? Women ment plans, in addition to partnership keeps BOT aware of what's make up almost 75% of the the other insurance plans ofimportant to the membership and allows residents in a nursing home, fered, as another of the many it to provide, when appropriate, desired according to "The Elder benefits of being a member insurance offerings. After extensive eval- Law Handbook" by Peter J. of ACS. While the board is uation of potential plans, BOT chose the not responsible for the perStrauss and Nancy M. LedAuto & Homeowners Plus Plan for ad- erman. Women have histor- The Member formance of the retirement dition to its existing range of insurance ically been the family carefunds, we carefully oversee coverages for ACS members. givers to their husbands as Insurance Pro- the selection of the funding carrier to ensure that it The Auto & Homeowners Plus Plan, well as to their parents. BOT gram IS able tO meets certain criteria for fiunderwritten by Liberty Mutual, is a nancial stability and investcomprehensive program that features ment performance. auto, home, renters, and other personal helpful to the growing popu- that are often property insurance. BOT negotiated an lation of women in ACS. Through the purchasing exclusive group discount for ACS mem• Disability Income In- less expensive power of the large ACS bers of up to 10% off already competi- surance—According to the andprovide membership base, the Memtive rates. Benefits of this new plan Health Insurance Associaber Insurance Program is include 12-month rate guarantees; tion of America, at age 40 better benefits able to offer you plans that convenient payment plans, including you have a 19% probability than JOU CUfl are often less expensive and automatic checking account deduction; of suffering at least one dis- purcJjase that can provide better bena s a n 24-hour emergency roadside assistance; ability lasting more than yO \ efits than you can purchase and round-the-clock claims service. Free days. And according to the as an individual. Another individual. coverage evaluation and no-obligation Federal Housing Authority, reason to turn to ACS for inrate quotes can be obtained by calling a nearly half of all mortgage foreclosures surance is that ACS insurance plans are dedicated customer service representa- occur because someone in the family be- portable. Your coverage stays with you tive at (800) 283-1601, or an online comes disabled. ACS has an affordable even if you change jobs! That's an imquote is available from Liberty Mutual disability income insurance plan that's portant feature in today's employment at http://www.libertymutual.com/lm/ competitively priced with flexible wait- environment. chemistry. ing periods determined by you. Even if Browse our website (http://www. BOT sponsors and endorses a broad your employer provides disability cover- chemistry.org/insurance) today to find spectrum of portable insurance and re- age, you may be eligible for additional out more about how you can protect tirement plans. Spouses, children, par- coverage. And, best of all, unlike em- your family and save for retirement usents, and even in-laws are eligible to ployer plans, ACS benefits payments are ing your ACS member benefits. And remember, the ACS Member Insurance participate in many of the plans. You're tax-free. probably already aware that ACS of• Short-Term Medical Coverage — Program is self-supporting. ACS memfers attractive group discounts on term Looking for a job or contemplating a ber dues are not used in any way to life, but you may not know that there change? Are you a new graduate whose maintain or promote ACS insurance are several other valuable insurance student medical coverage has ended? If plans.



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Views expressed on this page are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Trustees. 40

C&EN / JUNE 9, 2003