carefully studied than those of other creative activities. Let us approach the issue of re- ... not necessarily remarkably high, intelligence. Creativ...
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stood body of experience available to mankind. However, it is necessary to be­ come more specific if a direct link­ age between an individual's capa­ bility to undertake creative ac­ tivity and the educational process to which he has been subjected is to be usefully established. To do this, let us fix our attention on scientific research. It is desirable to make this choice because the charac­ teristics of such research, and of its successful practitioners, have been perhaps more carefully studied than those of other creative activities. Let us approach the issue of re­ search creativity by reviewing, first, what we know (largely because of the pioneering studies of Anne Roei about the characteristics of emi­ nently successful—i.e.. extraordi­ narily creative scientists. These studies indicate that most of them can be described as having the fol­ lowing factor's in common: (il a childhood environment in which knowledge and intellectual effort are highly valued for themselves so that an addiction to reading and study was firmly established at an early age; (ii) an unusual degree of personal independence which, among other things, led them to dis­ cover early t h a t they could satisfy their curiosity by personal efforts; (iiil subjection early in youth to dependence on personal re­ sources, and on the necessity to think for oneself; I ivl intense per­ sonal drive generating concen­ trated, persistent, time ignoring, ef­ forts in their studies and work; (vl a secondary school training which tended to emphasize science rather than the humanities; (vi) high, hut not necessarily remarkably high, intelligence.

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Creative Aspects of the Research Process It is useful, in addition to these, more or less personal, attributes of creative scientific workers, to have some plausible, and reasonably well accepted, psychological de­ scriptions of the creative aspects of the research process itself. My version of these descriptions, and some of my conclusions below, have been most influenced by the works of Roe. MacKinnon, and Moonev.