Will Ross. Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (2), pp 124A–124A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60271a801. Publication Date: February 1969. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. ...
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Matheson Primary Standards are the most accurate, most dependable mixtures w e c a n produce — and we are the most experienced gas mixers around. Naturally they cost more t h a n other calibration mixtures. But, Primary Standards can save far more than their additional cost by minimizing errors and reducing overall costs. Each Primary Standard is prepared by weight on a high load, high sensitivity analytical balance. This procedure circumvents the non-ideal behaviour of gases. Certified accuracy capabilities to ± 0.001 m o l e % , d e p e n d i n g upon the molecular weight of the constituents.

with this expensive mixture

Can you afford to use less than a Primary Standard mixture in your research o r analytical project? Write or phone Matheson, P.O. Box 85, East Rutherford, N.J., or your nearest Matheson b r a n c h , for a quotation on your gas requirements.

M A T H E S O N GAS P R O D U C T S A Division of Will Ross. Inc. East Rutherford, N. J . ; Cucamonga. Calif.: Gloucester. Mass.: Joliet. III.: LaPorte, Texas: Morrow. Ga.: Newark, Calif.: Whitby. Ont.

Matheson Gas Products

Primary Standard Certified Contents 3.00 t= 0 01% Methane 1 . 0 1 t±= 0 01% E t h a n e 1 . 0 0 ^ 0 01% Propane

0.505 ^ 0.001% isobutana 0.503 ^= 0.001% Butane Balance Hydrogen

Pressure 2000 p . s . i . g .

Cylinder No. 72563

Date 7-1-63

The gas mixture contained in this cylinder has been prepared by weight. It is the most accurately defined gas

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mixture available today.

Matheson Gas Products

The techniques used in preparing this mixture are based upon Matheson's advanced technology and continuing research. Special precautions must be observed to convey this gas to the use point without contamination. Matheson's No. 18, 19, and 3500 high purity transfer regulators are specifically recommended.


Certified by J . M. Reference 7-1




A Division of Will Ross, Inc. East Rutherford, N. J.; Cucamonga, Calif.; Gloucester, Mass.; Joliet, IK.; LaPorte, Texas; Morrow, Ga.; Newark, Calif.; Whitby, Ont.

Visit our Booth 944 at Pittsburgh Conference Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card

124 A
