Will you be lost... or found? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 11, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Will you be

lost... or found? You won't be lost at American Viscose. Nor will your imagination or initiative. Instead, you'll find challenging opportunities for personal growth and the rewards that go with it. That's because you'll be deeply involved in a company that thrives on innovation. At American Viscose we're constantly finding new products, new markets, and new ways to improve our present products. (A company that doesn't is lost, and so are its people.) In 1910 we produced the nation's first man-made fiber. Today we're the nation's leading rayon and acetate producer, with a growing line of new synthetic fibers. We developed Dynacor R , the revolutionary rayon cord that has given tires an unmatched combination of durability and stability. Such advancements in tire cord quality have also made possible the radically new and improved radial tire. For the fashion world we have created A v r i h , an entirely new generation of high performance rayons. And our rayons are now used to make the new nonwoven fabrics you see in disposable dresses, uniforms, linens and other items. For industry we have produced rayons so strong they reinforce conveyor belts — so precise they're used in filtration—so clean and absorbent they're used in surgical dressings — so durable they're used for tents and tarpaulins. W e developed Avistrap®, the first practical non-metallic strapping. Today we're the largest producer and marketer Use A-28 on Readers' 46 A

C & E N M A R C H 10, 1969

of rayon and polypropylene strappings and the equipment to apply them. For packagers we produce over 100 different types of A v i s c o R cellophane that are tailored to many different needs. And we recently built a plant to produce a variety of plastic films. Our research technicians discovered Avicel® microcrystalline cellulose, a unique ingredient used in foods, pharmaceuticals and industrial products. Yes, innovation has been responsible for the growth of American Viscose. And American Viscose is a division of the rapidly growing FMC Corporation, where other major activities are in chemicals, machinery and defense materiel. Get lost in American Viscose? Never. If you're interested in a research, plant design, production or marketing career with real opportunity, you'll find it here. Especially if you're a chemist or engineer (chemical, mechanical, industrial or textile) with a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctor's degree. Find out about us. And let us find out about you. See your Placement Officer, or send your resume to L E. Mark, Recruitment Manager. Ask for our booklet "Move Ahead with American Viscose." An Equal Opportunities Employer A M E R I C A N




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