William J. Hacker & Co., Inc

High Vacuum Equipment, Masking of Circuit ... trical equipment, vacuum tubes, etc.; ... For applications, working characteristics, and list prices, wr...
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The Finest Oils, Greases, Waxes... for High Vacuum Work—also Lubricant for High Vacuum Equipment, Masking of Circuit Boards and Other Scientific Applications

Vacuum pressures of these excellent oils are as low as 10" 7 torr. Greases as low as 10- 1 1 torr at room tem­ perature. Scientists, who try Apiezon oils, prefer them for equipment used in nuclear physics, cyclotrons, elec­ trical equipment, vacuum tubes, etc.; the greases for general laboratory work and gas-liquid chromatogra­ phy; wax W with suitable solvent as a masking media. As exclusive distributor in the United States, we offer immediate shipment from stock on the complete range of Apiezon products. For applications, working characteristics, and list prices, write for new Bulletin 43-AC.

J A M E S G. B I D D L E C O .


Electrical and Speed Measuring Instruments


Liquid chromatograph can be used as a nucleic acid/amino acid analyzer by simple exchanges of light sources and interference filters. This doublebeam instrument has an independent power supply for the light source which permits simultaneous detec­ tions of visible and ultraviolet light absorption. The Model JLC-3BC has a detection sensitivity of 5 χ ΙΟ - 1 0 mole for amino acids and uses the tr'ansmittance ratio method (%T) of detection. JEOLCO (U.S.A.), Inc., 477 Riverside Ave., Medford, Mass. 02155 408

Phone ?15/646-9200 Circle No. 18 on Readers' Service Card

See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office

MELTING POINTS IN SECONDS Determine molecular weights, eutectic temperatures, identify and evaluate purity of substances using . . . KOFLER MICRO METHODS AND THERMAL APPARATUS

Electrophoresis Tank A universal electrophoresis tank for cellulose acetate electrophoresis has been designed. The new tank features simplified plastic clip supports for ten­ sioning, a polarity reversal switch, and new safety electrical controls. Colab Laboratories, Inc., P.O. Box 66, Chicago Hts., 111. 60411 409

Kofler Hot Bench Range +50° to +260°C Accuracy ±1°C

Kofler Hot and Cold Stages and "Thermopan" Microscope Range —50° to +35u e C

William J. Hacker & Co., Inc. Box 646, West Caldwell, New Jersey 070U6 (201) 226-8450 Circle No. 38 on Readers' Service Card



Continuous-monitoring liquid chro­ matography detector system which can be used with almost any type of column detects organic compounds that either vaporize or can be pyrolyzed at temperatures up to 700° C. The eluate from the column is moni­ tored continuously without attention from the operator after injection of the sample. An argon-ionization detector is used. Sensitivity is in the ppm range. W. G. Pye & Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 60, Cambridge, England 410