Pure Yellow Iron Oxides. Fe-jOj-99.5% ... Composition: The basic colors of the iron and chromiun oxides are ... ulated for fire retardance are already...
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T h e n e w refractory c a n be formed into all s t a n d a r d refractory shapes a n d a w i d e r a n g e of special items h a v i n g complex designs. Polystyrene foams treated or form­ ulated for fire r e t a r d a n c e a r e already established o n t h e m a r k e t . N o w , Hooker Chemicals makes its bid for this fast growing field w i t h fire r e t a r d a n t p o l y u r e t h a n e foams k n o w n as Hetrofoams. T h e s e novel poly­ ester u r c t h a n e rigid foams contain chlorine-rich organic acid in alkyd resin to provide t h e fire r e t a r d a n c e characteristics. F o a m s c a n b e m a d e with a one-shot system.

catalysts, polishing agents and magnetic materials. Today, however, new product

G r e a t e r p l a n t safety in fluid handling operations, longer service life, a n d reduced d o w n t i m e for m a i n t e n a n c e are p r i m e a d v a n t a g e s of ductile iron fittings b y Kuhns Bros. Fit­ tings a r c available in a wide r a n g e of sizes in flanges, flanged fittings, couplings, plugs, a n d special com­ p o n e n t s such as valve bodies. D u c ­ tile fittings a r e m o r e economical t h a n forged o r c a r b o n steel o r extra heavy cast a n d malleable iron.

planners and production engineers are finding that uses for the unique physical and

(Continued on page 90 A)




You ordinarily think of metallic oxide pigments being used to produce coloring agents,

chemical properties of metallic oxides are surprisingly far afield from traditional usages. Below is a review of their characteristics. Look them over. You may get the germ of an idea which will lead you to the improvement of existing products, or to the reduction of new product manufacturing costs. Should an application suggest itself . . . let us know. We'll be glad to cooperate with you in exploring the possibilities. Address Department 2, C. K. Williams & Co., 6 4 0 N. 13th St., Easton, Pennsylvania. NAME


Pure Red Iron Oxides

Fe-jOj-99.5% SpG.-5.15 Color—Salmon to purplish red

Pure Yellow Iron Oxides

Fe;0 3 H-.0-99% SpG.-4.03 Color—Lemon to dark orange

Pure Black Iron Oxides Pure Chromium Oxides (and Hydrates)

FesOi-96% min. SpG.-4.96 Color—Blue Black Cr20s-99% SpG.-5.20 Color—Light to dark green

Natural Oxides—Ochers, Umbers, Siennas, Metallic Browns, Red Oxides

Wide range of ferric oxide content and red, yellow and brown colors

Venetian Reds

Fe,.O3-40% SpG.-3.45 Color—Light to medium red

Cuprous Oxide

C U Î O - 9 7 % min.

Extenders—Barytes, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Sulfate, Silica

Wide range

CHARACTERISTICS Composition: The basic colors of the iron and chromiun oxides are determined by chemical composition. Reds art ferric oxide (Fe«Oa); yellows, hydrated ferric oxide (Fe-jOï.HîO); blacks, ferro-ferric oxide ( F e 3 0 0 ; anc greens, chromic oxide (CrsOa), All these compounds art chemically stable and light permanent. Particle Shape: Physical properties such as oil absorption and suspension characteristics are dependent on particle shape, controlled by manufacturing processes. Size: Color range is controlled by particle size—average size increases as color darkens. Uniformity "of size determines brightness. Purity: Freedom from impurities is essential for superior pigment properties and to prevent deleterious effects in end-products. Control of soluble salts, manganese and copper content are an

important part of t*J*s^^*J*^ the Williams' Γ^ ^-. manufacturing j J 7M —L— *-J operation.






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C. K. Wtlhamt A Co. · C. St. Lou,,. III. Cailon. P . n n . . · Em.ryvill..

Circle No. 22 απ Readers' Service Card

86 A



A new line of rigid methane foam sheets to meet the growing demand for high efficiency, space-saving insulation has been introduced by Allied's Barrett Division. The unique, insulating effi­ ciency of this closed cell methane makes it ideal for perimeters, freezers, cold storage plants, electrically heated and air con­ ditioned buildings, ducts, walls, pipes, equipment, and other heat and cold retaining applications which demand light­ weight, space-saving material. A flameretardant coated version is also available. The insulation comes in panels of various thicknesses up to 11 inches. Blocks suitable for use as pipe insulation and lagging are also available.