with an isophthalic polyester resin!
Isophthalic unsaturated polyesters are superior resins for reinforced plastics products — providing greater physical strength, impact resistance; improved flexibility and adhesion; better heat distortion properties — on exposure to time, temperature, water and weather. Isophthalic polyester resins offer manufacturers, designers, engineers and production people improved properties for planning better products to more rigid specifications and convenient production methods. More attractive product styling, better performance and greater reliability are all now possible. Ask your resin supplier about Isophthalic polyesters or request Isophthalic polyester information and formulations from Oronite. Just contact the Oronite office nearest you.
ORONITE C H E M I C A L COMPANY A CALIFORNIA CHEMICAL COMPANY SUBSIDIARY EXECUTIVE OFFICES • 2 0 0 Bush Street, San Francisco 2 0 , California SALES OFFICES • New York, Boston, Wilmington, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle FOREIGN AFFILIATE: California Chemical International, Inc., San Francisco, Geneva, Panama