WM. AINSWORSTH & SONS, INC. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: December 1959. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1959, 31, 12, 49A-49A. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's ...
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mended Practice for I n t e r l a b o r a t o r y Testing of R u b b e r a n d R u b b e r - L i k e Materials." A.S.T.M. Designation I) 1421-56T, J u n e 1956. (4) Blaedel, W. J., Meloche, Υ. M., Ramsay, J. Α., ./. Chew. Educ. 28, 048 (1951). (5) Cochran, W . 0 . , Biometrics 10, 101 (1954). (()) Cochran, W . G., Cox, G. Μ., " E x ])erimental Designs," 2nd éd., Wiley, New York, 1957. ( 7 ) Crow, E. L., Davis, F . A , Maxfield, M. W., "Statistics Manual/' p. 102, NAVOR1) K e p t . 3369, Γ . S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif. (1955). (S) Dean, R. B., Dixon, W. J., A N A L . C H K M . 23, 080 ι 1951).

(9) Dixon, W . J., Λ Η Η . .Ι/αίΛ. S i a i . 22, ON (1951). (10) Dixon, W . J., Massey, F . J , J r . , " I n t r o d u c t i o n to Statistical Anal­ ysis," 2nd éd., McGraw-Hill, N e w York, 1957. ( 1 1 ) Dorsey, Ν. Ε., Trans. Am. Phil. Snc. 34, Π 1944). (12) Dorsev, X . E., Eisenhart, C h u r c h ­ ill, Sci. 'Monthly L X X V I I , 103 (1953). (13) Eisenhart, Churchill, P h o t o g r a m metric E n g . X V I I I , 542 (1952). (14) M c A r t h u r , D . S., Baldeschwieler, E. L., W h i t e , W . H., Anderson, J . S., A N A L . C H E M . 26, 1012

Automatic Recording

Vacuum Balance by



(15) Mandel, J o h n , Lashof, T . W , A.S.T.M. Bull. 239, p . 53f. (July 1959). (10) Pearson, E . S., H a r t l e y , H . O. (eds.), "Biometrika Tables for Statis­ ticians," Vol. 1, ]). 179, University Press, Cambridge, U. K., 1954. (17) Pierson, R. H , U. S. X a v a l Ord­ nance Test Station R e p t . 1937, P a r t s 1-6, 1958. P a r t 4 security classified "Confidential." ( IS) Pierson, R. H., " R e p o r t of R o u n d Robin X o . 16 of t h e Joint A r m y X a v y - A i r Force Panel on Analytical Chemistry of Solid P r o p e l l a n t s , " l \ S. Xaval Ordnance Test Station, 195S. (19) Villars, 1). S., "Statistical Design and Analysis of E x p e r i m e n t s for D e ­ velopment Research," p p . IS, 5S, W m . C. Brown Co., D u b u q u e , Iowa, 1951. (20)


Wernimont, Grant, ANAL. C H E M .

23, 1572 (1951). (21) Willits, C. ()., Ibid., 23, 1565 (1951). (22) Youden, W. J., "Statistical Methods for Chemists," p p . 7, 16, 40, Wiley, X e w York, 1951. (2o) Youden, W . J., Technical Xews Bulletin of t h e Xational B u r e a u of S t a n d a r d s , July, 1949. (24) Youden, W . J., Ind. Eng. Chem. 50, 91 A (1958).

Will weigh s a m p l e s . . . • in air or inert gases • at atmospheric or reduced pressures • at room or higher temperatures • on balance pan or suspended below the balance in a furnace for thermogravimetry or differential thermal weighing

Remote control, built-in weights Recorder charts weight or weight and temperature against time Semi Micro 100 g 1/100 mg 4 0 0 mg

Capacity Sensitivity Range of automatic weight operation

Analytical 200 g 1/10 mg 4 0 0 0 mg

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