X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with Electrostatic Deflection

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with Electrostatic Deflection. RALPH G. STEINHARDT, Jr.1, FREDERICK A. D. GRANADOS, and GLENN I. POST2...
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1046 the analytical group of the research and process departmelit of the Union Oil Co. of California. Supervisory personnel and management are provided n i t h statistical reports that give a comprehensive survey of the operations of the group and also permit realistic predictions of future requirements for space, equipment, and personnel. The expense of centralizing all paper work and movement of samples is more than compensated by savings in analyst's and client's time. Furthermore, more effective utilization of the training and experience of the analysts is possible. These techniques should be effective in any anslytical laboratory of over 30 persons that is serving a research group. r o t all of the procrduies would necessarily be advantageous, because the basic policies of another laboratory might be sufficiently different to make some procedures inefficient or even unnecessary. These techniques were not all developed in this laborator) , in fact, they are a composite of ideas from many laboratories. This paper is presented with the hope that it will be provocative and stimulate greater interchange of ideas on the subject. S o claim is made that this is the best plan, even for this laboratory,

but it is hoped that it ail1 encourage readers to get i n contwt the authors and exchange ideas foi mutual benefit.




The authors wish to express their appreciation to G. R. 1,:ibc for his interest and guidance in the preparation of this paper and to the other members of the group for their helpful suggestion-. They are also thankful for the information and inspiration gained from contacts n i t h many other laboratories. Permission of thc Union Oil Co. of California to publish this paper is pxtrfullv acknowledged hi- the authors. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Chapman, It. P., Chem. Inds., 65, 718 (1949). (2) Chem. E?zQ.S e w s , 31, 1919 (1953). (3) Hale, A. H.. and Stillman, J. W., Axai.. CHEX, 23, 678 ( I 9.51 \ .

Ibid.,24, 143 (1952). ( 5 ) Post, B. G., Baker, 31.O., Hiett, T. A . , and Murphy. J. L., I b i d . , 26, 647 (1954). (4)

R E C E I V Efor D rei-iciv May 21i. 1951.

Acrepted Ortoher 2 2 . 1954

X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with Electrostatic Deflection RALPH G. STEINHARDT, J R . ~ ,FREDERICK A. D. GRANADOS, and GLENN I. POW Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

This communication describes the design and operational characteristics of an improved x-ray photoelectron spectrometer intended for rapid, precise, and convenient chemical analysis of surfaces and subsurface regions of solids. Replacement of the magnetic analyzer by a radial, inverse first-power, electrostatic field analyzer has resulted in considerable improvement in performance. The resolution has been improved by a factor of 5, and the inherent intensity has been increased by a factor of about 20. Variable slit widths make it possible to vary the resolution by a factor of 8, leading to a considerable potentiality for versatiIity. Other refinements decrease the time of a routine determination from 2 to 4 hours to less than 10 minutes.

intensity because the exciting x-ray beam was weakened thimigli operation of the inverse-square law. These geometric consiticwtions also led to the adoption of an end-window countel,. t,hc dead-space characteristics of which ( 1 2 ) further reduced thr measured intensity of the electroh beam. Furthermore t h e height (and consequently the intensity) of the electron beani n x s severely limited by the small pole face separation.


HE initial work on the chemical applications of x-ray photo-

electron emission spectra (10, 11) was carried out using a homogeneous-field, 180' deflection, magnetic analyzer for electron dispersion. This type of inst,rument was chosen originalljbecause it appeared unwise t o build a complicated and expensive instrument with which to carry out exploratory work. However, as the need for better precision and greater rapidity grer7 with the analytical potentialities of the method, the limitations of the magnetic deflection instrument became more evident. Objections to the magnetic analyzer stemmed directly from the use of an iron electromagnet. The hysteresis associat'ed with operation a t low magnetic-flux intensities led to considerable difficulty in obtaining accurate electron energy measurements andnecessitated time-consuming operations to minimize its effects. T o avoid fringe effects of the field, it was necessary to extend the pole faces well beyond the limit of the spectrometer chamber and to keep their separation as small as possible. This meant that the x-ray tube had to be placed relat,ively far from the sample, leading to a considerable loss of potential photoelectron Present address, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburp, Va. 2 Present address, WePtinghouse Electric Corp., East Pittsbiirpli. Pa. 1

Figure 1.

Schematic diagram of spectrometer chamlwr

The ciiteria n hich \sere established for the characteristics ot new analvzer I\ ere the following:


1. The resolution should be convenientlv variable fiom

$ g 0.005 to 0 025.

2 . The brst accuracy of energy evaluation should be of thrb same order of magnitude as the best resolution-i.e., 0.5%. 3. The inhrrent intensity should be sufficiently great t o nllow rapid determinations with good intensity precision.

V O L U M E 27, N O . 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 5

1047 between the electrodes is AT', an electroil of energy E circular path of radius T O = (7- r+)/2, ii



dl follow a

E = A V - -ro 2Ar in whioh A? =


- r,. The resolution for this energy is


Z=w, &? To


where tor is the width of a slit located a t 127" 17'. As the entire range of the speotrometer involves electronic velocities which are not small compared with that of light, it is necessary io introduce a relativity correction and thus to modify Equation 1. Rogers (9) has developed the relativistic equation for the radial, inverse first-power electrostatic field spectrometer. On the basis of this work, the relativistic analog of Equation 1is: -*,e

1--Figure 2.

Interior view or spectrometer chamber


in which I: = 0.6246. x ev./per erg m = 0.9107 x gram (mass of electron) e = 2.0978 X 10'0 cm./per seoond (velocity of light,) DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION

ThB electrostatic analyzer is shown diagramatically in Figure 1 and is illustrated in Figures 2 to 4. In Some respects the instrument is similar to that of Rackus ( 1 ) . The chamher is constructed of 0.25-inch rolled brass; the walls, bottom, and top are fitted together with Step joints to provide a reasonably long leakage path. High-vacuum wax is used instead of gasketing to prevent loaks a t the joints, and the entire chamber.was painted mm. OS mercury was with Glyptal. A pressure of 5 X routinely obtained using a DPI GF-25 diffusion pump (Distillation Products, Industries, Rochester, N. Y.).

FiSure 3.

Exterior view of spectrometer chamber

4. Provision should be made far rapid change of samples, &her by vacuum lock or by multiple mounting. 5. The apparatus should be ressonahly compact and capable of being used conveniently with commercially a v d a h l e x-ray XXll.CeS. Extensive consideration of many designs of electron speetrometers (8)led to the conclusion that a. 127' 17' deflection electrost.at.ic analyzer would make it possible to fulfill the above criteria. Xot, only does this type of instrument eliminate the possibility of hysteresis effects, but its simplicity of design avoids Severe geometric and orientational difficulties which other t,ppes entnil. THEORY

The theory of operation of the radial, inverse first-power, electrostatic field &s a means of analyzing electronic velocities has been given by Hughes and Rojansky (7), who showed that in such a field quasi-refocusing of an initially divergent beam of electrons occurs a t a deflection of 12i' 17' and that the resolution in best at this angle. Consider two coaxial cylindrical electrodes, one negatively and the other positively charged, and with radii v- :md r+ respectively. If T_ > r+, and the potent,ial difference

Figure 4.

Spectrometer chamber in place

Samples are mounted on a drum ( B , Figure l), which may be rotated from outside by a shaft running through a Wilson sed. An index is provided so that any chosen sample may quickly be brought into operating position without opening the chamher to the atmosphere. As many as 48 samples may be mounted on the drum a t one time. This arrangement greatly reduces the average time necessary for andysis. The sample is irradiated with B zirconium-filtered beam of a Machlett 0-2 molybdenum target x-ray tube, A , operating a t 50 kv.p. and 10 ma. Beryllium r i n d o m on both the tube and the chamber make it possible to bring the h e a n into the spectrometer without excessive absorption, and an external lead slit limits the size of the irradiated area of the sample. Because of the lack of interference from an overhanging magnet it is possible to bring


1048 the focal spot of the tube to within 3 cm. of the sample rather than 7 cm. as previously required. This provides an inherent intensity increase factor of 5.4. The irradiated area of the samples is twice as great as in the magnetic analyzer, the increase being brought about by doubling the height of the irradiated region. This increases the inherent intensity by an additional factor of 2 without the sacrifice in resolution that an increase in width would entail. The effect of a new counter design, also made possible by the elimination of the magnet, is a further factor of 2. Thus the removal of the geometric restrictions imposed by a homogeneous magnetic field have made it possible to increase the measured intensity of the beam by a factor of about 20 without loss of resolution. This makes it possible to improve the precision of intensity determination by about 4.5 without increasing the length of the counting periods. The entrance and exit slits, C, D, are externally and reproducibly adjustable by means of Wilson seals, E, F . Adjustment of the width of the entrance slit allows the attainment of the maximum possible intensity for a given resolution, and adjustment of the exit slit makes it possible to vary the resolution itself from its best value of 0.003 to its poorest of 0.025. (The resolution of the magnetic spectrometer was 0.014 a t best and was not externally adjustable.) The slits are constructed of Bakelite to reduce electron scatter a t the edges. (Although Bakelite is not ordinarily advised for use in high vacuum, it was found satisfactory in this case. S o difficulty was encountered, presumably owing to careful vacuum cleaning and pretreatment of the Bakelite parts and to the use of a fast diffusion pump.) The deflection electrode;, G, H , are made of bronze gauze, 10 X 0.010 inches. The wide mesh and fine wire combined with the effect of a colloidal graphite coating minimize electron scatter by the electrodes. All edges of the gauze are beaded, and the electrodes are supported and located by glass insulators and Bakelite spacers. The height of the electrodes is three times the height of the electron beam; this considerably reduces distortion of the beam by edge effects. The radii of the electrodes are r- = 16.0 cm. and r+ = 14.5 cm. A variable deflection potential is supplied by a 0.1% precision, regulated power supply designed by Higinbotham (6) and modified to give a center-ground output. The spectrometer chamber and the ground of the power supply are connected, thus providing a ground potential for the center of the electron beam with a radius ro. The stability and precision of the Higinbotham circuit make it possible to obtain energy values accurate to about 0.5% and with precision to about 0.1%. (The power supply is built on three separate, transparent plastic chassis. This serves the purpose of eliminating electrical leakage, and makes construction and maintenance extremely convenient. ) The intensity of the beam is measured with an ultra thinwindow Geiger-Muller counter ( I ) . A side window rather than the previously used end window is employed. Besides providing a larger aperture, this counter does not present a dead space to the electron beam. The net result of this modification is the twofold increase in intensity noted above. To prevent electrons of other than a particular selected energy from reaching the counter, thin aluminum baffles, J , are mounted vertically and oriented radially a t intervals of 15" on the positive side of the deflection electrodes. Also, the interior of the chamber is lined with aluminum on the negative side of the electrodes. In this manner scattering and electron re-entrance along the positive electrode is minimized. All other aspects of the instrument have been described (IO,

3 using the theoretical values of AIOI&-AULIII, A I o I i a r AULIII,and MoKa limit. Once the spectrometer had been calibrated in this manner, reproducible and accurate energy measurements could easily be made, as the power supply contains a calibration circuit with which an accurately known fraction of the deflection voltage may be compared with the output of a standard cell. The spectra of two very pure metals, gold and rhodium, were used to study the operational characteristics of the electrost'atic analyzer. Gold was chosen because of the richness of its spectrum in Auger and externally excited peaks, and rhodium because of the simplicity of its spectrum in the present range of the spectrometer. The spectrum of rhodium a t AE/E = 0.008 is shown in Figiire 5. Only two major peaks are noted. The peak a t 14.70 k.e.v. is the MoKa-RhL interaction and that a t 17.40 k.e.v. is caused by the interaction of MoKa quanta with lower rhodium levels. Because of the very small differences in energy of the lowestlevels regardless of the nature of the sample, the peak a t 17.40 appears in all MoKa-excited spectra. This is designated as the 1IoKa limit. The minor peak a t about 10.50 k.e.v. also appears in most spectra and corresponds to the PbLa limit. The fluorescence of the lead slits excited by the primary x-ray beam is sufficiently intense to cause the appearance of this small peak. The spectrum of gold a t AE/E = 0.008 (Figure 6), in contrast to the rhodium spectrum a t the same resolution, shows a number of prominent peaks. Most of these are Buger peaks; onlv three










Figure 5.

' 8








X-ray photoelectron spectrum of rhodium 4E/E = 0.008


Calculations of theoretical values of the various interactions referred to in this section have been made using VX = 12,370 volt kx-unit (Siegbahn) as given by Felt, Harris, and DuMond ( 4 ) . Energies of absorption levels were obtained from the recent summary by Hill, Church, and Mihelich ( 6 ) , and wave lengths of emission lines from the values given by Compton and Allison ( 2 ) . Energy data are obtained from the analyzer in terms of the potential difference, AV, between the electrodes. To convert these measurements to energy value?, in electron volts, Equation 3 is used. Preliminary results showed, however, that Equation 3 did not give results to better than -2% a t the upper energy limit. It was found that 4 2 Ar appeared to vary slightly as a linear function of the energy, presumably as a result; of electrode edge effects. Because of the linearity of the function, calibration of the instrument was carried out by evaluating r 0 / 2 Ar in Equation

so h



b l

2 0 0 0 ~

Figure 6.

X-ray photoelectron spectrum of gold AE/E

= 0.008

V O L U M E 27, NO. 7, J U L Y 1 9 5 5


of t,he 10 peaks are excited directly by the MoKa radiation. Ta.ble I identifies the peaks in the gold specthm. I n all cases the observed huger peaks are those which are to be expected on the basis of the relative intensities of the AuL group emission lines (3).

That a considerable amount of spectrum detail is ret,airied a t poorer resolutions is indicated by comparing Figure 6 with Figures 7 and 8. I n the latter, gold spectra are shown at A E / E = 0.017 and 0.025, respectively. I n all three cases, counting periods were chosen so that the precision of intensity determination was u = 2%. The times of determination of the spectra were A E / E = 0.008, 75 minutes; 0.017, 20 minutes; 0.025, 7 minutes. It i$ apparent that, the retention of detail in low resolution spectra makes it possible to determine routine spectra in unexpectedly short periods of time. -1portion of the spectrum of gold a t highest resolution ( l E / E = 0.003) is shown in Figure (3. The first peak is the 1IoKapAULIIIand the second is the 110Kal-.4uLiix. The separation of theRe peaks is calculated on the basis of crystal spectroscopic (lata as 0.1049 =t 0.00004 li.e.v. X-ray photoelectron data yield an average value of 0.100 =t0.009 k.e.v. The precision of energy determination here is somewhat greater than the design figure of 0.1 yo. This, of course, is the repult of using an average of


Ih 3 z

= 12000

a w


1 E









I4000 140001

several determinations. Single determinations of energy value8 are usually of the expected order of about 0.1%. Although the accuracy of the determination of lIoKorl-hIoKor~ is only about lo%, t,his value is determined by a difference calculation. For direct evaluations, an accuracy of about 0.5% can usually be att,ained a t highest resolution. The ability of the instruiiient actually to measure the l\IoIiol,-MoIL~~ separat'ion with reasonable accuracy indicates that further improvementj in resolution n.ill not increase the utility of t,he instrument in chemical applications. Determinationi. of d i f f e r e n c e ? in the I500 chemical nature of samples may be made by comparing their intenpity ratios as a ji function of energy. > If the samples are 1300 identical, the ratio z Y remains constant; if z 1200 they are different, the ratio variep considerably. This 1100 5.4 5.5 5.6 method is valid even ENEROY IKEV.) if the samples have Figure 9. Detail of x-ray photod i f f e r e n t roughness electron spectrum of gold values. Three sainples of gold were ubed A E / E = 0.003 to validate this parallel method of determining chemical similarity and differences. Tn o of the samples ( A and B ) had almost identical roughness values (approximately 2 microinches root mean square), and the third (C) was considerably different from the others (approximately 15 microinches root mean square). The results are indicated in Table 11. It will be noted that the observed standard deviation for A / C and B / C are of the Fame order of magnitude aF th:rt tor

Table I.

Observed Peaks in Typical Photoelectron Spectrum of Gold5

7 10 ENERGY 12 IKEV) 14

Figure 7.



X-ray photoelectron spectrum of gold AE/E = 0.017

MoKa-AuLm AuLai-AuMn AUL~~AUMIY AULB~AUMIX A u L ~ I - A u N I IIII , AuLPi-AuMIv PbLa limit ( 1 ) -4uLP limit AuLri-AuN hloKrrAu1f MoKm limit 3 E / E = 0.038.

Observed Energy, K.e.v. 5.65 6.75 7.40 8.30 9.05 9.05 10.15 11.75 12.80 14 70 17.40

Theoretical Energy, K.e.v. 5.51 6.57 7. . 42 ._ 8.44 9.07,9.17 9.15 10.50 1 12 . 68 16 (av.)

320 a

Table 11.


z I 2 000










Figure 8.

X-ray photoelectron spectrum of gold AEIE = 0.025

Intensity Ratios of Spectra of Three Samples of Gold

Average intensity ratio Std. dev. of single comparison, R Observed Theoretical


1 4 . 6 4 (av.) 17.42

A/B 0 997

A/C 0 830

BIG 0 833

3 35 2 74

3 05 2 29

2 80 2 29

A / B , indicating that differences in roughness do not affect the intensity ratio. The actual standard deviation for a single comparison is from about 20 to 30% higher than the theoretically probable value of the standard deviation. The latter value is based on a purely random process. The consistently higher value for the actual standard deviation is caused b y small variations in x-ray intensity. As the observed ratios for chemically different samples vary strongly as a function of energy, the



difference bettveen the actual and theoretical standard devisitions ma!' he considered negligible. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors Fvish to express their deep gratitude to Willard S. Clewell, Sr., a-hose superb craftsmanship in the construction of most' of the parts of the analyzer contributed greatly t,o the work described here; to Beckman Instruments, Inc., South Pasadena, Calif., for its financial support of thex-rayphotoelectronspectrometer program; and to Earl J. Serfass for his generous interest :itit1 valuable help.

(3) Ibid.. pp. 642-6. (4) Felt, G. L., Harris, J. S . , and D u l l o n d , J . IT.M . , P h y s . Rers., 92, 1160 (1953). (5) Iliginhotham, W., Rez.. Sci. Instr., 2 2 , 429 (1951). (6) Hill, R. D . , Church, E. L.. a n d Mihelich, J . W., Ibid., 23, 523 (1952). (7) Hughes, A. L., and Ilojansky, V., P h y s . Recs., 34, 284 (1929). (8) Persico, E.. and Geoffrion, C., Rev. Sci. Tnstr., 21, 945 (1950). 19) Rogers, F. T., Jr., I b i d . , 8, 22 (193T). (10) Steinhardt, 11. G., J r . , and Serfass, E. J . , Asar.. CHEM..2 3 , 1585 (19.51). - --,\-

(11) Ibid., 25, 697 (1953). (12) Wilkinson, D. H.. "Ionization Chamhers and Counters," p. 224, Cambridge University Press. 1950

LITERATURE CITED ( 1 ) Backus, J., Phys. Rers., 68, 59 (1945). (1)) Compton, 8 . H., and Allison, S. K.. "X-Rays i n Theory and Experiment," pp. 784-5, 788, Yan S o s t r a n d , S e w York, 19:J.j.

RECEIVED for review August 20, 1954. Accepted Februaryl23, 1953. Presented in part a t the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Sprrtroscopy, 3Iarch 1954.

Spectrophotometric Determination of Cerium After Oxidation to Cerium(lV) with lead Dioxide LOUIS GORDON and A. M. FEIBUSH D e p a r t m e n t o f Chemistry, Syracuse University, Syracuse,

The instability of dilute solutions of ceriuni(1V) presents a limitation on spectrophotometric methods based on the cerium(1V) color. Other limitations arise because of interfering substances which absorb in the same spectral region as does cerium(1V). Such substances ma! also include the excess oxidant used to convert cerium to the quadrivalent state and are often difficult to remove. In the present method cerium(II1) is oxidized to the quadrivalent state by lead dioxide in sulfuric acid medium. Excess lead dioxide is easily separated from the unstable ceric solution, which is immediately reacted with excess ferrous ammonium sulfate. The latter is subsequently treated with an excess of o-phenanthroline and compared to a cerium-free blank prepared in the same manner. From 20 to 1000 y of cerium can easily be determined. The method is simple, rapid, and accurate. It permits the determination of cerium in the presence of such interferences as thorium and the rare earths. The general procedure should be applicable to other elements.


S T H E course of a coprecipitation study it was found desirable to have a method for the determination of small quantities of cerium. Many of the methods which have been proposed ( 3 , 5 , '7, 10) are based on the measurement of the cerium(1V) color intensity in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum. However, dilute solutions of cerium(1V) are unstable ( 1 2 ) . Furthermore, excess reagent used t o oxidize cerium(II1) is often difficult to remove and may also absorb in the ultraviolet region, as do thorium, the rare earths, and many other common ions. Methods based on the measurement of ceric perhydroxide ( 1 , 10, IS) suffer from the same disadvantages as above and because of the many interferences require preliminary separations. A number of other reagents such as brucine ( I O ) , and gallic acid ( I I ) , have been suggested for this determination, but have not found wide application. I n the present method, cerium(II1) is oxidized to cerium(1V) with lead dioxide in sulfuric acid media. The cerium(1V) is then

N. Y.

made to react with excess iron(I1j immediately after e x w w osidant is removed by filtration. The residual iron(I1) is determined spectrophotometrically with o-phenanthroline, and coinpared to a cerium-free blank. EXPERIM EiYTA L

Reagents and Apparatus. Ammonium hesanitrocerate (standard of reference purity), G. F. Smith Chemical Co. This salt was converted to cerous sulfate or cerous perchlorate. It \vas first treated with hydrochloric acid to reduce the cerium to the trivalent state. Sulfuric or perchloric acid \vas then added and the solution was evaporated to dryness to remove ammonium, nitrate, or chloride ions. The residue was dissolved in 0.5S sulfuric acid. Solutions were standardized gravimetrically by the oxalate procedure and volumetrically by titration with standard ferrous sulfate after oxidation with persulfate. Lese concsentrated solutions were prepared by dilution. Ferrous ammonium sulfate (reagent grade) Baker and hdpmson. A solution containing 4.2 grams of ferrous :tmmonium sulfate per liter of 0 . 5 5 sulfuric acid was prepared; dilute solutions were freshly prepared as needed. For 0 to I50 -!of cerium, 5 ml. of this solution were diluted t o 100 ml. For larger quantities of cerium, up to 20 ml. were diluted. o-Phenanthroline monohydrate, G. F. Smith Chemical Co. One gram was dissolved in water a t 80" and the solution diluted to 1 liter. Lead dioxide (manganese- and chloride-free) Baker's analyzed. Thorium nitrate, Code 103 (cerium maximum 0.0001yo),Lindsay Chemical Co. This was converted to the perchlorate and dissolved in water. Yttrium, neodymium, lanthanum, praseodymium, and samarium oxides (>99.9% pure). These were dissolved in perchloric acid. Beckman spectrophotometers, Models B and DE, with 1-cm. silica and borosilicate glass cuvettes. Sintered-glass fiber filtering disks, Hurlbut Paper Co.

Choice of Oxidizing Agent. Several oxidants are used for the oxidation of cerium(II1). Sodium bismuthate ( 1 0 ) is not satisfactory because bismuth interferes in the iron o-phenanthroline method. Anodic oxidation proved difficult to control. Perchloric-sulfuric acid media will oxidize cerium( 111), but the time interval required for cooling and dilut,ion before addition of iron(I1) is sufficient for some reduction of cerium(I1') to occur. From a consideration of the electrode potenti:h (4)of the half reactions :