y. By IIcs~tr ... - ACS Publications

Canibridgc, LZassachusetts : The Murray Printing Company, 1941. ... The printing, reproduction, and binding have becn ell don12 nith the exception of ...
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The Pliotoyi,aphy of Ihc licciprocal Lalticc. B y >,I, J , ~ ~ L - X B G I X . .\nierican Society for 1 - R a y a n d Electron Diffraction >\lonograph Series, T o . 1 . 6 x 9+i n . ; s 37 p p . ; 1s fig. Canibridgc, LZassachusetts : T h e Murray P r i n t i n g Company, 1941. Price : S1 .SO. T h e purpose of t h e ASSRED Monograph Series is t o t a k e care of t h e publication o i contributions within t h e sphrrc of interest of t h e American Society for S-Ray a n d Electron


Diffraction which arc too long t,o be acceptable i n the ordinary scientific journals. 1Iodern single-crystal x-ray diffraction techniques are based on t h e reciprocal lattice. T h i s monograph discnsses briefly t h e theory of photographing t h c reciprocal latticc without. distortion. a n d describes a new i n s t r u m e n t , t h e precession i n s t r u m e n t , for taking such photographs. T h e interpretation of precession photographs is coniparatively simple, since They are scaled photographs of t h e reciprocal lntticc Icvels. Details of t h e tcclinique, including tlie orientation of crystals, t h e accurate measurement of spacings, a n d t h e foriii of tlie Lorentz factor for t h e nicthoc!, are given. T h e precession nicthod possesses iniport a n t advantages over other mcthods for crystals n i t h large cell dimensions. Tlic exposures required arc very s h o r t , t h c photographs are readily intcrpretcd b y inspection, a n d t h e method requires a less perfect crystal t h a n o t h e r methods. T h e rcviewcr can foresee t h a t this method in t h e future m a y well assume t h e iniportancc ivhich the Weissenbcrg method non- enjoys i n single-crystal technique. T h e printing, reproduction, and binding have becn ell don12n i t h t h e exception of Fig. 12>\r-liich unfortunately appears t o have lost considerable detail fyoin t h e original.

HAROLD P.KLVG. Geiieinl Xesszotis OJ t h e altadcnirl o f Sciences, C . S . S H , S c p t e n i b e t , 1949. 242 pp. h volume containing t n e n t y - t w o papers (in Russian) presented at t h e meeting and biographical sketches of t h e members of t h e .ic~adcmyand of i t s sponsors, AIarshall Stalin a n d S e c r r t a r y Molatov S. C . LISD. l’he Chemical I n d ? t s t r ~ . B y Jos:I:i>iiIsI;I’XRRY. 123 pp. S e w Y o r k : Longmans, Green and Co., I n c . , 194-1. Price : $1.75. T h i s volunie is one of t h e series of .Iiiierica ul W’oik w i t t e n b y t h i s a u t h o r , and is presented in popular style for t h e l a y m a n . I n a n a t t e m p t t o cover t h e whole field, much of t h e niaterial is too abbreviated a n d t h e language oversimplified, so t h a t in m a n y instances therc is a lack of accuracy b o t h in material a n d in terminology. T h e book is very readable a n d has inany excellent photographic illustrations. It m a y give t h e uninitiated a fair picture of this very broad field. I t would have been much b e t t e r t o have tried t o cover a few related industries a n d t n have w r i t t e n several books on t h e whole ficltl of eheniical i n d u s t r y .


Chenzist/.y. By I I c s ~ t E r ~ r t r s cJ, o a x WALTER, ASI)GEORGEE . I i I ~ i B . i I , I , , vi 304 pp. S c n - T o r l i : John \Tiley a n d Sons, Inc., 1944. T h e purpose of t h e a u t h o r s , a s s t a t e d in their preface, has bcen t o present in a single unified t r e a t m e n t t h e basic principles of q u a n t u m niechanics a n d i t s applications t o cheniival problems, i n a reasonably complete fashion so t h a t a serious s t u d e n t could acquire a solid foundation on which t o build. T h e topics included are indicated in t h e list of chapter headings : Introduction (largely historical) ; Principles of Classical Mechanics; Priiiciplcs of Q u a n t u m Mechanics; Differcntial E q u a t i o n s of Q u a n t u m LIechanics; Q u a n t u m Mechanics of Some Simple Systems; T h e Hydrogen A t o m ; :Ipproximatc M e t h o d s ; Time-Dcpendent~ P e r t u r b a t i o n s a n d Radiation T h e o r y ; -4toniic S t r u c t u r e ; Group T h e o r y ; Electronic States o f Diatomic hIolecules; T h e Covalent B o n d ; Resonance arid t h e S t r u c t u r e of ComplexA\Iolerules; Principlcs of ?IIolccular Spectroscopy; Elcnicnts of Q u a n t u m Statistical Mechanics; Q u a n t u m Mechanical Theory of Reaction R a t e s ; Electric and SIagnetic Phenomena; ant1 Special Topics (van d e r Waals forces, t h e virial theorem, the restricted r o t a t o r ) . I t dl be seen from t h i s list t h a t considerably more topics a r e included t h a n in o t h c r iiitroductory t e x t s . Thc result h a s becn, inevitably, t h a t t h e book is written in a somewhat f)fra,titc7ri