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(8) A. Reiser, G. Bowes, and R. J. Horne, Trans. Faraday Soc., 82, 3162. (1966). (9) R. Huisgen, D. Vossius, and M. Appl, Chem. Ber., 91, 1 (1958); R...
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Communications to the Editor


2715 (1970). (3) B. A. DeGraff, D. W. Gillespie, and R. J. Sundberg, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 96, 7491 (1974). (4) A. Reiser and L. J. Leyshon, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 4051 (1971). (5) J. S. Splitter and M. Calvin, Tetrahedron Lett., 1445 (1968). (6) G. Smolinsky, E. Wasserman, and W. A. Yager, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 84, 3220 (1962). (7) R. M. Moriarty, M. Rahman, and G. J. King, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,88, 842 (1966). (8) A. Reiser, G. Bowes, and R. J. Horne, Trans. Faraday Soc., 82, 3162 (1966). (9) R. Huisgen, D. Vossius, and M. Appl, Chem. Ber., 91, 1 (1958); R. Huisgen and M. Appl, ibid., 91, 12 (1958). (10) D. D. Shillady and C. Trindle, Theor. Chim. Acta, 43, 137 (1976). (1 1) Azirines substituted on the double bond show medium to low intensity bands for UCN in the 1786-1724-cm-' range: A. Hassner and F. W. Fowler, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 90, 2869 (1968); E. F. Uliman and B. Singh, ibid., 88, 1844 (1966); D. W. Kurtz and H. Schechter, Chem. Commun., 689 (1966); H. J. Bestmann and R. Kunstmann, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Eflgl., 5, 1039 (1966). (12) Ring openings such as 12 to 13 have been studied by ultraviolet spectroscopy at 77 K: P. Gilgen, H. Heimgartner, and H. Schmid, Heterocycles, 6, 143 (1977); A. Padwa, Acc. Chem. Res., 9, 371 (1976). The present observation is the first infrared observation of species such as 13. (13) L. Salem, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,96, 3486 (1974). (14) For leading references, see R. A. Abramovitch and B. A. Davis, Chem. Rev., 64, 149 (1964). (15) W. D. Crow and C. Wentrup, TetrahedronLett., 6149 (1968); C. W. Wentrup, Chem. Commun., 1386 (1969); W. D.Crow and M. N. Paddon-Row, Tetrahedron Lett., 2231, (1972); W. D. Crow, M. N. Paddon-Row, and D. S. Sutherland, ibid., 2239 (1972); C. Thetaz and C. Wentrup, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 1258 (1976). For excellent reviews, see W. M. Jones and U. H. Brinker in "Pericyclic Reactions", A. P. Marchand and R. E. Lehr, Ed., Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1977, p 110, andC. Wentrup, Top. Curr. Res., 82, 173 (1976). (16) On leave from the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.






dissociates quantitatively to 1,3,5-~yclooctatriene(COTr) a t temperatures slightly above ambient. First-order rates of decomposition were determined by following the disappearance of the absorption a t 340 nm (kismtane (48.4 "C) = 1.0 X s-I; AG* = 24.7 kcal/mol). Several pathways connecting azocycle 8 and COTr/N2 are conceivable. Of those likely to involve intervening energy minima, either the diazenyl diradical 9 or the hydrocarbon diradical 10 could follow the starting material directly or exist as successive intermediates, respectively. Single-step nitrogen

Orville L. Chapman,* Jean-Pierre Le Roux16 Contribution No. 3871 from the Department of Chemistry Unioersity of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90024 Received July 28, 1977

& N11

Synthesis and Thermolysis of 7,8-Diazabicyclo[4.2.2]deca-2,4,7-triene




--t 30'

3 &y-x m CZ +



cis-Azoalkanes which possess vinyl substitution a to nitrogen, 1, are isolable substances decomposing readily by loss of N2 to give the corresponding allyl radical.' Cyclic analogues such as the diazacyclohexadiene 2 are represented by a number of species which have been generated in situ but rarely isolated or observed.* These extrude N2 spontaneously by way of a




concerted retrocycloaddition. The latter can be attenuated, however, by replacing the carbon 7r unit with a three- or a four-membered ring.2cs3 We now wish to report the first synthesis of a stable, simple derivative of the diazacyclooctatriene system 3 and a preliminary account of its thermal cyclorever~ion.~ Scheme I outlines the synthetic sequence. Addition of N methyltriazolinedione to cyclooctatetraene iron tricarbonyl leads to cycloadduct 4.6 Treatment of 4 with hydrogen in the presence of PtO2 yields the dihydro derivative 5 quantitatively, which by ceric ammonium nitrate oxidation gives adduct 6 (99%).7 Oxidative hydrolysis with strongly basic hydrogen peroxide8 delivers azo-N-oxide 7 in low yield (1 3%). Deoxygenation of the latter with hexachlorodisilane results in pale yellow crystals of azobicycle 8: 46%; mp 46-48 OC (uncorr); IR vmaX(CHC13) 1542 cm-l (N=N); UV A, (CH3CN) 238 nm ( t 2100), 306 (t 520), and shoulder extending to 430; N M R T (CC14ITMS) 4.22 (4 H , m), 5.17 (2 H, m), 7.78 (2 H , m), 8.24 (2 H, m). In solution in the absence of light azodiene 8 0002-7863/78/1500-0285$01.00/0



15 -

16 -

extrusion not involving radicaloid intermediates is possible by way of a least-motion forbidden route or a non-least-motion allowed path.9 Although not rigorously applicable, several criteria have evolved to distinguish radical from concerted reactions where direct observation cannot be accomplished. Product composition, in particular structural and stereoisomerism, is primary while relative reaction rates are often, but not always, supportive.2c,12 In an attempt to shed some light on the thermolysis of 8, the fragmentation of the model azobicycle l17bhas likewise been investigated. It splits out nitrogen in a first-order process S - ' ; AG* = 28.1 kcal/mol) (kisoxtane (90.4 "C) = 1.0 X to give exclusively a mixture (25:75) of 1,3,7-octatriene (12) and bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene (13).l3.l4The appearance of both acyclic and bicyclic products signals the intermediacy of a biradical of type 9 or 10. A bicyclic isomer of diazacyclooctatriene 8, i.e., 14, exhibits the same pattern, losing N2 at 1 10 O C in solution to give a 65% mixture of dimers, 30% polymer, and a 5% mixture (33:67) of the acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons 15 and 16, re~pective1y.l~ The monomeric olefins 15 and 16 are produced exclusively in the same ratio in the gas phase (1 10 "C). Both a triplet and a singlet diradical have been inferred (CIDNP and ESR).IS Similarly all other reports of diradical species, allylic and otherwise, disclose the ultimate formation of acyclic and/or ring-closure products. 1 , 2 c , 1 2 , 1 6By comparison the butadienebridged azoalkane 8 in the condensed phase renders a single monocyclic hydrocarbon product (COTr) in quantitative yield. The formation of the COTr valence isomer, bicyclo[4.2.0]octa-2,4-diene (17), as a primary product was ruled out by

0 1978 American Chemical Society

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 1OO:l


/ January 4 , 1978

the apparently concerted loss of nitrogen from 8 and specification of its nature is under active investigation.





Acknowledgments. We are grateful to the Danish Natural Science Research Council (J. nr. 51 1-6707) for generous support of the work. We are likewise appreciative to Drs. R. Pettit (The University of Texas a t Austin) and S. Takahashi (Osaka University) for spectra of hydrocarbons 12 and 13. References and Notes

Solubility Parometer 6 ( c a l / ~ c ) ' ' ~

Figure 1. Plot o f In (kreJ, 25 O C , for deazetation against the solubility parameter, 6 , for azodiene 8, azoene 11, and the cyclopropyl derivative 18. The individual points are the experimental values, while the curved lines represent the best parabolic f i t to them. The plots have been scaled so that 96% EtOH arbitrarily i s the common zero. I n CH3CN the plotted values for 1 1 and 18 are coincidentally superimposed.

(1)R. J. Crawford and D. M. Cameron, Can. J. Chem., 45,691 (1967):R. J. Crawford and K. Takagi, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94,7406(1972); R. J. Crawford and M. Ohno, Can. J. Chem., 52, 3134 (1974);M. Schneider and l. Merz. Tetrahedron Lett., 1995 (1974); M. Schneider and G. Mdssinger, ibid., 3081 (1974):M. Schneider, Angew. Chem., 87,717(1975);Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 14,707 (1975);P. S.Engel and D. J. Bishop, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97,6754 (1975);M. Schneider and H. Strohacker, Tetrahedron, 32, 619 (1976). (2)(a) S.G. Cohen, R. Zand, and C. Steel, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 83,2895 (1961): B. T. Gillisand P. E. Beck, J. Org. Chem., 28,3177(1963); R. Askani, Chem. Ber., 102,3304 (1969): J. P. Snyder, L. Lee, V. T. Bandurco, C. Y. Yu, and R. J. Boyd, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 94,3260(1972); C.R. Flynn and J. Michl, ibid., 95,5802 (1973).(b) R. Askani, Chem. Ber., 98, 2551 (1965):N. Rieber, J. Alberts, J. A. Lipsky, and 0. M. Lemal, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,91, 5668 (1969).(c) J. A. Berson and S. S.Olin, ibid., 91,777 (1969); J. A. Berson, S. S. Olin, E. W. Petrillo, Jr., and P. Bickart, Tetrahedron, 30,1639 (1974). (3)E. L. Allred and J. C. Hinshaw, Chem. Commun., 1021 (1969); E. L. Allred, J. C. Hinshaw and A . L. Johnson, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 91,3382(1969); M. E. L. Allred and A. Martin and W. R. Roth. Chem. Ber., 102,811 (1969); L. Johnson, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 93, 1300 (1971);E. L. Allred and K. J. Voorhees, ibid., 95,620 (1973):L. A. Paquette and M. J. Epstein. ibid., 95, 6717 (1973);R. Askani, Tetrahedron Lett., 3349 (1970);R. M. Moriarty. C.-L. Yeh, and N. Ishibi. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93,3085 (1971). (4)trans-3,8-Dimethyldibenz[d,f]diazacyclooctatriene has been prepared and subjected to thermal degradati~n.~ The major product, 2-ethyl-2'-vinylbiphenyl, is unfortunately bereft of stereochemical label. (5) David Lemal, Dartmouth College, private communication. (6)M. Green and D. C. Wood, J. Chem. SOC.A, 1172 (1969); Y. Shvo and E. Hazum, J. Chem. SOC., Chem. Commun., 336 (1 974). (7)(a) All new compounds deliver satisfactory elemental analyses and fully consistent spectroscopic data. (b) Azo-8: mp 51-52 OC (uncorr); UV A,, (isooctane) 383 nm (e 83);NMR T (CDC13/TMS)4.1-4.8(4H, m), 7.4-7.8 (2H, m), 7.8-8.9 (6 H, m). ( 8 ) J. P. Snyder, V. T. Bandurco, F. Darack, and H. Olsen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96,5158 (1974); H. Olsen and J. P. Snyder, ibid., 99,1524 (1977). (9)Potential energy surfaces which sustain "twixtyl" l o or "continuous diradical" " species are further possibilities. (10)R. Hoffmann, S.Swaminathan, B. G.Odell, and R. Gleiter, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92,7091 (1970). (11)W. von E. Doering and K. Sachdev. J. Am. Chem. SOC., 96, 1168

monitoring the breakdown of 8 by N M R (60 OC, CC14). During the initial phase of the deazetation, COTr was the only product observed. However, toward the end of the thermolysis compound 17 was produced to the extent of only 5-10%. Since 17 has a half-life of 1-2 h at 60 OC," it is clearly being formed by leakage from COTr. Relative rate comparisons have been pivotal in the interpretation of azo decomposition mechanisms.'-3 In the present case, however, ignorance of relative ground-state and transition-state strain energies, as well as possible differential con(1974). (12)P. B. Dervan and T. Uyehara, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98,1264 (1976). jugative effects, causes us to regard the relationship of these G. B. Butler and T. W. Brooks. J. Org. Chem., 28,2699(1963). S. Takahashi, (13) values with caution.l* More illuminating is the manner in T. Shibano, and N. Hagihara, Tetrahedron Lett., 2451 (1967):Bull. Chem. which the rates change as a function of solvent. The first-order SOC.Jpn., 41,454 (1968). (14)A. C. Cope, S. Moon, C. H. Park, and G. L. Woo, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,84, decomposition rates of 8 and 11 in five solvents*O are compared 4865 (1962). with the results of an identical study for the cyclopropanated (15)W. R. Roth and G. Erker, Angew. Chem., 85,510 (1973):Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 12; 503 (1973). azo compound 1819 (cf. Figure 1). The latter fragments (16)R. G.Bergman, Free Radicals", Vol. I, J. K. Kochi, Ed.. Wiley, New York, quantitatively to 1,4-~ycloheptadieneand N2. Within the N.Y., 1973,pp 191-273,and references therein. available mechanistic criteria, it has been established that (17)D. S. Glass, J. Zirner, and S. Winstein, Proc. Chem. SOC.,276 (1963); R. Huisgen. F. Mietzsch, G. Boche, and H. Seidl, Chem. Soc. Spec. Pub/., No. tricycle 18 extrudes nitrogen by means of a pericyclic transition 19,3 (1965). ~ t a t e . ~Decreasing ~ . ~ . ~ solvent ~ polarity serves to accelerate the (18)(a) For example at 48.4 OC, the L&s for 8,and 1 1 are 20.2,24.7, and 28.3kcaVmol, respectively. (b) AS* = 5.0 eu has been assumed in reaction slightly for all three substances. The plots of In (krel) the conversion of rate constants to values at lower temperatures (cf. ref vs. 6, the solubility have been constructed by 19). fitting the points to a quadratic equation of the form In (krel) (19)J. P. SnyderandD. N. Harpp, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,98,7821 (1976). (20)All kinetic measurements were carried out in duplicate, and solvents em= C$' Cl6 Co. By taking advantage of the approximation ployed for azo-8 at 90.4OC were degassed. Correlation coefficients for Cz = -AV*/RT," we obtain activation volumes A p (25 "C) the corresponding first-order plots were routinely better than 0.998. = 27.3, 22.8, and 2.2 cm3/mol for 8, 18, and 11, r e ~ p e c t i v e l y . ~ ~(21)(a) M. H. Abraham, Prog. Phys. Org. Chem., 11, l(1974);(b)H. S.Golinkin. W. G. Laidlaw, and J. B. Hyne, Car. J. Chem., 44,2193 (1966). The spread is in good qualitative agreement with the trend (22)J. H. Hildebrand and R. L. Scott, Regular Solutions", Prentice-Hall, Enexpected for a transition state experiencing simultaneous glewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962;C. A. Eckert, Ind. Eng. Chem., 59,20 (1967); K. F. Wong and C. A. Eckert, Ind. Eng. Chem., Process Des. Dev., 8,568 two-bond cleavage.28 Significantly the pressure-dependent (1969). thermal decomposition of cyclic azo compounds via radical (23)Although activation volumes obtained from internal solvent pressures often give excellent results,21a,24 the procedure is not without its pitfalls. While intermediates yields A p = 5-7 ~ m ~ / m o I . ' ~ the computed here are not unreasonable for a retrocycloaddition In sum, the remarkable similarity of the response of azoalreaction,26rigorously derived values require rate evaluation as a function kanes 8 and 18 to media variation under conditions of deazeof external (24)(a) W. J. le Noble, Prog. Phys. Org. Chem., 5,231 (1967).(b) C.-M. Backtation is strongly suggestive of a persistence of mechanism. In man, s. Claesson, and M. Szwarc. Trans. Faraday Soc., 66,3061(1970); agreement the deviant behavior of azobicycle 11 both in its R. J. Oueliette and S. H. Williams, J, Am. Chem. SOC.,93,466 (1971). (25) R. C. Neuman, Jr., J. Org. Chem., 37,495 (1972). rate-solvent dependence and in its product delivery reduces (26)R. A. Grieger and C. A. Eckert, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92,7149 (1970). considerably the likelihood of radical transients in the ther(27)Reference 24a,pp 207-330:C. Eckert, Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 23,239 molysis of diazacyclooctatriene 8. Further substantiation of (1972);R. C.Neuman, Jr., Acc. Chem. Res., 5,381 (1972).




Communications t o the Editor (28) R . Schmidt, H . C . Steinmetzer, H.-D. Brauer. and H. Kelm, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 98, 8181 (1976). (29) R. C . Neuman, Jr., and E. W. Ertley, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 3130 (1975).

Scheme 1. Stereochemistries of Organopalladium Salt Addition and Elimination Reactions

Henrik Olsen, James P. Snyder* Department of General and Organic Chemistry H . C. qrrsted Institute, Unicersity of Copenhagen D K 2100 Copenhagen p, Denmark Rereiced September 22, 1976

Regiospecific Reaction of Enol Ethers with an Organopalladium Salt. Stereochemical and Conformational Effects on Product Formation Sir:

In connection with our interest in synthetic routes to Cnucleoside^,^-^ we have studied reactions of three cyclic enol ethers, 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran ( I ) , 3,4-di-O-acetyl-~-arabinal~ (2), and 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyl-D-gluca16 (3) with an organopalladium reagent generated in situ by treatment of 1,3-dimethyl-2,4-pyrimidinedion-5-ylmercuric (4) with palladium salt^.^^'^ Each of the reactions exhibited complete

P y = I, 3 - d i m e t h y l - 2 . 4 - p y r i m t d i n e d i o n - 5 - y l

2,4-pyrimidinedione (6):24%; mp 134-135 “C; XmaxMeoH 270 nm; ‘ H N M R 6 (CDCl3) 1.8-2.8 (m, 3’-CH2), 3.38, 3.43 (NMes), 4.35 (m, 6’-CH2), 4.59 (d of d, J = 10, 3.5 Hz, 2’CH), 5.6-6.1 (m, 4’-, 5’-CHs), 7.29 (s, 6-CH); mass spectrum, m/e 222 (M+.). Further elution produced 1,3-dimethyl-5(5’,6’-dihydro-2’H-pyran-2’-yl)-2,4-pyrimidinedione( 5 ) : 66%; mp 123-124 “C; XmaxMeoH 270 nm; ‘ H N M R 6 (CDC13) 1.8-2.5 (m, 5’-CH2), 3.37, 3.41 (NMes), 3.6-4.2 (6’-CH2). 5.25 (br, 2’-CH), 5.65-6.10 (m, 3’-, 4’-Hs), 7.27 (6-CH); mass spectrum m/e 222 (M+.). I n similar experiments,I2 reactions of the unsaturated pyI RgVR2,R3,R4=H 4 ran0 sugar derivatives 2 and 3 with 4 in the presence of palladium salts yielded products in which C-5 of the pyrimidine ring 2 RI,R~’H.R~,R~=OAC is bonded to a cyclic dihydropyranyl moiety (713 and 9,13 re1 RI=CHzOAc, spectively) or to an open-chain carbohydrate derivative (8 and Rz.R3;OAc, R q = H 10, respectively). Thus, from reaction of 2 and 4 in the presence regiospecificity with carbon-carbon bond formation solely of Li2Pd(OAc)$Iz was obtained 1,3-dimethyl-5-(5’-acebetween C-5 of the pyrimidine and C-l of the cyclic enol ether.9 toxy-5’,6’-dihydro-2’H-pyran-2’-yl)-2,4-pyrimidinedione(7:13 Otherwise, the three reactions exhibited significant differences. XmaxMeoH 282, 235 nm; ‘ H N M R 6 (CDC13), 2.1 1 (OAc), Three distinct modes of decomposition of the intermediate enol 3.37, 3.43 (NMes), 3.66 (d of d, J = 12, 8 Hz, 6’-CH), 4.17 ether-organopalladium salt adducts were observed. The var(d ofd, J = 12,6 Hz, 6’-CH), 5.30 (br, 2’-, 5’-CHs), 6.02 (m, ious reaction pathways giving rise to the products isolated are 3’-, 4’-CHs), 7.25 (6-CH); mass spectrum m/e 210 ( M a consequence of the respective stereochemical requirements HOAc)) in 20% yield and 2,3-diacetoxy-5-( 1’,3’-dimethylof the addition and elimination reactions involved. 2’,4’-pyrimidinedion-5’-yl)pent-4-en-1-01 (8: mp 146- 147 “C; The preparation’ of 1,3-dimethyl-2,4-pyrimidinedion-5- XmaxMeoH 270 nm; ‘H N M R X (CDC13), 2.08, 2.1 1 (OAcsj, ylmercuric acetate (4) was accomplished by addition of a 3.36, 3.50 (NMes), 3.81 (d, J = 5 Hz, I-CH), 5.01 (d o f t , J stoicheometric amount of mercuric acetate to 1,3-dimethyl= 5 , 4 Hz, 2-CH), 5.61 ( d o f d , J = I2,l4 10 Hz, 4-CH), 5.95 2,4-pyrimidinedione1I in methanol containing perchloric acid. (d of d, J = I O , 4 Hz, 3-CH), 6.50 (d, J = 1 214 Hz, 5-CH j, When 4 ( I equiv), palladium acetate (1 equiv), lithium chloride 7.84 (s, 6’-CH); mass spectrum m/e 340 (M+-)) in 32% yield. (2 equiv), and 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran (1, 1.5 equiv) in acetoFrom 3,4,6-tri-0-acetyI-D-glucal (3) and 4 were obtained the nitrile were stirred at 25 OC for 12 h, a precipitate of finely corresponding dihydropyranyl product 913 in -20% yield] and divided palladium was formed. Treatment of the reaction the acyclic carbohydrate product 6-( 1’,3’-dimethyl-2’.4’mixture with hydrogen sulfide to remove mercuric and residual pyrimidinedion-5’-yl)- 1,3,4-triacetoxyhex-5-en-2-0l (10: palladium( 11) ions followed by chromatography of the residue XmaxMeoH 282,236 nm; ‘H N M R 6 (CDC13) 2.05,2.08,2.10 (after removal of solvent) on silica gel using dichloromethane (OAcs), 3.35, 3.44 (NMes), 3.96 (m, 2-CH), 4.1 1 (d, J = 5 yielded 1,3-dimethyl-5-(2’,3’-dihydro-6’H-pyran-2’-yl)- Hz, I-CH2). 5.14 (d of d, J = 6 , 5 Hz, 3-CH), 5.59 (d of d, J = 1 2 . 1 2 , ’ 4 1 0 H z , 5 - C H ) , 5 . 9 4 ( d o f d , J =1 0 , 5 H z , 4 - C H ) , 6.38 (d, J = 12 Hz,I4 6-CH), 7.66 (6’-CH); mass spectrum m/e 4 12 (M+.)) in 73% yield. The general reaction of aryl (alkyl) palladium species with olefins is syn addition of the palladium derivative to the double bond followed by syn elimination of a hydridopalladium ~ a l t . ’ ~ , The ’ ~ - major ’~ product ( 5 ) resulting from reaction of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran (1) with the organopalladium reagent derived from 4 is that expected for this process. The minor product (6) arises by isomerization of 5.1°It is noteworthy that the addition reaction is regiospecific owing to the strong polarization of the enol ether double bond; this electronic effect Py = I, 3 - d l m e t h y I - 2 , 4 - p y r i m i d 1 n e d i o n - 5 - y I is largely lacking in reactions of aryl palladium salts with 0002-7863/78/1500-0287$01.00/0

0 1978 American Chemical Society