You can count on Shell quality in every drop of MIBK—plus 2 other

Nov 6, 2010 - You can count on Shell quality in every drop of MIBK—plus 2 other major benefits to help make your job easier. Chem. Eng. News , 1965,...
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You can count on Shell quality in every drop of MIBK—plus 2 other major benefits to help make your job easier. ANY customers picture Shell MIBK as having something distinctively different in every drop— the assurance of Shell quality, dependability, service·


1. Quality. Shell MIBK is manufactured under quality control standards that make life tough for us, but much easier for you. You can really count on the purity and uniformity of Shell MIBK. 2 . Dependable delivery. Persevering attention to dozens of little details is what makes it possible for us to deliver your MIBK where you want it, when you want it, and in the quantity you want. 3 . Technical service based on 27 years9 practical ex· perience. Shell led the way to the development of this

medium-boiling solvent in 1938. And Shell technologists have been adding to their practical knowledge of MIBK ever since. So you can go to Shell with confidence for all kinds of help on formulating, handling, storage, and many other technical and engineering problems. Write, wire or call us for assistance. Our address : Shell Chemical Company, Industrial Chemicals Division, 110 West 51st Street, New York, N.Y 10020. Our telephone: JUdson 6-5060.

Shell Chemical Company ISHELL Industrial Chemicals Division

