You Get Speed and «*• . . U r_. . . «Me b s M Accuracy — With RL _ Production wfcBMk. Control Qua ntometers "^"^
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T h e P C Q offers accuracy equivalent to that o b t a i n e d by routine c h e m i c a l analysis. Other advantages of the P C Q are: simplicity of operation to r e d u c e h u m a n error t o a m i n i m u m ; analysis of 35 elements o f your choice—up to 2 0 simulta neously; automatic i n k e d record in duplicate of t h e concentration of e l e m e n t s present in alloys a n d inorganic c o m p o u n d s , in less than t w o minutes. Mail the c o u p o n today. An ARL field engineer will b e glad to s h o w y o u h o w to profitably apply t h e P C Q t o your c o n t r o l problem.
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Gentlemen: Please send me complete information on t h e ARL Production Control Quantometer. Name Add ress City.
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BRIEFS Mutual .J^eurity Progress. The Presi dent's six-month status report on the M u tual Security Program emphasizes that se curity of the free world depends o n its strength as there is no real evidence that the Soviet threat has diminished or -will diminish within the foreseeable future. Mutual security planning, he said, must be of a long range nature, thus precluding "a fixed target by a fixed date." This pro gram is now administered b y the n e w Foreign Operations Administration, suc cessor to the Mutual Security Agency. Selective Service. The Army has re quested Selective Service to supply 23,000 men during October. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force have not placed any requests for October. Positive List. Phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde resin and resorcinol-formaldehuyde resin have been added to the Positive List and will require licenses to export. Semifabricated forms of manganese and sulfur formulations containing 20% or more sul fur have been deleted from the Positive List. Small Business. The new Small Business Administration will hold regional meetings with state governors and other public offi cials, bankers, and business leaders to formulate plans for developing organiza tions to provide capital for small business enterprises. Standards of Identity. The Food and Drug Administration will hold a public hearing on Sept. 15 to amend the definition and standard of identity for certain choco late products. FDA proposes to repeal provisions which permit the use of coumarin as an optional ingredient in these foods. The hearing is the outgrowtL· of information developed indicating that coumarin may be toxic. In the matter of establishing a standard for ice cream and related products, the time for submitting written suggestions Jias again been ex tended. The new deadline is now A u g . 31. Technical Aid. The Foreign Operations Administration, which has taken over the Technical Cooperation Administration (Point Four), announces that it has c o m pleted its twenty-sixth orientation course for technical and administrative personnel who are assigned abroad. Strategic M a t t . ' ! Study. A Senate committee will begm hearings late next month on availability of strategic raw ma terials to meet wartime needs of the United States. A report is to be presented t o Congress in January. The committee has already made preliminary studies o f 3 8 different minerals, 30 nonminerals, and three fuels. Alien Property. The Office of Alien Property has ordered the dissolution o f the Sherka Chemical Co., Inc. of N e w York. Assets left, after payment of expenses and taxes, are to be turned over to the Attorney General.