zirconium(IV) - American Chemical Society

(27) R. P. Bell, “The Proton in Chemistry", 2d ed, Cornell University Press, Ithaca ..... Sbi. 343 (1). 826 (1). 1709 (1). Sb2. 2284 (1). -244 (1). ...
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This equation may be rearranged by dividing numerator and denominator by k41 and noting that k14/k41 = K14/(H+),and (k14 k41)/k41 = (Kl4 (H+)/(H+) and that k32 = k23(H+)/K23. In addition from the point of view of the present work it is useful to divide numerator and denominator by k2i (k34 k35) to obtain eq A5.




The first term in brackets in the numerator can be written as (K14/K23)((k43k3~/k43 k46). It seems reasonable that k43 k46, and k35 >> k34, in which case eq A5 reduces to eq 1 1. It should be noted that the last two assumptions do not affect the (H+) dependence predicted by eq A5, but simply produce a more tractable equation.


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Synthesis, Characterization, and X-Ray Structure of q5-Cyclopent adienylt ris( N ,N - dimeth yldit hiocarbamat 0)zirconium( IV) Alan H. Bruder, Robert C. Fay,* David F. Lewis, and Alice Ann Sayler Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca. New York 14853. Received February 2, 1976

Abstract: q5-Cyclopentadienyltris(N.N-dimethyldithiocarbamato)zirconium(IV), (qs-C5H5)Zr[S2CN(CH3)*]3, has been prepared by reaction of (q5-C5H&ZrC12 with anhydrous NaS2CN(CH& in refluxing dichloromethane and has been characterized by analysis, IH N M R , and infrared spectroscopy. The structure of this molecule has been determined by a single-crystal x-ray diffraction study of the chlorobenzene solvate, (q5-C5Hs)Zr[S2CN(CH3)2]3-CsHsCI. The solvate crystallizes i n the monoclinic space group P21/c with four formula units in a unit cell of dimensions: a = 11.582 ( 2 ) , b = 16.756 (3), c = 14.016 (2) A; 6 = 90.58 (1)' (p&d = 1.545, Pc&d = 1.537 g ~ m - ~ The ) . final anisotropic least-squares refinement, which employed 7384 independent diffractometer-recorded reflections having 2 0 5 62.07' ~ ~ I L~2.0a(I), ~ afforded residuals R I = 0.079 and and R2 = 0.090. The crystal contains discrete seven-coordinate molecules of the zirconium complex which have a pentagonal bipyramidal structure of approximate symmetry C,-m. The q5-cyclopentadienyl ligand occupies one axial position (Zr-C = 2.5 I 1-2.519 A), dithiocarbamate ligand a spans the other axial position and one equatorial position, while dithiocarbamate ligands b a n d c take the remaining equatorial positions. Zr-S bond lengths vary from 2.655 (1) to 2.717 (2) 8, (av value, 2.690 A). The chief distortions from ideal pentagonal bipyramidal geometry are rotation of the axial Zr-S bond off the quasi-fivefold axis (by 8.9') and displacement of the Zr atom from the plane of the equatorial sulfur atoms (by 0.60 A) in the direction of the CsHs group. As expected, there is considerable crowding in the ZrS& coordination group, most of the S-S and C-S nonbonded contacts being less than the sum of the van der Waals radii.

In the course of our investigations of N,N-dialkyldithiocarbamate complexes of early transition we have prepared the potentially seven-coordinate cyclopentadienylzirconium(1V) complex (q5-C5H5)Zr[S2CN(CH3)z]3. This compound is closely related to the dithiocarbamate complexes Ti [ S2CN (CH3)21 3C1,192 V O [ S2CN(C2H5) 21 3,4 NbO[S2CN(C2H5)2]3,4 and Mo(N0) [S2CN(n-C4H9)2]j5 and to the cyclopentadienyltris(hexafluoroacety1acetonate)

( ~ ~ - C s H 5 ) Z r ( h f a c )all 3 , ~of which have been shown by x-ray diffraction to possess pentagonal bipyramidal structures in which the monodentate ligand occupies an axial position. A similar structure for (q5-C5H5)Zr[S2CN(CH3)z]3is suggested by the proton NMR spectrum which exhibits four methyl resonances of relative intensity 2:1:2:1 a t ambient probe temperature (37 "C). Thus, this compound is of special interest since it is one of only a few seven-coordinate complexes which

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 98:22 / October' 27,1976

6933 are stereochemically rigid on the N M R time ~ c a l e ; ~ in -I~ contrast, Ti[S2CN(CH3)2]3Cl is nonrigid at -90 "C.' In order to establish the detailed stereochemistry of ($CsH5)Zr[S2CN(CH3)2]3 and to provide a basis for interpreting future kinetic studies of stereochemical rearrangement at elevated temperatures, the structure of this molecule in crystalline (q5-C5H5)Zr[S2CN(CH3)2]3GH5C1has been determined by x-ray diffraction, Another point of interest here is the amount of crowding in the ZrS& coordination group since some unusually short Sa-S contacts have been found in the TiS6Cl coordination group of Ti[S2CN(CH3)2]3C1.2

Table I. Residuals for Anisotropic Refinements Min


No. of reflections



0.00 0.44

0.47 0.73 0.73

2183 5622 7384

0.052 0.097 0.079

0.083 0.088 0.090



reflection the maximum deviation from the mean intensity was less than 3.5%. A total of 8722 reflections having 28 I 62.07' (1.4 times the number of data in the limiting Cu K a sphere) was collected in conExperimental Section centric shells of increasing 28 containing approximately 725 reflections Preparation and Physical Data. ~5-Cyclopentadienyltris(N,N-di- each. The data were corrected for background, use of attenuators, and methyldithiocarbamato)zirconium(IV) was prepared under dry niLorentz and polarization factors. Absorption correctkns were not trogen by reaction of (a5-C5H5)2ZrC12 (1.78 g, 6.1 mmol) and anmade since the linear absorption coefficient for Mo K a radiation is hydrous NaSzCN(CH3)2 (2.58 g, 18.0 mmol) in refluxing, dry di9.50 cm-l and the maximum error resulting from neglect of absorpchloromethane. After a reflux time of 42 h the resulting yellow solution tion corrections is