Dramatic Effect of Furanose C2 - American Chemical Society

Mar 22, 2013 - observed in duplex structures.28,40−42 Furthermore, the ara 2′-. OH is involved in .... to C.G. and M.J.D.), EU COST project MP0802...
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Dramatic Effect of Furanose C2′ Substitution on Structure and Stability: Directing the Folding of the Human Telomeric Quadruplex with a Single Fluorine Atom Nerea Martín-Pintado,† Maryam Yahyaee-Anzahaee,‡ Glen F. Deleavey,‡ Guillem Portella,§ Modesto Orozco,§ Masad J. Damha,*,‡ and Carlos González*,† †

Instituto de Química Física “Rocasolano”, CSIC, Serrano 119, 28006 Madrid, Spain Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0B8, Canada § Joint IRB-BSC Program on Computational Biology, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Department of Biochemistry, University of Barcelona, Baldir I Reixac 10-12, 08028 Barcelona, Spain ‡

S Supporting Information *

used to modulate G-quadruplex folding, and different nucleoside modifications have been proposed following this strategy.20−26 In particular, 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoro-arabinonucleosides (e.g., 2′F-araG) favor the anti orientation in order to avoid steric interaction between guanine and the top-face fluorine of the arabinose sugar.22,27 The 2′F-arabinose modification is especially interesting since it can modulate the structure and stability of quadruplexes,22,23 and unlike ribose, it does not disrupt the conformation of the furanose ring.28−30 Thus, replacement of dG’s adopting the anti glycosidic bond conformation with 2′F-araG’s stabilizes the thrombin binding aptamer22 and the “hybrid (3+1)” quadruplex23 up to +3.4 °C per 2′F-araG modification. To expand upon these findings and to investigate the structural basis of the effect of C2′ modifications in Gquadruplexes, we have studied the impact of several substitutions, 2′F-araG (AFtel), 2′F-rG (RFtel), araG (Atel), and rG (Rtel), in the human telomeric quadruplex (Figure 1). In this study, we have focused on the two-repeat telomeric sequence, d(TAGGGTTAGGGT)(Dtel), which offers a convenient model for high-resolution studies by either NMR31 or crystallography.14 In solution this sequence exists as a mixture of two interconverting forms: a parallel propellerlike fold and an antiparallel fold.31 We have now found that a single dG-to-2′F-araG modification at the ninth position provides the propeller-like conformation exclusively, allowing for detailed structural analysis. Our rationale for substitution at G9 d(TAGGGTTAGGGT) stems from the observation that in antiparallel quadruplexes the guanine at the 3′-side of the first TTA loop tends to adopt a syn glycosidic bond conformation,13 which is disfavored in 2′F-arabinonucleosides. The nucleotide structures and oligonucleotide sequences studied are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. G-quadruplex formation and melting were monitored by circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopy in K+containing solution (Figure 1 and Figure S1 in the Supporting Information (SI)). The spectra of the unmodified sequence, Dtel, were characteristic of a mixture of parallel and antiparallel

ABSTRACT: Human telomeric DNA quadruplexes can adopt different conformations in solution. We have found that arabinose, 2′F-arabinose, and ribose substitutions stabilize the propeller parallel G-quadruplex form over competing conformers, allowing NMR structural determination of this particularly significant nucleic acid structure. 2′F-arabinose substitution provides the greatest stabilization as a result of electrostatic (F−CH---O4′) and pseudohydrogen-bond (F---H8) stabilizing interactions. In contrast, 2′F-rG substitution provokes a dramatic destabilization of the quadruplex structure due to unfavorable electrostatic repulsion between the phosphate and the 2′F.


-quadruplexes are nucleic acid structures occurring in human telomers and oncogene-promoter regions, and they have garnered considerable attention due to their involvement in telomere maintenance and gene regulation.1−3 They have also emerged as novel building blocks for supramolecular assemblies,4 DNA-based nanodevices,5−9 and potential antiviral agents, and as a new class of molecular targets for anti-cancer drugs.10,11 G-quadruplexes exhibit significant structural diversity.3,12,13 High resolution structural studies on human telomeric DNA have mainly focused on short DNA sequences able to form individual quadruplexes. In many cases, these oligonucleotide sequences can adopt and interconvert between different conformations, obscuring structural analysis. Among the observed telomeric G-quadruplex topologies, it has been suggested that the simple folds of the parallel “propeller” and “hybrid” (3+1)14,15 structural models provide more adequate scaffolds for the compactstacking multi-quadruplex structure of human telomeric DNA than other antiparallel models.12,13 Interestingly, human telomeric RNA (TERRA), which is known to play a crucial role in telomere maintenance in vivo,16,17 always adopts propeller-like parallel structures.18,19 The tendency of TERRA and other RNA quadruplexes to form parallel structures is related to the strong preference of guanosine ribonucleosides to adopt the anti glycosidic bond conformation.20 The syn/anti preference of dG vs rG has been © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: February 23, 2013 Published: March 22, 2013 5344

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja401954t | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 5344−5347

Journal of the American Chemical Society


Melting temperatures of all sequences were obtained from CD thermal denaturation experiments (Figure 1 and Table 1) and 19F NMR spectroscopy for AFtel (Figure S2). Both arabinose modifications (AFtel and Atel) induce a strong stabilization, the effect being more pronounced for AFtel (ΔTm = +12 and +9 °C, respectively, relative to Dtel). In fact, AFtel exhibits the highest melting temperature of the entire series, exhibiting a Tm (53 °C) which rivals that of the all-RNA parallel quadruplex under similar conditions [r(UAGGGUUAGGGU); Tm = 55 °C]. The rG substitution is also stabilizing (ΔTm = +6 °C), in contrast to the 2′F-rG modification which is destabilizing (Figures 1 and S1). The overall trend observed was 2′F-araG > araG > rG > dG ≫ 2′F-rG (Table 1). Detailed structural information could be extracted from twodimensional NMR spectra. In all cases, the number of spin systems in the NMR spectra indicated the formation of a symmetric structure. Sequential connectivities for the guanine residues within the central core could be traced via NOESY experiments (see Figures S3 and S4 and Table S1 for chemical shift assignments). H8−H1′ NOE cross-peak intensity indicates that all guanines are in anti glycosidic conformation (Figure S4). As expected for a symmetrical G-quadruplex with three tetrads, six imino protons were observed in the 10.5−12.0 ppm region of AFtel, Rtel, and Atel. The exchangeable proton spectrum of AFtel is very similar to that of the parallel conformer in the mixture formed by d(TAGGGUTAGGGT); see Figure 3 in Phan et al.31 Consequently, exchangeable proton assignment was carried out on the basis of this structure.31 These assignments were fully consistent with the NOESY spectra recorded in H2O (Figure 2). The G-tetrad alignment could be identified from the NOESY spectra on the

Figure 1. (a) Oligonucleotide sequence and schemes of the native (dG, rG) and chemically modified nucleotides (2′F-araG, araG, and 2′F-rG). (b) CD spectra and melting profiles. (c) Imino region of the 1 H NMR spectra at different temperatures of the five singly modified oligonucleotides. Same experimental conditions as in Figure S1.

Table 1. Tm Values for DNA Telomeric Sequence (Dtel) and for Singly Modified Sequencesa

a Buffer conditions: 15 mM potassium phosphate, 5 mM KCl, pH 7.0; strand concentration 75 μM.

topologies (Figure 1b,c). By contrast, AFtel, Atel, and Rtel fold mainly into a single G-quadruplex form, as indicated by the number of proton resonances; furthermore, the six sharp imino signals observed (10−12 ppm) and the data presented below are consistent with a symmetric, bimolecular G-quadruplex complex (Figures 1 and S1). In marked constrast, the imino region of RFtel shows very broad and weak signals, suggesting the presence of multiple species of very low stability (Figures 1 and S1). CD spectra of AFtel, Atel, and Rtel exhibit the distinctive features of a parallel quadruplex (a negative band at around 240, and a positive one at 265 nm), in contrast with CD spectra of the unmodified sequence (Dtel, Figure 1). The CD spectrum of RFtel is clearly different from the others, displaying low-intensity bands, suggesting that it retains very little quadruplex structure, if at all, under the experimental conditions.

Figure 2. (a) G-tetrad directionalities. (b) Parallel propeller Gquadruplex scheme with all guanines in anti conformation. 2′F-araG nucleotides are shown in yellow and dG residues in magenta. (c) AFtel imino region of the NOESY spectrum in H2O (100 ms mixing time). The G-tetrad alignment was identified from the NOESY on the basis of the characteristic imino-H8 connectivity (indicated by red squares) around the G-tetrad. 5345

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja401954t | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 5344−5347

Journal of the American Chemical Society


displaced toward the minor groove and consequently toward their 3′-neighboring base (Figures 3 and S11 and Table S3). This effect provokes a substantial decrease in the distance between the 2′-fluorine and H8 of the adjacent (3′-dG10) base (Figure 3c). The 2′F−H8 distance for AFtel is around 2.8 Å, compared to 3.8 Å for the crystallographic structure (Figures 3 and S11). The close 2′F---H8−C8 contact32 is indicative of a pseudo-hydrogen bond,33 like those found in 2′F-ANA:RNA hybrid duplexes.34 For AFtel, the 2′F---H8−C8 angle is around 140° (Table S4), which is 20° higher than that observed in the unmodified dG core. This value (140°) is similar to that observed in the 2′F-ANA:RNA hybrid (145°), and it is considered optimum for formation of X−H---F (X = N, O, or C) pseudo-hydrogen-bonds.35,36 The AFtel structure revealed an additional close contact between H2″ and O4′ of the neighboring 3′-dG residue (2.9 Å in AFtel vs 4.4 Å in the crystal structure), with a C2″−H2″---O4′ angle of 150° (versus 120° for 1K8P) (see Figures 3 and S11 and Tables S5 and S6). Stabilizing C−H---O interactions have previously been described for nucleic acid37 and protein−protein interactions.38,39 Therefore, we hypothesize that the enhanced stability imparted by the 2′F-araG modification is due, at least in part, to C2′−F---H8 and FC2′−H2″---O4′ interactions, both of which are lacking in the native structure. For Atel, the top-side 2′-OH of the araG nucleotide can easily be accommodated without incurring the steric penalty observed in duplex structures.28,40−42 Furthermore, the ara 2′OH is involved in favorable electrostatic interactions with the neighboring phosphates, as also seen for rG (Rtel) but not RFtel (see Figure S12a). This makes ara 2′-OH modifications particularly useful for applications where additional stabilization of a quadruplex and concomitant destabilization of a competing duplex structure are desired. The contrasting behavior of Rtel relative to RFtel is quite striking, given the small structural differences between these nucleotides and the fact that 2′F-rN modifications are generally stabilizing.43−45 Whereas MD simulations failed to detect spontaneous unfolding of the RFtel sequence, thermodynamic integration (TI) calculations (see Methods in the SI) indicated that the apparently innocuous change from 2′-OH to 2′-F generates a strong electrostatic repulsion between the fluorine group and oxygen atoms in the backbone (around 26 kJ/mol per substitution; see Figure S12). Gas-phase quantum mechanical (QM) calculations on the dinucleotide models 2′F-rGpdG vs rGpdG revealed that the 3′dG nucleoside unit has little influence (ΔE = +2.5 kJ/mol) to distinguish between the two sugars (see Methods in the SI and Figure S13). However, the interaction with the 3′-phosphate group seems crucial, since it stabilizes rGpdG over 2′F-rGpdG by as much as −49 kJ/mol. Further analysis of the six pairs of representative structures revealed that the ribo 2′-OH makes strong hydrogen bond contacts with the 3′-phosphate, whereas unfavorable electrostatic repulsion between phosphate and the 2′-F destabilizes 2′F-rGpdG (Figure S13). Clearly, the large energy difference is likely to be reduced when hydration free energy of the sugars is taken into account; that is, the 2′-OH group is expected to be better solvated than fluorine, and, accordingly, it will be more stabilized by the solvent in the unfolded state. One can estimate the difference in relative hydration free energy of ribose vs 2′F-deoxyribose in the unfolded state from the experimental hydration free energy difference between methanol and fluoromethane (20 kJ/ mol46). Combining this number with the preferential

basis of the characteristic imino-H8 connectivity, being G3·G9·G3·G9, G4·G10·G4·G10, and G5·G11·G5·G11 (G9 = 2′F-araG; Figure 2) with the clockwise directionality shown in Figure 2b. Two TTA loops connect the tetrads, with the terminal residues (T1-A2 and T12) stacked on top and bottom of the G-quadruplex. The dG residues of AFtel, Atel, and Rtel all adopt the South sugar conformation as determined from DQF-COSY-derived Jcoupling constants (Figure S6). The arabinose residues in AFtel and Atel adopt pure South sugar conformations (Figures S6 and S7), whereas rG (Rtel) favors the North conformation (Figure S8), as expected. NMR-derived distances and torsion angle constraints together with restrained molecular dynamics (MD) were used to calculate the three-dimensional structure of AFtel (see Methods in the SI and Table S2). The G-quadruplex core is parallel, symmetric, and very well defined (rmsd = 0.7 Å), with all guanines in the anti conformation (Figures 2 and 3). Continuous stacking of T1, A2, and G3 was supported by

Figure 3. NMR structure of AFtel (PDB code: 2M1G). (a) Front view of the 10 superimposed refined structures. (b) Front view of the average structure. (c) Distances between Fi−H8i+1 and H2″i−O4′i+1 in AFtel and H2′i−H8i+1 and H2″i−O4′i+1 in the crystallographic structure (PDB code: 1K8P). Guanines are shown in magenta for dG and yellow for 2′F-araG. Thymidines are shown in dark green, dA’s in cyan, and fluorines in light green. Stereoviews are shown in Figure S11.

indicative NOEs, such as A2H2-G3H6 or T1CH3-G9H1 (Figure S9). The same applies to T12 at the bottom of the G-core, which stacks over the G5·G11·G5·G11 tetrad (Figure S9). NMR data indicate that Atel and Rtel adopt similar structures (see Figure S3). To better assess this point, state-ofthe-art atomistic MD simulations were carried out on Atel and Rtel starting from the NMR structure of AFtel. In all three cases, the trajectories show very small deviations (see Figure S10 for details). In conclusion, AFtel, Atel, and Rtel adopt parallel, propeller-like, bimolecular quadruplex structures. The structure of AFtel was then compared with the crystallographic structure of d(BrUAGGGBr UTAGGGT) (PDB ID: 1K8P) as a model of the DNA telomeric sequence.14 The root-mean-squared deviations (rmsd’s) between both structures are around 3.4 and 1.5 Å for all heavy atoms and the G-core, respectively. Superposition of the G-core residues in both structures indicates that the main differences reside around the 2′F-araG modification (Figure 3c). Specifically, the 2′F-araG sugar residues (position 9 in each subunit) are 5346

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja401954t | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 5344−5347

Journal of the American Chemical Society


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stabilization energy determined via QM, we expect the rG substitution to be more stable by ca. 24 kJ/mol (relative to 2′FrG), a value that agrees quite well with MD/TI estimates (26 kJ/mol) that take into account classical enthalpic and entropic terms. This may provide an explanation for the surprising difference between 2′F-rG and rG modifications in modulating and stabilizing this particular G-quadruplex. In conclusion, arabinose and ribose substitutions, and in particular the 2′F-ara subsitution, can be used to stabilize the biologically relevant propeller parallel G-quadruplex form over competing conformers, allowing NMR structural determination of this particularly significant nucleic acid structure. 2′F-ara allowed the greatest stabilization (+12 °C) of the parallel quadruplex, as a result of electrostatic (F−CH---O4′) and pseudo-hydrogen-bonding (F---H8) stabilizing interactions. Sugar/phosphate interactions stabilize the ara and ribo substitutions, whereas 2′F-rG substitution provoked a dramatic destabilization (disruption) of the quadruplex structure. Thus, a single conservative oligonucleotide chemical modification can exert remarkable control over G-quadruplex formation, enabling significant structural insight into the nature of the propeller parallel G-quadruplex.


S Supporting Information *

Detailed descriptions of the experimental procedures; 7 tables with assignment, calculation statistics, and structural analysis; 13 figures showing NMR data and structural models. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org.


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The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding was received from MICINN (CTQ2010-21567-C0202 to C.G. and BIO2012-32868 to M.O.), CSIC (I-LINK-0216 to C.G. and M.J.D.), EU COST project MP0802, NSERC Discovery grant to M.J.D., a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship to G.F.D., a Sara Borrell fellowship to G.P., and a CSIC-JAE contract to N.M.-P.


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dx.doi.org/10.1021/ja401954t | J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 5344−5347