Drug-protein interactions: binding of chlorpromazine to calmodulin

May 16, 1984 - Karn, J., Brenner, S., & Barnett, L. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 4253-4257. Laemmli, U. K. (1970) Nature (London) 274, 80-...
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Biochemistry 1985, 24, 144-1 50

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Drug-Protein Interactions: Binding of Chlorpromazine to Calmodulin, Calmodulin Fragments, and Related Calcium Binding Proteins? Daniel R . Marshak,? Thomas J. Lukas, and D. Martin Watterson*

Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Department of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee 37232 Received May 16, 1984

ABSTRACT: The quantitative binding of a phenothiazine drug to calmodulin, calmodulin fragments, and

structurally related calcium binding proteins was measured under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium by using a gel filtration method. Plant and animal calmodulins, troponin C, SlOOa, and S l o o p bind chlorpromazine in a calcium-dependent manner with different stoichiometries and affinities for the drug. The interaction between calmodulin and chlorpromazine appears to be a complex, calcium-dependent phenomenon. Bovine brain calmodulin bound approximately 5 mol of drug per mol of protein with apparent half-maximal binding at 17 p M drug. Large fragments of calmodulin had limited ability to bind chlorpromazine. The largest fragment, containing residues 1-90, retained only 5% of the drug binding activity of the intact protein. A reinvestigation of the chlorpromazine inhibition of calmodulin stimulation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase further indicated a complex, multiple equilibrium among the reaction components and demonstrated that the order of addition of components to the reaction altered the drug concentration required for half-maximal inhibition of the activity over a 10-fold range. These results (1) confirm previous observations using immobilized phenothiazines [Marshak, D. R., Watterson, D. M., & Van Eldik, L. J. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.78,6793-67971 that indicated a subclass of calcium-modulated proteins bound phenothkzines in a calcium-dependent manner, (2) demonstrate that the interaction between phenothiazines and calmodulin is more complex than previously assumed, and (3) suggest that extended regions of the calmodulin molecule capable of forming the appropriate conformation are required for specific, high-affinity, calcium-dependent drug binding activity.

%e calcium-modulated proteins are a class of proteins that bind calcium ions reversibly at physiological ionic strength and 'Portions of this work were submitted by D.R.M. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The Rockefeller University. Preliminary reports of part of this work have appeared in abstract form (Marshak & Watterson, 1982; Lukas et al., 1983). This project was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant GM 30861 and National Science Foundation Grant 8242875 to D.M.W. Present address: Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD 20205.

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pH (Van Eldik et al., 1982). Members of this class include calmodulin, troponin C, parvalbumin, S1ma, SlOOP, intestinal calcium binding protein, and myosin light chains. We previously demonstrated (Marshak et al., 1981) that a subclass of calcium-modulated proteins interacts with immobilized phenothiazines in a calcium-dependent manner. These results suggested that calmodulin, troponin C, SlOOa, and SlOOP contain similar structural domains for drug binding. Phenothiazines also inhibit the calcium-dependent activation of enzymes by calmodulin [for a recent review, see Klee & Vanaman (1982)l and therefore are useful probes of the rela0 1985 American Chemical Society

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tionships between structure and function in calmodulin and other calcium-modulated proteins. It has been generally assumed that there are two calciumdependent phenothiazine binding sites on calmodulin. However, this assumption is based on data obtained by several techniques that have specific, inherent limitations. Equilibrium dialysis experiments (Levin & Weiss, 1977, 1979) indicated that there were at least two sites of calcium-dependent phenothiazine binding on calmodulin, but these studies were performed at low ionic strength ( 0.99). The chromatographic analysis of each sample is shown in Figure 2 of the supplementary material. (C) Absorbance at 254 nm as a function of the retention time. The area of the trough shown is plotted on the calibration curve [see (0)in panel A] and represents the mean of duplicate determinations with the range of values shown by the bars.

differences from vertebrate calmodulin (Lukas et al., 1984; Roberts et al., 1984). Therefore, we measured chlorpromazine binding to spinach calmodulin, as shown in Figure 3. Spinach calmodulin bound about 1 mol of drug per mol of protein at 10 pM chlorpromazine and 4-5 mol of drug per mol of protein at 47-100 pM drug. Spinach calmodulin bound 0.34mol of chlorpromazine per mol of protein in the presence of EGTA, Mg2+,and 47 pM drug, while the protein bound 0.61 mol of chlorpromazine 5-oxide per mol of protein in the presence of calcium and 49 pM drug. Thus, differences between bovine brain and spinach leaf calmodulins were not readily detected under the conditions of this study.

Rabbit skeletal muscle troponin C is a structural and functional analogue of calmodulin (Watterson et al., 1980~). Chlorpromazine binding to troponin C is shown in Figure 3. Troponin C bound only 0.3 mol of drug per mol of protein at 10 pM drug and maximally bound 2.2-2.5 mol of drug at 47-100 pM chlorpromazine. In the presence of EGTA, Mg2+, and 47 pM chlorpromazine, troponin C bound 0.48 mol of drug per mol of protein. In addition, at 49 pM chlorpromazine 5-oxide in the presence of calcium, troponin C bound 0.28 mol of drug per mol of protein. Thus, troponin C has specific, calcium-dependent drug binding activity, but its total chlorpromazine binding capacity is less than that of calmodulin.















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Table I: Chlorpromazine Binding' to Fragments of Bovine Brain Calmodulin mol of drug bound/mol of peptide at

10 rc.M

100 pM

ueutideb chloruromazine chlorpromazine calmodulin (1-148) 2.02 4.10 residues 1-90 0.014 0.201 residues 1-37 0.009 0.067 residues 107-148 0.000 0.049 'Binding measurements were performed by using the method of Hummal & Dreyer (1962), modified as described in the text, in buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCI, 1 mM CaCI,, and either 10 or 100 rc.M chlorpromazine. bThe peptides are numbered according to the amino acid residues contained, using the numbering system for bovine brain calmodulin (Watterson et al., 1980~).The amino acid compositions of the peptides are shown in Table I1 of the


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O / 5%. For experiments in which the binding ratio was less than 0.4 mol of chlorpromazine per mol of protein, the results shown are the means of duplicate determinations calculated from external calibration, and the range of values was C0.02 mol/mol.







Binding of chlorpromazine by calcium-modulated proteins. Equilibrium binding experiments were performed by using the method of Hummel & Dreyer (1962) in buffer containing calcium (50 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4, 150 mM NaC1, and 1 mM CaCl,) as described in the text. The number of moles of chlorpromazine bound per mole of protein are shown for spinach leaf calmodulin (S-CaM), rabbit skeletal muscle troponin C(TnC), bovine brain SlOO@(SlOO@),bovine brain SlOOa (SlOOa), carp paravalbumin (Parv.) and performic acid oxidized bovine brain calmodulin (PAO-CaM). For each protein, results are shown for three chlorpromazineconcentrations: 9-10 rc.M (left bars), 45-50 rc.M (center bars), and 100 pM (right bars). The results shown are the means of duplicate determinations with the range of values as shown when >0.02 mol of drug per mol of protein. FIGURE3:

Bovine brain S1OOa and Sloop and carp parvalbumin were also tested for their ability to bind chlorpromazine because they represent two- and three-domain calcium-modulated proteins. In addition, parvalbumin does not interact with immobilized phenothiazines, as shown previously (Marshak et al., 1981). As shown in Figure 3, SlOOa and SlOO/3 maximally bound up to 0.82 and 0.68 mol of drug per mol of

protein, respectively, in the presence of calcium, and 0.17 and 0.20 mol/mol, respectively, in the presence of EGTA and Mg2+. Parvalbumin bound less than 0.5 mol of chlorpromazine per mol of protein a t all drug concentrations tested in the presence of either Ca2+or EGTA and Mg2+ (Figure 3 ) . Chlorpromazine Binding by Modified Calmodulin. Performic acid oxidation of calmodulin quantitatively converts methionines to methionine sulfone (Watterson et al., 1984). Performic acid oxidized calmodulin does not retain enzyme activator activity but does adsorb to immobilized phenothiazine. We tested performic acid oxidized bovine brain calmodulin for chlorpromazine binding in solution, as shown in Figure 3. The oxidized protein bound less than 0.2 mol of drug per mol of protein below 100 p M and bound 1.3 mol of drug per mol of protein at 100 p M chlorpromazine. These results are consistent with the low level of covalent labeling of performic acid oxidized calmodulin described in the following paper (Lukas et al., 1985). Thus, the affinity and stoichiometry of calmodulin for chlorpromazine appear to be reduced by performic acid oxidation. Calmodulin contains four structural domains that are homologous to each other (Watterson et al., 1 9 8 0 ~ ) .Domains 1 and 3 and domains 2 and 4 share higher structural homologies than other pairs of domains, suggesting the evolution of the protein by gene duplication. Because the two-domain, calcium-modulated proteins S 1OOa and S 1OOp had chlorpromazine binding activity, it was possible that large fragments of calmodulin containing one or two structural domains might have significant drug binding activity. In order to test this possibility, we investigated the binding of chlorpromazine to fragments of calmodulin in solution (Table I). Complete digestion of calmodulin with trypsin or cyanogen bromide destroys phenothiazine binding activity (Watterson et al., 1984). We prepared large fragments of bovine brain calmodulin using an arginine-specific protease from mouse submaxillary gland, as previously described (Marshak et al., 1984). The amino acid compositions of the fragments are shown in Table I1 of the supplementary material. The binding of chlorpromazine by these fragments was measured at 10 and 100 p M drug concentrations in the presence of calcium. As shown in Table I, none of these fragments bound the drug stoichiometrically. At 100 p M chlorpromazine, the fragment containing residues 1-90 retained only approximately 5% of the drug binding activity of the native protein. Thus, even a fragment of calmodulin which contains 60% of the molecule has very little chlorpromazine binding activity. Chlorpromazine Inhibition of Activator Activity. The complexity of chlorpromazine binding to calmodulin led us


Table 11: Inhibition of Calmodulin-Stimulated Cyclic Nucleotide PhosDhodiesterase bv ChlorDromazine protocol’ ICs0 (ccM)~ activitp 1 2 3 4

>190 19 20 42

206 230 183 153

a The protocol refers to those described under Materials and Methods. bICSois the concentration of chlorpromazine necessary for 50% inhibition of activator activity. EActivity refers to the rate of production of AMP in the absence of chlorpromazine and is given in nanomoles of AMP per minute per milligram of enzyme preparation.

to reinvestigate the inhibition of calmodulin’s activator activity by chlorpromazine. The chlorpromazine inhibition of calmodulin-stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase was investigated by using four assay protocols. These protocols were designed to examine the possibility that the order of addition of reagents and drug might affect the apparent ICs0, the concentration of chlorpromazine necessary for half-maximal inhibition of activator activity. In protocol 1, calmodulin and enzyme were preincubated in buffer containing calcium, and the reaction was initiated by the addition of a mixture of cAMP and drug. In protocol 2, calmodulin was preincubated with drug in buffer containing calcium, cAMP was added, and the reaction was initiated by the addition of enzyme. In protocol 3, the enzyme preparation was preincubated with drug, and the reaction was initiated by the addition of a mixture of cAMP and calmodulin. In protocol 4, all components except cAMP were preincubated, and the reaction was initiated by the addition of substrate. As shown in Figure 5 of the supplementary material, the rates of reaction, as measured by the product (AMP) formed, were nonlinear for protocols 1-3. The curves using method 1 are convex upward, those using protocols 2 or 3 are concave upward, and those using method 4 are approximately linear. The relative rates of phosphodiesterase reaction and the concentration of chlorpromazine necessary for 50% inhibition (IC,,) are shown in Table 11. The rates for protocols 1-3 were calculated from the initial slope of the linear portion (0-10 min) of the curves in Figure 5 of the supplementary material. With 1, the apparent IC,, for chlorpromazine was > 190 pM while with protocols 2,3, and 4 the apparent ICsO’s for chlorpromazine were 19, 20, and 42 pM, respectively. These experiments were carried out at 24 nM calmodulin, which gives 80-90% activation of phosphodiesterase in the absence of drug. In the absence of calmodulin, the drug had little effect on the basal activity of the enzyme under these conditions. These data indicate that the order of addition of reagents to the phosphodiesterase assay can result in a 10-fold difference in the apparent IC,, for the drug. The overall nonlinearity of the rates of the reaction may be a result of the multiple, complex interactions of calmodulin, the drug, and the enzyme. N o further investigation of the mechanism of inhibition was done as part of this study.

DISCUSSION The studies presented in this report demonstrate the following: (1) The interaction between calmodulin and chlorpromazine is a complex, calcium-dependent phenomenon with a stoichiometry of approximately 5 mol of drug bound per mol of protein over a range of drug concentrations used in biological studies; (2) extended regions of calmodulin encompassing most, if not all, of the protein are required for specific, high-affinity, calcium-dependent drug binding; (3) the inhibition of calmodulin’s activator activity by phenothiazines is complex, and

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the quantitative effect of phenothiazines on activator activity can be altered by the order of addition of reactants to enzyme assays; (4) several structurally related calcium-modulated proteins bind chlorpromazine in a calcium-dependent manner with various stoichiometries and affinities for the drug. The interaction between chlorpromazine and calmodulin appears to be a multisite, calcium-dependent phenomenon. Under the experimental conditions reported here, bovine brain calmodulin maximally binds approximately 5 mol of drug per mol of protein with overall, apparent half-maximal binding at 17 pM chlorpromazine. Several explanations are consistent with the binding phenomenon found in these studies. Multiple classes of nonidentical binding sites for chlorpromazine on calmodulin could exist, each class being calcium dependent and within the range of drug concentrations considered here. There could be cooperativity among some of the sites. Combinations of nonidentical, cooperative sites are also plausible. Finally, there could be alterations in calmodulin structure as a result of binding 2 mol of drug such that additional drug binding sites are exposed. It is not possible from any studies currently available to distinguish among these possibilities. The availability of accurate stoichiometries from the studies reported here will allow the possible mechanism to be addressed in future studies. In order to examine the drug-binding domains of calmodulin in more detail, we measured binding of chlorpromazine to fragments of the molecule. To our knowledge, these are the only quantitative measurements of phenothiazine binding to fragments of calmodulin in solution. The results indicate that large fragments of calmodulin retain very little drug binding activity, consistent with reports (Newton et al., 1984) on activator activity of calmodulin fragments. Our results indicate that extended regions of the calmodulin molecule are required for specific, high-affinity, calcium-dependent drug binding. Several studies (Marshak et al., 1980; Head et al., 1982; Brzeska et al., 1983; Vogel et al., 1983; Newton et al., 1984) have shown that large fragments of calmodulin adsorb to phenothiazine-Sepharose conjugates. However, these studies are subject to the limitations of the methods as discussed in the introduction. The results reported here are direct measurements of the drug binding capacity of fragments of calmodulin in solution. More detailed characterization of the drug binding sites requires covalent modification of calmodulin with drugs that bind to calmodulin in a calcium-dependent manner. An initial study utilizing phenoxybenzamine, a calmodulin antagonist that covalently labels the protein, is presented in the following paper (Lukas et al., 1985). The kinetics of chlorpromazine inhibition of calmodulin activation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase indicate that there may be a time-dependent equilibrium among the drug, calmodulin, and the enzyme. The concentration of chlorpromazine required for half-maximal inhibition was similar to the concentration required for half-maximal binding to calmodulin only under conditions where a calmodulin-enzyme complex is not formed prior to the initiation of the reaction. When all components were preincubated prior to the addition of substrate, the ICso for the drug was 42 pM, in agreement with values measured previously (Levin & Weiss, 1976; Hidaka et al., 1980). These data indicate that the order of addition of the enzyme, calmodulin, and drug may alter the apparent ICs0 for the drug by as much as 10-fold. These observations suggest that if calmodulin is bound to its target enzymes prior to the introduction of the drug, then the effective inhibitory concentration of the drug may be much higher than the actual affinity of the drug for calmodulin.

150 B I O C H E M I S T R Y Our results for chlorpromazine binding to various calciummodulated proteins support the hypothesis (Marshak et al., 1981) that these proteins contain related drug binding domains. However, there appear to be quantitative differences in the stoichiometry and affinity of the drug-protein interaction. These differences may be due to the specific three-dimensional structures of the drug binding sites of these different calcium-modulated proteins. Selected amino acid sequence differences among these structurally related proteins may result in altered chemical complementarities between atoms on the drug and amino acid side chains of the proteins. The details of the drug-protein interaction for phenothiazines and calcium-modulated proteins may provide insights for the future design of new drugs that are selective for particular calciumdependent processes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Linda Van Eldik and Janis Elsner for advice and assistance and Diane Smithson, Penny Stelling, and Julie Morris for assistance in preparation of the manuscript.

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL AVAILABLE Table I1 giving the amino acid composition of the bovine brain calmodulin peptides, Figure 2 showing the chromatographic results of the internal calibration for the drug binding measurements described in Figure 1, and Figure 5 showing the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity as a function of time for the four assay protocols and various concentrations of chlorpromazine (7 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page. Registry No. Chlorpromazine, 50-53-3;cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, 9040-59-9. REFERENCES Brzeska, H., Szynkiewicz, J., & Drabikowski, W. (1983) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 115, 87-93. Gariepy, J., & Hodges, R. S. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 1586-1 594. Head, J. F., Masure, H. R., & Kaminer, B. (1982) FEBS Lett. 137, 71-74. Hidaka, H., Yamaki, T., Naka, M., Tanaka, T., Hayashi, H., & Kobayashi, R. (1980) Mol. Pharmacol. 17, 66-72. Hummel, J. P., & Dreyer, W. J. (1962) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 63, 532-534. Isobe, T., & Okuyama, T. (1978) Eur. J . Biochem. 89, 379-3 88. Isobe, T., & Okuyama, T. (1981) Eur. J . Biochem. 116, 79-86. Klee, C . B., & Vanaman, T. C. (1982) Adu. Protein Chem. 35, 213-321. Klevitt, R. E., Levine, B. A., & Williams, R. J. P. (1981) FEBS Lett. 123, 25-29. Krebs, J., & Carafoli, E. (1982) Eur. J . Biochem. 124, 6 19-627.



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