DRY air blankets products stored at this terminal awaiting trans

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In seve7i of these tanks at this Lehigh Warehouse & Transportation Company terminal at Bayonne, Neu> Jersey, a blanket of DRY air can be maintained to prevent contamination oj their contents by moisture, M Type BY Lectrodryer for D R Y I N G compressed air.

D R Y a i r blankets products stored a t this t e r m i n a l a w a i t i n g trans-shipment Tank cars arriving at this terminal are washed out with steam and then flushed w i t h compressed air until they're dry. T h u s they make certain there'll be n o contamination of m a t e r i a l s b e i n g loaded into these cars.

A Lectrodryer dries air as it comes from the compressors at 100-pounds pressure and feeds it to the storage tanks. Completely automatic, its DRYing-regeneration cycle is reversed every three hours to keep it w o r k i n g at t o p efficiency.

T o safeguard any products stored here which would pick u p moisture from the air above them, the tanks are kept flooded w i t h D R Y air at 30pounds p r e s s u r e . This positive pressure inside the tanks prevents infiltration of moist air from the outside. Product quality is preserved.

Whatever your DRYing problem—air, gases or organic liquids—there's a Lectrodryer capable of h a n d l i n g it. T h e book, Because Moisture Isn't Pink, describes installations in dozens of industries. For a free copy, write Pittsburgh Lectrodryer Corporation, 3 0 5 32nd Street, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. In England: Birlec. Limited, Tyburn Road, Erdington, Birmingham. In France: Stein et Roubaix. 24 Rue Erlanger, Paris XVI. In Belgium: S.A. Beige Stein et Roubaix, 320 Rue du Moulin, BressouxLiege.












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