Drying of Linseed Oil Paint

Drying of Linseed Oil Paint. Effect of Pigmentation and. Aging upon Rate of Drying'. DOUGLAS G. NICHOLSON. University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Change...
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Drying of Linseed Oil Paint Effect of Pigmentation and Aging upon Rate of Drying' DOUGLAS G. NICHOLSON University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.

Changes in rate of oxygen absorption of paint films pigmented with varying amounts of titanium dioxide and of zinc oxide have been observed throughout a rather wide range of pigment content. The effect of aging these paints (up to 200 days) upon the rate of oxygen absorption has been noted. It appears that, although adsorbed on the titanium dioxide particle surface, the cobalt drier material used does not materially lose its ability to catalyze the absorption of oxygen by the paint film. Since these films do show a definite loss of drying rate upon aging with very little decrease i n rate of oxygen absorption, i t follows that the loss of drying is connected with the polymerization reactions encountered in the drying rather than with the oxygen absorption. Acicular and French Process zinc oxide samples behaved similarly in this study.

HE fundamental reactions taking place in the drying of a paint film are thought to be a combination of oxidation and polymerization of molecules present in the film. It is accepted generally that certain paints, particularly those containing titanium pigments, exhibit a loss in drying rate upon storage. This effect is quite appreciable when cobalt soaps are used as the drier materials. Gardner ( I ) showed conclusively that, as the paint ages, the cobalt drier materials are adsorbed on the titanium dioxide particles and hence removed from the field of action. The Montreal Paint and Varnish Production Club has done considerable work (8, 3 ) involving the effects of type of pigment, thinner used, drier used, and viscosity of the oil used, upon the drying of paint films. Previous studies in this series (4, 6) showed that the rate of drying, as manifested by rate of oxygen absorption of pigmented films, is definitely affected by the drier concentration of the paint as well as by the intensity of artificial visible light striking the sample under study. As a result of these reports, it seemed probable that interesting data and conclusions should result from a detailed study in which the drier concentration (by volume) would be

maintained constant and the pigmentation varied throughout a rather wide range. Meanwhile additional data would be obtained by studying these paints as they aged.

Apparatus and Method The apparatus used for following the rate of oxygen absorption and the method of preparing the films for study were previously described in detail (4): In brief, a chain-weight balance so arranged that changes in the weight of a glass panel, uniformly coated with the paint under study, could be accurately followed while the specimen and balance were maintained in an atmosphere of dry oxygen. The temperature in the balance was maintained a t 25" * 0.5" C. throughout the entire study. A 60-watt Mazda lamp was burned continuously at an average distance of 55 cm. from the glass panel. This illumination was equivalent to 10.5 foot-candles at the surface of the panel. The apparatus was so arranged that very little light, other than that emitted by the 60-watt lamp could strike the samples under study. Each sepcimen was observed for weight changes at suitable periods of time. I n general, recordings were taken at intervals which were multiples of 15minute periods. In this manner it was possible to estimate the actual gain in weight per 15-minute increment during any period throughout any drying study.



For previous papers in this study, see references .G and 6.








---- Acicular zinc oxide -Titanium dioxide French Process zinc oxide



The paints used consisted of a nonreactive pigment (titanium dioxide) and two types of a reactive pigment (French Process and acicular zinc oxide). All paints were ground in body-& linseed oil. Pigmentation of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8 pounds of pigment per gallon of paint were used in all cases. A sample of unpigmented body-& linseed oil, containing the same amount of drier as the pigmented samples, was studied also for comparative purposes. Cobalt naphthenate was used as the drying material. Since it was necessary to incorporate this material in each paint for a definite time prior to each initial test, and the use of volatile 1300







PERCENTAGE GAIN IP; WEIGHT,BASEDON OIL CONTENT OF FILM us. DRYING TIME Clear oil __ A1 pound per gallon __ X2 pounds __ 5’3 pounds - _ - 0 - - - 6 pounds


Titanium dioxide French Process zinc oxide Acicular zinc oxide

-- _- _- A - - - 6 pounds X - - - 8 pounds






2 700






solvents had to be avoided, an oleic acid solution of the naphthe-

nate was used. Maintaining a constant (by volume) concentration of the drier, duplicate trials were run for each paint in order to increase the accuracy of the study. A definite attempt was made to start the initial trial for each paint at periods of 24-36 hours, 100 days, and 200 days after the oleic acid solution of the drier had been added to and mixed with the sam le. The previously mentioned sample of unpigmented oil was apso tested

according to the same time schedule.

I n all cases the samples showed a small but definite loss in weight during the initial 15-minute period exposure in the apparatus. This was followed by a period of varying duration in which no weight changes were noted. Following this “induction period,” slight increases in weight became evident. They increased in magnitude (per 15-minute period), reached a maximum, remained nearly constant for varying periods of time, and then showed a gradual decline. The length of the induction period was recorded as the approximate time a t which the first increase in weight became evident. The drier concentration used was selected after a series of trial determinations showed that a fairly complete set of data (induction period, increase, maximum, and beginning of decline of rate of oxygen absorption) could be obtained in 16-20 hours. The individual samples were prepared by thoroughly mixing 120 ml. of each of the paints with 10 ml. of the oleic acid solution of cobalt naphthenate. Each sample of 130 ml. of paint and oleic acid contained 0.039336 gram of cobalt (calculated as metal).




Induction Period Previous work (6) showed that the intensity of the illumination striking a specimen has a definite effect upon the length of the resulting induction period. Accordingly it would be expected that an increase in pigmentation would result in a lengthening of the induction period (introduction of more pigment should be similar to reducing the light striking the film). As the pigmentation is increased, the amount of oil per gallon of paint is decreased. Thus a n increased pigmentation in this study should be equivalent to increasing the concentration of drier per unit volume of vehicle present. As a result there are two conflicting factors-the increase in opacity which tends to lengthen the induction period, and the increase in pigmentation which causes an increase in drier per unit volume of oil and should decrease the length of the induction period. It is evident that the actual induction period would be a composite of these two factors. Figure 1 shows graphically the change in length of the induction periods as the pigmentation is varied. Attention is called to the fact that, while not exact duplicates, the trend of the two zinc oxide curves is similar. This fact would be expected since the acicular and French Process zinc oxide materials are generally considered somewhat different in their paint properties. It is also probable that chemical reaction of the zinc oxide sampIes with the oleic acid present may have been a factor which contributed to the rather odd shape of these curves.



VOL. 31, NO. 10

It has been reported (2) that pigmented samples of oil dry at an equal or more rapid rate than does the unpigmented oil. Thesedatashowdefinitely that therate of oxygenabsorption in pigmented films is slower than in the clear oil itself. Changes in Oxygen Absorption with Paint Age When the study was repeated for the 100- and 200-day periods, two additional sets of graphs similar to those in F i y r e 2 were obtained. The slope of these curves at the point of maximum gain was determined hy graphical methods. Thus the tangents of angles 9, . . . 0s were determined. When these values were plotted against pigmentation in pounds, the curves of Figure 3 resulted. I n the case of the French Process zinc oxide the uppermost line conncct.s the average of the “immediate slopes,” the intermediate line the 100-day slopes, and the lower line the 200-day slopes. The 100- and 200-day curves showed little difference in the cases of the titanium dioxide and acicular zinc oxide paints. I n Figure 3A i t is rather surprising that the aged paints containing higher pigment concentrations showed very little change in slope when compared with the initial data. The change in slope of the clear oil curve and of those containing lower pigmentations was probably due to a slight precipitation of the drier. If the loss in the rate of oxygen absorption was entirely due to absorption of the drier on the titanium dioxide particles, we would naturally expect those paints containing the larger aniounts of titanium dioxide to show the greater loss. These data tend to support an idea that, even though absorbed, the drier still exerts its catalyzing effect on the oxygen absorption. Previons work (3)bas indicated similar results. I n order to show that these paints were not ahnormal (i. e., they do exhibit loss in drying as they age, even though the actual oxygen absorption is not materially reduced), tests were run on a Sanderson drier. Samples of paint and drier aged 240 days were compared with freshly mixed controls. Figure 4 shows one typical test. The left-hand figure shows the freshly prepared sanrple; the right-hand plate shows the sanie paint. aged 240 days. A difference of over 9 hours in drying time is represented. Thus these paints, while exhibiting only slight, loss in rate of oxygen absorption, did show a pronounced loss in drying rate. Since the drying of c an oil paint is due to the combined effects of oxidation and polymerization, it follows that the definite loss of drying 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 exhibited by aged titanium dioxide paints is probably due to changes in the polymerization reactions combined with only PIGMENTATION- POUNDS PER GALLON Of PAINT slight losses in rate of oxygen absorption. The induction periods of the titanium dioxide paints were FIGURE 3. TANGENT OF ANGLESe. us. PIGMENTATION not materially affected by aging. The zinc oxide paints A . Titanium dioxide, B . Frerroh Prooess iino oxide

1 C. Aoicular zinc oxide

Rate of Oxygen Absorption I n all cases, as the pigmentation was increased, tho maximum rate of oxygen absorption (increase in weight per &minute interval during period of maximum gain) decreased. This effect was greatest in the titanium dioxide paintsanddefinitely less in the n n c oxide samples. Fignre 2 shows the data obtained froin the initial determinations on the several pipnentations of the three pigments. Since the oxygen absorption was dependent upon the oil present in the film and not the pigment, these graplisshom the relation of percentage gain in weight based on oil content of the film to tho total drying time.

FIGnaE 4.







showed a tendency toward a slight lengthening of the induction periods as they aged. The points of Figures 3B and C do not occur in a definite order. The lines shown are only rough approximations to indicate the general change in slope as the pigmentation was varied. Attention is called to the slight but definite drop in slope as the paints aged. Also, duplicate determinations in the cases of all the zinc oxide paints showed slight inconsistent variations; in the cases of the titanium dioxide paints duplicate determinations showed almost identical data readings. This fact may account in part for the slight deviations in Figures 3B and C, whereas A shows smooth curves. Acknowledgment The paints used in this study were prepared in the paint laboratory of Krebs Pigment and Color Corporation; the


cobalt naphthenate was supplied by Nuodex Products Company. The Sanderson drier apparatus belonging to the Regional Soybean Products Laboratory was used in determining the loss of drying of aged titanium dioxide paints. A. J. White and F. E. Jones assisted the author in obtaining oxygen absorption data.

Literature Cited (1) Gardner, H. A., "Physical and Chemical Examination of Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers and Colors," 7th ed., p. 537, Washington, Inst. Paint and Varnish Research, 1935. (2) Montreal Paint and Varnish Production Club, Am. Paint J . , 22, Convention Daily, 11 (Oct. 26, 1937). (3) Ibid., 23, Convention Daily, 13 (Oct. 26, 1938). ENG.CHEM.,30, (4) Nicholson, D. G., and Holley, C. E., Jr., IND. 114 (1938). (5) Ibid., 30, 563 (1938).

Composite Nature of the StressStrain Curve of Rubber Evidence is presented to show that the stress-strain curve of rubber consists of three portions. The first and third portions represent elastic rubber. The second portion, which connects the other two, represents a period during which the rubber flows in IRA WILLIAMS AND a plastic manner and transforms to a condition of greatly increased B. M. STURGIS load-carrying capacity. Hysteresis is largely confined to the second E. I. du pant de Nemours & company, I ~ ~ . , portion of the curve. Wilmington, Del. TRESS-strain curves have been of great value in developing rubber compounds to their present state of usefulness. Special data such as the load a t a given elongation or the elongation a t a given load have been plotted against time of cure to determine the rate of cure or reversion characteristics. The quality of crude rubber has been judged by the tensile strength of its vulcanizate or by the slope of the stress-strain curve (8). Tensile strength or stress-strain data are commonly used to follow the deterioration of rubber under either natural or artificial aging. The shape of the stress-strain curve has served as the basis for speculations regarding the structure of rubber, and attempts have been made to produce a n equation from theoretical considerations which would reproduce the curve (6). The stress-strain curve is known to be indefinite (I,8,?', IO), and a composite structure for the stress-strain curve has been indicated (4, 9). Successive elongation cycles produce curves which reveal a lower load-carrying capacity a t a given elongation. A condition approaching equilibrium is reached only after a donsiderable number of elongation and retraction cycles. I n spite of all that is known in regard to the stress-strain cycle, most data are obtained from rubber which is strained to the breaking elongation on the first extension, and no attempt is made to study the retraction. I n many cases only the tensile strength is considered, in spite of the fact that most rubber is strained in service only to a low elongation.


The effect of temperature on the shape and position of the stress-strain curve requires further study. Certain data (6) indicate that many compounded stocks become less resistant to deformation as the temperature is increased. Other data (1, 10) show that rubber which has been stretched repeatedly will be more resistant to deformation a t elevated temperatures. The conflicting nature of these and other data made it appear desirable to investigate more carefully the lower elongations of the stress-strain curve.

Apparatus An apparatus has been designed which is sufficiently sensitive to record the stress-strain relationship during the first stages of the elongation and which can be operated over a wide temperature range. The test pieces consist of rings, 11.318 mm. inside diameter, 14.146 mm. outside diameter, and 1.414 mm. thick, which are formed by molding. The small cross section of the rubber permits it to assume the temperature of the bath quickly and permits the test to be conducted under approximately isothermal conditions. The load is applied by means of the apparatus shown in Figure 1:

L is a balanced assembly, including a variable-speed motor, M , which moves weight W along the beam by means of screw S. The assembly is sensitive t o a load of 5 grams applied a t the end of the lever. The load imposed by moving the weight is transmitted t o the sample by means of a fine steel wire which passes