Du Pont - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 17, 2012 - Du Pont. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (10), pp 154A–154A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60178a771. Publication Date: September 1961. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEW PRODUCTS Low Cost Scintillators Assortment of interchangeable phos­ phors, designed for use by educators, comes in the E-160 Scinti-Kit package. They can be used with scalers for measuring alpha, beta, or gamma emitting nuclides, or with rate meters as an all-purpose laboratory monitor, says the company. Because of the interchangeability of the crystals, only

one photomuliplier tube is necessary for use with the 12 phosphors. The basic kit has a probe housing, a photomultiplier tube, and five of the most commonly used scintillators. These are a sodium iodide crystal for gamma de­ tection, a sodium iodide well type crystal, a plastic phosphor for general purpose detection, a thin zinc sulfide crystal for alpha detection, and an anthracene crystal for beta detection.

Seven other crystals are available for neutron detection and other special ap­ plications. A descriptive booklet on the theory and applications of scintilla­ tion counting is included. Cable con­ nectors are supplied for any specified scaler or rate meter connection. Price of the kit, with five crystals, is $475. Radiation Equipment & Accessories Corp. P-18

Micromanometer, Model MM3, is de­ signed to measure pressure differ­ ences with accuracies as high as 6 χ 10 e p.s.i., according to the company. Maximum range is two inches of the manometer fluid used. Sensitivity is adjustable over a 5 to 1 range, and pressure differences can be read be­ tween a reference and any of three pressure channels without changing connections. Flow Corp. P-19

Gives reproducible results, bottle after bottle Take one set of results you got with D u Pont Ammonium Hydroxide Re­ agent. You can change bottles, shipments or locality, and you'll reproduce the same results—time after time! That's because D u Pont continuously runs this reagent through 113 separate analytical tests to keep it uniform for your most stringent requirements. It's of uniformly high purity, too, exceeding American Chemical Society requirements. And you get the convenience of single-trip cartons, dripless sleeves, safety grips on 5-pint bottles and color-coded caps and labels. D u Pont's family of reagents includes Nitric, Sulfuric, Hydrochloric and Glacial Acetic acids, and Ammonium Hydroxide. They're readily avail­ able all over the country. Ask your local laboratory supply house or write for list of suppliers. Industrial and Biochemicals Department, N-2545 AC. Wilmington 98, Delaware. j^Tt η η »T^s. BETTER CHEMISTRY BETTER T TH H II N NG GS S FOR FOR BETTER BETTER L L II V V II N NG G .. .. .. THROUGH THROUGH CHEMISTRY Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card

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Disposable culture tubes are said to have initial cost that is lower than cost of cleaning, handling, and storing regular tubes. Made of borosilicate glass, they come in sizes from 10 X 75 mm. to 25 χ 150 mm. Minimum order is 25,000. Corning Glass Works. P-20