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You can depend on your Du Pont Reagents Distributor for reagents of the highest Quality Rigid quality tests are made on Du Pont Reagents... during manufacturing, in the analytical laboratory, and again before shipment...to meet Du Pont's own strict standards as well as the specifications of the ACS. In all, Du Pont Reagents receive 23 stringent quality checks. And, over 85 years experience in manufac­ turing reagents (and the highest quality "crudes"} has enabled Du Pont to identify and minimize sources of contamination... assuring your Du Pont Reagents Distribu­ tor and you of the highest possible quality and uniformity. Safety Features-Du P o n t also p i o n e e r e d many outstanding features for safety and convenience in reagents handling including —color coding, safety grip handles, "singlet r i p " bottles and dripless s l e e v e s . . . a l l available to you through your Du Pont Distributor. Service —There are over 160 DuPont Reagents distributor locations across the country to assure you of fast delivery and dependable service...whether it be for 1 or 5 pint bot­ tles or &k or 13 gallon carboys. The next time y o u n e e d r e a g e n t s of t h e h i g h e s t quality, contact your Du Pont Distributor —he's as close as your phone —and specify "DuPont" Reagents. You Can Depend on Du Pont Reagents... for Quality, Service and Safety Features NITRIC A C I D SULFURIC ACID HYDROCHLORIC ACID


I Du Pont Co., Room 3312A • Wilmington, Delaware 19898



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Hitch, J. C. Dempsey, G. B. Magin, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C. Survey of Scintillation Spectrometry— Present State of the Art. W. Kaiser, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. Studies of High Precision Spectrometry Using a Dual Detector Comparison Method. M. A. Wahlgren, J . J. Hines, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. Analytical Method for Unfolding Com­ plex Spectra. W. M. Sanders, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ. Reduction of Interference in Gamma-n Activities. D. M. Holm, W. M. San­ ders, Los Alamos Scientific Labora­ tory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ. Shield for G a m m a Ray Spectrometry. B. S. Brar, D. M. Nelson, P. F. Gustafson, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. Stripping Method for the Activation Analysis of Unknown Samples by G a m m a Ray Spectrometry. David W. Berry, M. P. Menon, College Station, Texas. INDUSTRIAL


Industrial Applications of Nuclear Spec­ troscopy. W. E. Mott, Gulf Research and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Determination of Oxygen in Magnesium, Steel, and Titanium by Neutron Acti­ vation Analysis. B. L. Twitty, Κ. Μ. Fritz, National Lead Co., Nuclear Divi­ sion (Fernald), Cincinnati, Ohio. Cobalt Activation Analysis with X-Ray Scintillation Spectrometry. W. H. Ellis, L. G. Grant, D. A. McCully, De­ partment of Nuclear Engineering, Uni­ versity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla. Analysis of Marine Minerals Using Neu­ tron Activation Techniques. H. R. Lorber, Tracerlab, Inc., Richmond, Calif. Activation Analysis of Samples of Non­ uniform Composition Using a 1 4 M.E.V. Neutron Generator. F. C. Burns, Army Materials Research Agency, Watertown, Mass. Fast Neutron Activation Analysis for Ni­ trogen in Food Products. D. E. Wood. N. J. Roger, Kamen Nuclear, Colo­ rado Springs, Colo. Use of Am 241 Alphas t o Measure Proper­ ties of Thin Films. L. E. Bailey, F. O. Halliday, T. O. Passell, Stanford Re­ search Institute, Stanford, Calif. Automated High Speed Chromato­ graphic Separations and Activation Analysis of Short Lived Isotopes. J. L. Brownlee. Jr., S. P. Cram, Univer­ sity of Illinois, Urbana, III. Thursday, June 1 6 MÔSSBAUER

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Mossbauer Effect—A Discussion of Current Techniques and Instrumentation. A. H. Michaels, Nuclear-Chicago Corp., Melrose Park, III. Standard for Chemical Shift of Iron Compounds in Mossbauer Spectroscopy. J. J. Spijkerman, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. Mossbauer Spectroscopy of Fe Compounds. L. May, Catholic University, Washington, D. C ; J . J. Spijkerman, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.

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