Du Pont Instruments

When difficult identifica- tion jobs call for supplement- ing electron ionization with chemical ionization, the. DuPont gas chromato- graphy mass spec...
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The DuPont digital GC/MS switches instantly from El to CI for single-run efficiency.




When difficult identification jobs call for supplementing electron ionization with chemical ionization, the DuPont gas chromatography mass spectrometer lets you c h a n g e m o d e s at t h e touch of a button without sensitivity loss. Time-consuming duplicate runs are eliminated by the ability to obtain fragment ion a n d / o r molecular weight information on the s a m e i n s t r u m e n t , in s o m e cases on the same GC peak. This is particularly advant a g e o u s in a n a l y z i n g m a n y compounds of biomedical and

environmental interest. Secobarbital and other barbiturates, for example, tend to fragment under electron ionization. Instant switching to CI solves the problem. The DuPont GC/MS also e n a b l e s you to select any of three reagent g a s e s instantly. The gas enters the source directly without passing through the column. Other f e a t u r e s i n c l u d e t h e proven magnetic analyzer and digitally p r o g r a m m a b l e accelerating v o l t a g e s c a n , a n d t h e wide dynamic range when combined with t h e D u P o n t 3 2 0


Data S y s t e m . This r a n g e enables the detection of small traces even in the presence of larger c o m p o n e n t s . Other capabilities include multiple specific ion detection, direct introduction probe and capillary GC inlet system. If you h a v e an analysis problem that may be solved by m a s s s p e c t r o m e t r y , we'll be happy to consult with you without c h a r g e . J u s t write to D u P o n t I n s t r u m e n t s , Room 3 5 9 9 8 , W i l m i n g t o n , DE 19898. Or call our MS Hot Line at (302) 772-5429.