DU PONT Instruments

The Pressure Differential Scanning. Calorimeter is the latest example of our continuing program to keep the. Du Pont Thermal Analysis System the most...
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Du Pont puts the pressure on differential scanning calorimetry with its exclusive Pressure DSC module· The Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimeter is the latest example of our continuing program to keep the Du Pont Thermal Analysis System the most complete and flexible in the world. It was the first system with a modern TGA and TMA. And now it is the first with a Pressure DSC. The Pressure DSC adds a new dimension to differential scanning calorimetry. With the Pressure DSC you get quantitative thermal data with pressure as an independent variablenew thermal data on cure, thermal stability, pressure sensitive reactions, reaction rates, polymerization studies, and latent heat of vaporization. Competing thermal transitions can be separated if one is pressure sensitive. Materials used under pressure can be evaluated under use conditions. The Pressure DSC operates up to 1,000 psi and is designed with approved safety features. It is easy to useoperational procedure is as convenient as regular Du Pont DSC. For more information on the unique Pressure DSC or any module of the Du Pont Thermal Analysis System, write to Du Pont Company, Room 8848, Wilmington, Delaware 19898.

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