Duplication or Coordination ? A Timely Question for Management Today, with every manufacturer Booking for product improvements... new markets...new products...broader applications, there's a premium on technical talent, a price on time. Duplication of effort can be fatal··«coordination promises success. Nowhere is this better appreciated than in the industries built o n chemical raw materials. Developing basic data on Vinyl Acetate —the chemical raw material that promises better paints, paper coatings and textile finishes.
In laboratory pilot plant, customer's revised resin formulation is evaluated for increased yield, improved quality.
H o w best to use a chemical raw material ... how t o improve processing efficiency. ..hov/ to profit through the selection o f more economical raw materials. . . how to gain by the adoption of a more efficient form of trie raw material? These are questions that are best answered by consulting with the supplier, a "specialise" WHLO can draw on years of wide field experience with the chemicals he produces. Celanese, a major supplier of organic chemicals for many industries, maintains the Technical Service and Application Laboratories t o furnish this specialized technical assistance t o its customers. By pointing the way to more efficient use of basic and intermediate materials, the Celanese Technical Service and Application Laboratories becomes
Development oj butylated resins for baked enamels and alkyd resins J or paints, using new materials and techniques.
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» J A N U A R Y
a member of the manufacturer's research and development team — enabling his technical staff to intensify their development of new markets and new products. More and more users of Celanese* Solvents, Plasticizers and Intermediates are encouraging their technical personnel to utilize the Celanese Technical Service and Application Laboratories. These manufacturers of paints, plastics, paper products, textiles, adhesives and b o n d i n g agents, anti-freeze, gasoline and lube-oils, brake and hydraulic fluids, wire and cable insulation, and floor coverings are developing better products in shorter time. T h e Celanese Technical Service and Application Laboratories is ready to work with your staff . . ."punch the clock" at your plant. Celanese Corporation of America Chemical Division, D e p t . 6 5 4 - A , 180 Madison Avenue, N e w York 16
*Reg. U.S. Pat. Off