DuPont Thermal Analysis Systems

Analyzer/Data System com- ... ond run is in progress. Multiple Reporting. System. In addition to the thermo- gram, the 1090 ... Systems, phone(302)772...
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Du Ponts new1 0 9 0Thermal Analyzer collects, processes, stores, and reports the data you want, the way you want it. The D u P o n t 1 0 9 0 Thermal Analyzer/Data System comb i n e s s p e e d a n d versatility with expanded data manipulation capabilities in a sophisticated instrument for research and product development. Microcomputer Data Analysis T h e 1 0 9 0 S y s t e m microc o m p u t e r s free personnel from time-consuming data computations and provide more complete reports than ever before. Minor transitions can be expanded and specific portions of the thermog r a m can be selected for data analysis. You can even analyze data from one scan while a second run is in progress. Multiple Reporting System In addition to t h e t h e r m o g r a m , the 1090 System can provide a printout of test conditions and analytical results. A bright a l p h a n u m e r i c display continuously indicates sample temperature and system status. Other program parameters are instantly d i s p l a y e d on c o m m a n d . All experimental data is stored on disks for recall at any time. You decide what to save or discard. Expanded and Simplified Programming Two-way conversational interaction between operator and

instrument via the display makes p r o g r a m m i n g easy. I n c r e a s e d versatility provides 12 linkable methods, heating rate selection in 0.1 °C increments, and temperature scale expansion capability to 0 . 2 ° C / c m . Internal c o m p u t e r d i a g n o s t i c s inform you of errors in programming or circuitry.

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Get Our New Literature The 1 0 9 0 system is compatible with all current Du Pont modules. For details on the 1 0 9 0 and other DuPont Thermal Analysis Systems, p h o n e ( 3 0 2 ) 7 7 2 - 5 3 8 8 or write to DuPont Thermal Analyzers, Room .57359, Wilmington, DE 1 9 8 9 8 .