They have a unique backlash- free drive system, a bi-directional overload protecting the drive sys- tem, combined with Hamilton's application-proven p...
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ForTodays Methodologies. DesignedforTomorrows. Here's the final solution to your diluter/dispenser requirements that makes obsolescence obsolete... the Hamilton Microlab 900 Series. The Microlab 900's are modular. They can fit most applications, are upgradeable to accommodate expanded requirements, and are priced to fit any budget. The Microlab 900's are

simple. Their programming is user-friendly and they can be operated by the 900 controller or an external host/computer, via a standard RS-232 serial interface. The Microlab 900's are reliable. They are easily serviced and practically maintenance free. They have a unique backlashfree drive system, a bi-directional overload protecting the drive system, combined with Hamilton's application-proven precision syringes and valves. That's why we can afford to warranty the 900's for 18 months - 50% longer

than most competitive units. OEMs will find the 900's modular design offers considerable freedom to design the mechanical and electrical components to fit their specifications. Get the diluter/dispenser that meets your needs today... and tomorrow. Call toll-free 800-648-5950 for the ML 900 dealer nearest you. Or write Hamilton Company, P. O. Box 10030, Reno, NV 89510.

HAMILTON T h e measure of excellence.

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