Identification of Components ol Gaseous Emissions from. Active and Closed Sanitary Landfills by Mass Spectrometry— J.W. BOZZELLI,. New Jersey Inst, ...
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PITTCON Air Pollution II

Automated Laboratory Analysis I

Monday Afternoon, Ventnor AB, Atlantis J.O. Frohliger, Presiding Air Quality Services, Inc.

Monday Afternoon, Chelsea AB, Trump Plaza W.A. Straub, Presiding U.S. Steel Corporation

1:30 (155) Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds in Aircraft Turbine Engine Exhaust Particulates—W.D. SCHULZ, Eastern Kentucky University, MR. McGill, S.B. Joshi, H.T Mayfield, M.V. Henley

1:30 (165) Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium Measurement by Automated Standard Addition with Ion Selective Electrodes: Comparison with Analysis by Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption—A AVDEEF, Orion Research Incorporated, J. Comer, J. Yip

1:50 (156) Identification of Components of Gaseous Emissions from Active and Closed Sanitary Landfills by Mass Spectrometry—J W. BOZZELLI, New Jersey Inst, of Technology, E. Ritter, M. Gao, B. Kebbekus, P. Galuzzi, W. Geiler 2:10 (157) Boosting Teachers' Self-Esteem Through Research: A Model for Collaboration Between Colleges and High Schools—D LEVINE, New Jersey Inst, of Technology, J.W. Bozzelli, A. Greenberg

1:50 (166) An Automated Back Titration Method to Measure Phosphate— J. COMER, Orion Research Incorporated, M. Tehrani, A. Avdeef, J. Ross, Jr. 2:10 (167) Automated Determinations of Creatinine in Blood and Urine— ME. C0LLISON, University of Michigan, M.E. Meyerhoff

2:30 (158) Advances in Continuous Toxic Gas Analyzers for Process and Environmental Monitoring Applications—H.J. BROUWERS, Compur Liaison Office, H. Schmidtpott

2:30 (168) Automated Analysis ot Content Validation Samples—R GIUFFRE, Hewlett-Packard

2:50 (159) High Volume Collection of Chlorophenol Vapors Using Polyurethane Foam - Granular Sorbent Cartridges—G.W PATTON, University of South Carolina, M. Zaranski, T.F. Bidleman 3:10




2:50 (169) A Random Access, High-Speed Continuous-Flow Analyzer tor the Analysis of Low-Level Parameters in the ug/L Range—A BUCCAFURI, Technicon Instruments Corp., M. Sahn, A. Preston, D. Tanner




3:20 (160) Trends in Concentration Levels of Target Organic Pollutant Vapors Collected Above a Sanitary Landfill—B. R0YTVARF, Hackensack Meadowlands Dev. Comm., W. Geiler, P. Galuzzi, J.W. Bozzelli, B. Kebbekus

3:20 (170) Automated Measurement of Total Chromium Using UltravioletDigestion Procedure—R.B. ROY, Technicon Instruments Corp.

3:40 (161) Mixture Resolution of Chemical Agents Detected by Piezoelectric Multisensor Array—D. OLNESS, Lawrence Livermore Nat'l. Lab., T. Hirschfeld, Κ. Kishiyama, R. Steinhaus, D. Leonard

3:40 (171) Automated Sorbent Cartridge Exchange as the Final Step Towards Total Automation ot On-Line Solid Phase Sample Clean-Up lor HPLC—M LAANE, Chrompack International B.V.

4:00 (162) Acid Aerosols Generation in the Marine Atmosphere: The Crystallization ot Seawater Droplets—R.J. CHENG, State University of New York

4:00 (172) Automated On-Line Sample Pretreatment in HPLC Using Continuous Flow Techniques—E.A DE BRUIJN, Sylvius Laboratories, U.R. Tjaden, H. Lingeman, R.A.M. van der Hoeven

4:20 (163) Multi-Layer Sorbent Tubes and Thermal Desorption GC/MS Applied to the Sampling and Analysis of Indoor Air Pollutants—DM. KANE, Defense/Civil Inst. Environ. Med. 4:40 (164) Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds as Products of Building Materials—Ρ E. KESTER, Tekmar Company

4:20 (173) Automatic Measurement of the Freezing Point of Jet Fuels—J. GOUPY. CRD-Total France, P. Bock 4:40 (174) Automated Analysis of U (Low Concentration) in MultiComponents System—D. YANG, Fujian Inst, of Test. Technology, Z. Niu, B. Xu


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VOL. 5 9 , NO. 3, FEBRUARY




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