"Dutch Boy" gellant research curbs sag - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Dutch Boy" gellant research curbs sag Helps coatings industry turn out much improved proaucts Look at the baked epoxy resin coatings on the two test panels shown. As you see, one sagged, the other didn't. The one that didn't has "Dutch Roy" BENTONE® 34 added. "Dutch Boy" ΒΕΝΤΟΝΈ 34 is a development of National Lead gellant research. It prevents thinout and drip during baking. When cured, Bentoneimproved coatings are thick, uniform, very dur­ able. Often one coat is sufficient. You can apply these improved coatings, easily, too. BENTONE 34 gives just the right application consistency for dipping, spraying, spreading and painting compounds. Maintains it during storage. BENTONE 34 benefits many types of coatings. Baked or air dried metal protective coatings like the one shown. Adhesives. Fabric coatings, Organic insulations. Plastic "glazes" for cinder blocks. Many more, including paints and varnishes.

Other "Dutch Boy" developments improve other products

Many products, today, are being improved by recently developed "Dutch Boy" chemicals. Take compounds containing suspended particles . . . cosmetics, insecticides, inks, ceramics, for ex­ ample. Body, workability, particle suspension, other properties of these products are stepped up by two other "Dutch Boy" Gelling Agents, BENTONE 18-C and BEN-A-GEL®.

Take vinyl compounds. Their life, durability, color and processing are all aided by **DiEich Boy" Sta­ bilizers . . . fifteen altogether. To learn more about these versatile "Dutch Boy" chemicals, fill in and mail the coupon. NATIONAL LEAD C O M P A N Y 111 Broadway, N e w York 6, Ν . Υ. In Canada: Canadian Titanium Pigments Limited 630 Dorchester Street, West. Montreal

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BOY** ΒΕΝΤΟΝΈ 18-C ( sels high, polarity compounds) BOY** BESJTOXE 34 ( s e l s lower polarity compounds) BOY** BEN-A-GEL ( g e l s water-based compounds) BOY** V I X Y L STABILIZER (F-56—S6)


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