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Dec 1, 2011 - October 20, 2011. ABSTRACT: We investigated the dynamic competition be- .... case. As temperature decreases, the kinetics of crystalliza...
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Dynamic Competition between Crystallization and Phase Separation at the Growth Interface of a PMMA/PEO Blend Weichao Shi†,‡ and Charles C. Han†,* †

Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Joint Laboratory of Polymer Science and Materials, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China ‡ Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China ABSTRACT: We investigated the dynamic competition between crystallization and phase separation in a dynamically asymmetric blend of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). Because of a large difference in glass transition temperatures between these two components, the phase transition dynamics is slowed down and can be observed in more detail. There is a morphological inversion from spherulitic to concentric ring patterns by adjusting the quench depth. Under deep quench, phase separation tends to be enhanced by the large concentration deviation at the growth interface of crystals, and propagates outward with convective concentration waves. Meanwhile, short needle-like crystals appear in the phase separated domains, compared with long crystal strips in a spherulitic pattern. A general dynamic competition model is proposed to qualitatively interpret the complex interplay between crystallization and phase separation. On the basis of this model, various morphologies are observed and predicted.

’ INTRODUCTION Crystalline plastics (such as polyolefin), as well as amorphous resins (such as poly(methyl methacrylate) and polystyrene), are widely used in our daily life. Crystallization,13 as well as phase separation,49 has been well studied for decades. However, in a practical process, several phase transitions may take place simultaneously, leading to complex structures and affecting the final properties of material. So, investigation on the interplay between crystallization and phase separation has been in the spotlight recently.1018 Much effort has been made to clarify the crystallization process,19,20 particularly on the growth stage.2124 In a classical picture, this solidliquid transition takes place below the equilibrium melting temperature via primary nucleation and successive growth. For a liquidliquid phase separation process, the nucleation and growth type of phase separation takes place in the metastable region. The spinodal decomposition undergoes within unstable region, signified by a cocontinuous morphology. In conventional studies (like solutions of small molecules or polyolefin copolymer blends), component molecules have equal mobility, which response immediately to phase separation behavior. We refer to this kind of phase separation as normal phase separation, or dynamically symmetric phase separation. However, different chain sizes or other transitions, like gelation or glass transition, may enhance the dynamical asymmetry between the two components, resulting in a new type of phase separation, known as viscoelastic phase separation.2527 Take the phase separation with an upper critical solution temperature (UCST) for example. Two types of phase diagram may be considered when crystallization couples with phase separation. r 2011 American Chemical Society

For the first type, the melting depression line and binodal line intersect. So, only phase separation occurs in the upper region. And crystallization and phase separation take place simultaneously in the bottom region. The second type of phase diagram, which will be investigated in this study, is that the phase separation binodal line is located fully below the crystal melting line. Accordingly, crystallization takes place under shallow quench and the coupled transitions under deep quench. It has been noted in experiments that primary nucleation of crystallization can be assisted by concentration fluctuation, especially at the interface boundaries of phase separated domains.2832 The physical origin can be ascribed to two factors. One is the decrease of surface energy of crystallizing embryos via heterogeneous nucleation on the interface. The second reason is ascribed to fluctuation-assisted molecular ordering by active interdiffusion at the interfaces. The former has been tested theoretically33 but the latter still remain as a challenge. There also have been reports that nucleation and growth type of phase separation may be induced at the growth front of spherulites.34 The concentration profile at the growth front changes as spherulites grow and may transverse from the original miscible state to the metastable state. As there is energy barrier for nucleation, this coupling process could occur after a long time. In spite that much progress has been achieved until present, some essential problems are still unsettled: Is the phase separation dynamics the same everywhere, near or away from the Received: August 25, 2011 Revised: October 20, 2011 Published: December 01, 2011 336

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma201940m | Macromolecules 2012, 45, 336–346


Figure 1. Phase and morphology diagram of PMMA/PEO blend. Compact spherulitic morphology forms are shown in region 1, and nucleation and growth type of phase separation are observed in region 2, a loose spherulitic morphology in region 3, and a concentric ring pattern in region 4.


Figure 2. Nucleation and growth type phase separation of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at 55 °C. The picture was taken under PCOM with slight artificial modification to enhance the contrast.

’ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phase and Morphology Diagram. We illustrated the phase and morphology diagram of the blend in Figure 1.37 The melting temperatures of PEO crystals were measured by DSC with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The equilibrium melting temperatures at different fractions were determined using Hoffman Weeks extrapolation. The final equilibrium curve shown in the phase diagram is often called melting depression line. The equilibrium temperature decreases as PMMA content increases. This may be caused by two factors: one is thermodynamic factor and the other is dynamic. Blending with small amount of PMMA lowers the chemical potential of PEO in the melt. So the corresponding equilibrium crystals appear at lower temperatures from thermodynamic sense. Also, amorphous PMMA molecules diffuse much slower than crystallizable PEO, therefore, it is more difficult to form regular array of PEO chains at the growth front as PMMA content increases. This dynamic process leads to more defects, thus the resulting PEO crystals melt at a lower temperature. The glass transition temperatures of the blend were also determined by DSC with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The glass transition temperatures were not tested at the contents of PMMA weight fractions less than 0.4 because of the effect from PEO crystallization. The measured temperatures at higher PMMA fractions were well fitted by Fox equation. It needs to be pointed out that this cannot be a criterion to determine the miscibility between these two components, although the application of the Fox equation should be confined within miscible condition. Strictly speaking, the binodal line beneath the melting depression line cannot be quantitatively determined because of the interplay between crystallization and phase separation. So, we just schematically showed a boundary line, assuming the two transitions are independent. However, we will introduce an inversion line to indicate the dynamic inversion from the crystallization dominant to phase separation dominant. The determination of this dynamic inversion line will be given later. Phase Separation at the Growth Interface. In conventional spinodal decomposition, cocontinuous structures grow randomly in full space. However, we find a spinodal may be induced by crystal growth and propagate concentrically in the radial direction. We would like to give detailed information on morphology and phase separation dynamics in this section.

crystals? How will the crystal growth be affected by phase separation? Is there universal law behind these complex dual transitions? In this study, we intend to provide some explicit answers to some of these questions. We used poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) blend for investigation. Although the miscibility of PMMA/PEO blend is unsettled for a long time,35,36 we have confirmed the UCST phase separation behavior. Because of a great difference in glass transition temperatures between PMMA (about 100 °C) and PEO (about  60 °C), the blend undergoes phase separation as viscoelastic model predicts. With this dynamically asymmetric property, we directly confirmed the faster phase separation dynamics at the growth interface of crystals on macroscopic scale. And the propagating concentration waves led to quadratic or circular alternating structures of phase separated patterns. This phenomenon can be qualitatively interpreted by a general dynamic competition model between crystallization and phase separation.

’ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials. PMMA and PEO were purchased from Aldrich Chemicals and Beijing Chemcal Co., respectively. The molecular weight was determined by gel permeation chromatography. For PMMA, the weightaverage molecular weight Mw = 15000 and Mw/Mn = 1.73 where Mn stands for number-average molecular weight. For PEO, Mw = 20000 and Mw/Mn = 1.08. The materials were used after purification. The glass transition temperatures of PMMA and PEO were found to be about 91 °C and 60 °C, respectively, using a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC, MettlerToledo-822e) at a heating rate of 10 °C/min. Film Preparation. PMMA and PEO were dissolved in chloroform with 5% of polymer by weight. The solution was stirred at room temperature over 24 h, then casted on a clean glass plate. The solvent was quickly evaporated and further dried until constant weight. The film thickness is kept at about 20 μm. Optical Microscopy. The phase contrast optical microscopy (PCOM) and polarized optical microscopy (POM) were carried out using an Olympus (BX51) optical microscope and Olympus (C-5050ZOOM) camera. The experimental temperature was controlled by a Linkam (LTS350) hot stage. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Samples were coated by platinum before observation under SEM (JEOL JSM 6700F). 337

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Figure 3. Time evolution of the loose spherulitic pattern of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at 45 °C for 14.5, 18.5, and 36 h. The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (upper row) and POM (lower row).

The critical composition is between 0.6 and 0.7 of PMMA weight fraction (estimated about 0.68 via ϕc,PMMA = (NPEO)1/2/ ((NPEO)1/2 + (NPAMMA)1/2)). Although the dynamics of the blend with PMMA weight fraction 0.7 is much slower, it has similar morphologies with the blend with PMMA weight fraction 0.6. So we only show the experimental results for PMMA content at 0.6. Figure 2 (region 2 in the phase and morphology diagram) shows the liquidliquid phase separation at 55 °C after a long annealing time of 10 days. Crystallization at this low quench depth seemed difficult to occur through homogeneous nucleation. But sparsely distributed PMMA particles appeared. So we infer that the nucleation and growth type of liquidliquid phase separation took place between spinodal and binodal line in this case. As temperature decreases, the kinetics of crystallization speeds up more than that of phase separation. Figure 3 (region 3 in the phase and morphology diagram) shows the growth of PEO spherulites at 45 °C with PMMA weight fraction of 0.6. Loose spherulites grew isotropically. It is clear that amorphous domains were intercalated in the interfibrillar regions. Fibrillar crystals grew in the radial direction with short branches. The whole spherulites lost the regular Maltese cross. These phenomena may be ascribed to the slow diffusion of PMMA and weak phase separation effect. The kinetics of phase separation became dominated below 45 °C. Figure 4a (region 4 in the phase and morphology diagram) shows the characteristic morphologies at 42 °C. It clearly shows a trend from spherulitic pattern to concentric alternating phase separation rings. Note that small spherulites still located at the centers. There was clearly a size difference between phase separating and crystallizing areas at nearly the same time. Furthermore, short lamellar stacks, instead of long crystal stripes, arrayed regularly in the tangential directions and showed a Maltese-like cross, which was clearly revealed in Figure 4b. The detailed investigation on the crystal structures will be given in a subsequent paper. Figure 5 (region 4 in the phase and morphology diagram) shows the morphological evolution of the blend at 35 °C. All

Figure 4. Characteristic morphology of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at 42 °C. (a) The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (right) and POM (left). (b) Crystal order was observed under POM in the concentric alternating pattern.

the photographs were taken by quickly transferring from a phase-contrast mode to polarized mode. Alternating quadratic domain emerged initially while there was not much information from crystal growth. After a certain time, bright spotlights appeared first at the center of the domain and then grew outward into the phase separated regions. Note that the size differences between PCOM and POM pictures were more obviously revealed in this condition. It can be concluded that the kinetics of phase separation was faster than the growth of crystallization. 338

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Figure 5. Time evolution of the concentric pattern of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at 35 °C for 40, 55, and 90 min. The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (upper row) and POM (lower row).

Closer observation of the square-like structure indicates that the sparsely distributed crystals were short needle-like, as shown in Figure 6. Moreover, the needle-like crystals lost regular arrangement and oriented randomly in phase separated domains. A characteristic feature of this square shape is the four arms in the diagonal directions, consisting of alternating phase separated domains. Sometimes more arms appeared or one arm might split into two, leading to the distorted shape. But shapes with fewer arms were never seen. In addition, the square shape maintained quite well from initial until impingement between domains. It should be stressed that the four arms are not the result of birefringence, but signifies larger concentration deviations in the directions. This can be ascertained under SEM, which will be shown later. Traditional spinodal decomposition takes place in full space because of no energy barrier. However, as revealed in Figure 5, when phase separation is coupled with crystallization, a phase separation showing square-like shape is reported for the first time. There have been a lot of reports on PEO crystals with quadratic form,3840 and we consider the square-like phase separated pattern is the magnified reflection of the original crystal shape. A detailed discussion on this will be given later. We may test this assumption by a simple double quench experiment. The sample was first annealed at 43 °C for 12 h and quenched to 35 °C subsequently. The temporal evolution is revealed in Figure 7. The initial structure was nearly isotropic when the annealing temperature was 43 °C. After quenching to 35 °C, concentric alternating structure appeared at the growth interface with many more arms. Regular square-like pattern was not observed. Phase separation in the arm direction seemed to grow faster. However, lateral crystallization did not begin until a long time interval later. This experiment may give us two clues: phase separation pattern is affected by the initial structure; phase separation kinetics is faster than crystallization under deep quench. As stated above, phase separating domains grew anisotropically, faster in the diagonal direction. However, the concentration waves propagate with constant velocity in all directions. The linear growth of the phase separating domains is shown in Figure 8. The size of the spherulites was determined by the diameter, and the square

Figure 6. Close observation of the square-like concentric structure under PCOM (a) and POM (b). The blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at 35 °C after 48 h.

domains were determined by the average length of each side. The linear growth of spherulite is usually determined by the secondary nucleation rate. However, this linear growth of phase separating 339

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Figure 7. Time evolution of the characteristic pattern of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 quenched to 35 °C for 0, 30, 60, and 120 min after annealing at 43 °C for 12 h. The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (upper row) and POM (lower row).

Figure 9. Characteristic morphology observed under PCOM (a) and POM (b) at 45 °C for the sample with PMMA content at 0.5.

Figure 8. Size versus time plot of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6. The onset times are shifted.

domains is determined by the phase separation dynamics, since concentration growth from initial fraction to glassy fraction should have kept constant at a specific temperature. When the PMMA weight fraction was decreased to 0.5, square-like morphology could not form but new features appeared. At this off-critical composition, phase separation did not take strong effect until the temperature was below 35 °C. So crystallization process dominated above 35 °C. Figure 9 (region 1 in the phase and morphology diagram) shows the typical morphology at 45 °C. Compact spherulites grew with long fibrillar crystals in the radial direction. We also see the isolated amorphous domains trapped inside the interfibrillar regions from phase contrast mode and the regular Maltese cross from polarized mode. Compared with the loose structure formed with PMMA weight fraction at 0.6, formation of compact structure mainly dues to the higher PEO content and lower viscosity. Phase separation process became dominated when the temperature was lowered to below 35 °C. The morphological evolution at 30 °C is shown in Figure 10 (region 4 in the phase and morphology diagram). Here we can see crystallization-initiated phase separation more clearly. Compact spherulites grew initially, and phase

Figure 10. Time evolution of the characteristic pattern of the blend with PMMA content at 0.5 quenched to 30 °C for 13, 20, and 30 min. The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (upper row) and POM (lower row).

separation became dominating at the growing interface subsequently. The initial spherulite was consisted of long crystalline strips, but small crystals were isolated within phase separated domains laterally afterward. Furthermore, by comparing the pictures in the top and bottom rows, we see the equal size of the growing domains in the initial time (pictures in the 340

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Figure 11. Time evolution of the characteristic pattern of the blend with PMMA content at 0.5 quenched to 10 °C for 10, 20, and 50 min. The observation was carried out at nearly the same time under PCOM (upper row) and POM (lower row).

first column), and size contrast emerged at later times. This indicates that the dominant factor was transformed from crystallization to phase separation. The competing dynamics was similar when we carried out experiment at an even lower temperature. Figure 11 (region 4 in the phase and morphology diagram) displays the morphological evolution at 10 °C. In this case, phase separation occurred following the formation of some small crystallites. Phase-separated regions showed low contrast under phase contrast mode, compared with morphologies at higher temperatures. This conveys that smaller concentration deviation was induced by phase separation. Because of this very low temperature, a small concentration growth of PMMA may already reach the glassy fraction, thus leading to a drastic pinning of any further concentration increase. We also notice the size difference in pictures under PCOM and POM taken at nearly the same time. When the PMMA weight fraction was decreased to less than 0.4, the size difference between phase contrast mode and polarized mode could not be clearly observed. That was, crystallization and phase separation underwent “neck and neck”. The reason could be attributed to the faster crystallization kinetics and lower binodal temperatures when PMMA content decreases. However, concentration distribution was rearranged under the perturbation of phase separation, which will be shown in the next section. Concentric Alternating Patterns. Under deep quench, phase separation propagates outward from the growth interface with the initial crystal structure as template. We will further investigate the characteristic pattern formed in this condition with SEM. Figure 12 shows the surface character of the blends with PMMA weight fraction of 0.6 at different temperatures. At 42 °C, alternating circular rings appeared at the center but dissipated when propagated further away. However, alternating quadratic rings appeared in the center at 35 °C. In addition, ‘arms’ appeared mainly in the diagonal directions and propagated from the center. This coincides with the appearance under PCOM (Figure 4 and 5) and may be a good indication that the amplitude of concentration fluctuation is greater near the center and in the diagonal directions.

Figure 12. Surface morphology observed under SEM for the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at (a) 42 °C and (b) 35 °C.

Figure 13 shows the characteristic morphologies at different temperatures with PMMA weight fraction of 0.6. All samples were etched by acetone to take the amorphous-rich phase away before observation. At 47 °C, amorphous domains were mainly engulfed into the interfibrillar regions in the radial direction. However, the etched samples showed concentric alternating patterns at lower temperatures. The alternating phase separated domains arrayed regularly in the tangential direction, normal to the propagation waves. So there was a morphological inversion at about 45 °C. When PMMA weight fraction decreased to 0.5, the characteristic morphologies also changed from spherulitic to alternating ring patterns as temperature decreased. In Figure 14, the morphology at 40 °C showed the regular spherulitic pattern. The PMMA-rich domains were distributed along the radial direction. Concentric alternating patterns were shown for samples prepared at 30 and 25 °C. Most amorphous domains located alternatively normal to the propagation direction. However, concentric rings broke up at even lower temperatures. The morphological inversion from spherulitic to concentric structure occurred near 35 °C at this composition. When PMMA content was at 0.4, we cannot observe phase separation at the growth interface directly under optical microscopy. However, when observed under SEM after etching by xylene, we can see a similar morphological inversion near 20 °C from Figure 15. It should be noted that these concentric structures may show spherulitic-like growth, especially when PMMA content is low. 341

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Figure 13. Characteristic structures of the blend with PMMA content at 0.6 annealed at (a) 47, (b) 42, and (c) 40 °C. All samples were etched by acetone to take the amorphous-rich phase away before observation.

Figure 14. Characteristic structures of the blend with PMMA content at 0.5 annealed at (a) 40, (b) 30, (c) 25, (d) 20, and (e) 10 °C. The first four samples were etched by xylene and the last one by THF to take the amorphous-rich phase away before observation.

Figure 15. Characteristic structures of the blend with PMMA content at 0.4 annealed at (a) 40, (b) 25, (c) 20, (d) 15, (e) 10, and (f) 5 °C. All samples were etched by xylene to take the amorphous-rich phase away before observation.

However, the spatial distribution of concentration, as stated above, will change drastically when phase separation is intervening into the crystal growth kinetics. This will also affect lamellar orientation and macroscopic birefringence, which will be discussed in a separate paper later. Crystallization Assisted Phase Separation at the Growth Interface. Because of the large difference in glass transition temperatures, the two components of PEO and PMMA behave differently. The PMMA molecules relax very slowly when a driving force is applied, while PEO molecules response immediately to an applied force. In order to provide a better explanation to this phase separation mechanism, we employed the viscoelastic phase separation model proposed by Tanaka.27

The dynamics of a viscoelastic phase separation process can be briefly summarized as follows. There is usually a long “frozen” stage in the initial time of phase separation. On one hand, the initial concentration fluctuation is always depressed within the viscoelastic length.27,41 On the other hand, the coupled velocity field is negligible because of a small concentration deviation between the two phases. As phase separation continues, the concentration deviation becomes intensified and the induced velocity field gets significant, thus the conditions are created for an enhanced phase separation dynamics. We may call this stage as fast growth stage. Then, the relaxation process of the network stress becomes the controlling factor as phases get more and more concentrated. In the late stage, the dynamics can be 342

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described by the hydrodynamic coarsening process as in the normal phase separation. When viscoelastic phase separation is the only transition in a system, this process occurs homogeneously in full space. However, when crystallization process is also happening, a phase separation process may be affected inhomogeneously. Here we employed a simplified model to describe the crystallization process in a fully miscible blend, which consists of a crystalline component and an amorphous component. Successive growth of the crystal after primary nucleation occurs by absorbing crystallizable molecules onto the growth front and rejecting the amorphous ones away. Assume further that the amorphous component can be completely excluded. Then the amorphous concentration profile at the growth front in the radial direction can be described by an exponential decay function:2 jðr, tÞ ¼ jð0, tÞ exp½  ðG=DÞr þ j0

this study, the concentric pattern, formed under the competition between crystallization and phase separation, is reported for the first time. It should be noted that phase separation has different sensitivity to concentration deviation at the growth interface, depending on location in the phase and morphology diagram. As stated previously, crystallization dominates the whole process at relatively high temperatures and overwhelms only in the initial stage at low temperatures. That is, phase separation is sensitive to small concentration deviation induced by crystallization when temperature is low. At higher temperatures, due to small thermodynamic driving force, phase separation occurs only when large concentration deviation is built up at the growth interface. So, at particular intermediate temperatures, phase separation does not take charge until spherulites grew to a large size. But when PMMA content is even lower (below 0.4), it is difficult to observe phase separation at the growth interface. On one hand, the binodal temperatures become lower. On the other hand, growth rate of crystallization increases dramatically. Fast growth of spherulites enclosed amorphous molecules into the interlamellar or interfibrillar regions, thus preventing the establishment of concentration profile in the radial direction. The observed square-like morphology is quite interesting. Then, let us look for the formation mechanism of this featured pattern. PEO crystals with quadratic shapes prepared in PMMA/ PEO blend have been reported in many articles. We speculate that the square-like phase separating domain is the macroscopic reflection of concentration profile created by the initial crystallization. The initial dendritic nuclei grow anisotropically in the four-arm directions. Loose branches from these arms usually appear later. Crystallization in each arm is more regular than that in branches. So, concentration deviation is anisotropically distributed around, higher at the front of each vortex and lower at farther regions between vortices. The laterally assisted phase separation inherited this character and retained the high concentration deviation in the diagonal directions, forming four arms consisted of alternating phase separated domains. General Dynamic Competition Model. In this section, we would like to first reconsider the crystallization and phase separation independently, and then expand to the coupled phase transitions. In fully miscible blend, crystal growth involves two processes: secondary nucleation at the crystallizing front and transport of the crystallizable molecules. Here we choose two characteristic times to denote each process, respectively. The induction time for preparing secondary critical nuclei near growth front is denoted as τi hereafter. The time for a crystalline polymer crossing the amorphous-rich barrier regions to get to the original crystallizing front, which is denoted as τc. Although τi is determined by the thermodynamic property of the blend (τi ∼ exp(ΔG/kT) where ΔG is the energy barrier), it can be comparatively displayed in a dynamic manner as τi ∼ l/G, where l ∼ D/G gives characteristic length of the amorphous-rich regions. D is the diffusion coefficient of the amorphous molecules and G the growth rate of the crystallizing front. On the basis of “VogelFulcher law”, τc can be predicted as τc ∼ l2/D0 (j), where D0 (j) ∼ exp[B/(jgj)]. D0 is the diffusion coefficient of the crystalline molecules. B is a constant and jg is the glassy fraction of the blend at the temperature. We note that τc has strong concentration dependence if the components have large glass transition temperature


j(0,t) is also expressed as j(0,t) ∼ GR(t)/D. Here j(0,t) is the amorphous concentration at crystallizing front; j0 is the average concentration in the original melt; R(t) is the radius of the spherulite; G is the growth rate, and D the diffusion coefficient of the amorphous component. So the concentration deviation at the growth front is intensified as crystals grow. However, in the practical case, amorphous molecules are partially rejected and partially intercalated into the interlamellar or interfibrillar regions. When crystallization and phase separation occur simultaneously, spherulitic morphology cannot be destructed under a shallow quench. This is mainly attributed to a smaller thermodynamic driving force of phase separation than that of crystallization. Under a deep quench within the spinodal region (region 4 in Figure 1), phase separation will occur under viscoelastic effect. Crystal nuclei may form randomly in space when shortrange density fluctuation overcomes an energy barrier. Then, crystals can grow and become larger. Meanwhile, the dynamics of phase separation was kept slow because of the long-range viscoelastic depression. Therefore, most areas stay “frozen” in the initial stage. The dynamics will be enhanced only when concentration gradient and velocity field are slowly built up after a long time. However, as crystals grow, the amorphous-rich phase is built up first at the growth interface of crystals (eq 1). Thus, the thermodynamic instability is intensified and the coupled velocity field will accelerate the phase separation dynamics. In other words, the dynamics of phase separation is greatly enhanced at the growth interface assisted by the crystallization, as if pushed into the fast growth stage, when other regions are still frozen. As the amorphous-rich phase gets more and more concentrated, the slow relaxation process turned to be the controlling factor, and further coarsening is slowed down. But the induced concentration waves propagate farther away, enhancing the dynamics of phase separation in the neighboring regions. If the lateral phase separation dynamics is faster than the original crystal growth, further propagation may be maintained by concentration deviation induced by phase separation itself. Regular concentric alternating structures will be kept as long as regular concentration deviation profiles are reserved. Concentric patterns were previously reported in spiral spherulites,42,43 or when phase separation is coupled with gelation,44,45 or affected by adding nanoparticles.46 Simulation work47 revealed that concentration deviation may assist thermodynamic instability based on CahnHilliard model, without taking into account of the velocity field in actual case. In 343

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Figure 16. Schematic representation of the formation mechanism of spherulitic growth (a, b) and concentric alternating pattern (cf). j(0,t) is the PMMA concentration at the growth front of PEO crystals. j* is defined as a critical concentration when τi ≈ τd.

difference. If the components are dynamically symmetric, then τc is only controlled by the distance. If the two processes compete with each other when crystallization proceeds in a fully miscible blend, then two kinds of characteristic morphologies can be predicted. If τc < τi, crystalline molecules can always cross over the amorphous-rich regions and crystallize at the growth front, forming compact spherulitc morphology. Crystalline molecules crystallizing in dilute solution is a good example (τc , τi). If τi < τc, then the original crystallizing front may stop and a new crystallite may form, trapping the amorphous-rich regions between lamellae or lamellar stacks. In this case, loose spherulitic morphology forms. Crystallization of a blend near but above the glass transition temperature follows this condition (τi , τc). When phase separation intervenes into the crystallization, a third characteristic time τd enforced into the mechanism, which

denotes the deformation rate of phase separated domains. This concept was first proposed by H. Tanaka to qualitatively describe phase separation dynamics.27 The deformation rate is mainly determined by osmotic pressure in the initial stage which is estimated as τd ∼ l/Δj(t)2, and controlled by the interfacial tension in the late stage which is estimated as τd ∼ lη/σ (Siggia’s coarsening mechanism).27 η denotes the viscosity and σ the surface tension. In addition, if we generalize τc as the relaxation controlled process in a phase separation, we note that τd > τc all through a symmetric phase separation process. However, in a dynamically asymmetric phase separation, the controlling factor switches from τd in the initial stage (τd > τc) to τc in the intermediate stage (τd < τc), and finally returns to τd in the late stage (τd > τc). In the coupled transitions of crystallization and phase separation, the formation of various morphologies may form on the 344

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Macromolecules relative scale of τi, τc, and τd. By a detailed analysis, we give the following results: I τc < τi < τd: Compact spherulites always form, and the amorphous-rich phase is all repelled into the interspherulitic regions. II τc < τd < τi: Phase separation occurs faster than crystallization, but subsequently formed compact spherulites may distort the phase-separated pattern. The amorphous-rich phase may be pushed into the interspherulitic regions. III τi < τc < τd: Loose spherulites forms, trapping the amorphous-rich regions in the interlamellar or interfibrillar regions. IV τi < τd < τc: The situation is similar to III, but only appears in dynamically asymmetric systems. V τd < τc < τi: The situation is similar to II, but only appears in dynamically asymmetric systems. VI τd < τi < τc: phase separation occurs faster than crystallization, and the subsequently formed loose crystallites are confined in the phase-separated crystalline-rich regions. This case only appears in dynamically asymmetric systems. Furthermore, the time interval between each two characteristic times, τiτc, τiτd and τcτd, may reflect the correlation between a new crystal and the original crystal, the correlation between crystallization and phase separation, or asymmetry criterion, respectively. This part of work will be discussed in a following paper. Some researchers consider the size contrast between spherulites and phase separated domains may also affect the morphology. However, this scenario has been explicitly included in the classifications above. The situations stated above are considered based on the assumption that crystallization and phase separation are independent in simultaneous phase transitions. Very few theoretical solutions are available based on the final equilibrium state, more accurate predictions merit further consideration which should include the interface conditions between the crystalline front and the amorphous-rich phase. In a real situation, it may be more complex which could involve several cases stated before in a whole dynamic process. We may apply this general model to the crystallization assisted phase separation growth in this study. When temperature is quenched under binodal line, crystallization occurs first. Because of nearly homogeneous composition, τd ∼ l/Δj(t)2 is very large. So, τc < τi < τd or τi < τc < τd, depending on the initial composition. Only spherulites form in this stage. As spherulites grow larger, concentration deviation at the growth interface becomes significant, thus enhancing phase separation. Meanwhile, the amorphousrich layer at the growth interface depresses interdiffusion drastically. So, three choices are possible: if τi < τd < τc, then crystallization and phase separation propagate “neck and neck” and the original spherulitic structure is kept; if τd < τc < τi, then phase separation goes ahead of crystallization, leading to concentric structures and compact crystals in phase separated regions (for example, when PMMA content is at 0.4); if τd < τi < τc, also phase separation leading concentric structure forms with open crystals in phase separated domains (when PMMA content is at 0.6). The spherulitic growth is schematically illustrated in Figure 16, parts a and b. The formation mechanism of the concentric alternating pattern is shown in Figure 16, parts cf. We can also give a rough estimation of the characteristic length in the concentric structures via this model. Suppose the growth of


PMMA-rich regions is pinned until glass transition, then the deformation time τd ∼ l/(jg  j)2. This time interval should equal the rheological time of the same domain. So the length of the amorphous-rich domain should be l ∼ exp[B/(jg  j)]/(jg  j)2. When shallower quench is applied and phase separation is quite weak, the size of the PEO-rich domain can be roughly estimated as l0 ∼ Gl/Δj(t)2 ∼ D/Δj(t)2 ∼ D3/G2R(t)2 ∼ D3/G2l0 2, leading to l0 ∼ G2/3.

’ CONCLUSIONS We investigated the morphology and phase separation behavior under the effect of the dynamic coupling between crystallization and phase separation processes. Crystallization dynamics is slightly affected by phase separation, showing spherulitic shape, when shallow quench is applied. In deep quench, concentric alternating pattern forms under the competition between these two transitions. The detailed process can be described as follows. Crystallization always occurs ahead of phase separation, due to larger thermodynamic driving force exerted for a temperature quench in our system. As the amorphous-rich layer becomes concentrated enough as crystals grow larger, phase separation takes place first at the growth interface, then concentration waves propagate farther away with constant velocity until impingement. A general dynamic competition model is proposed to qualitatively interpret the nonequilibrium process in both miscible and phase separating blends. Various morphologies can be predicted and observed based on this model. It should be stressed that phase separation tends to be assisted by crystallization at the growth interface. This should be a general phenomenon in simultaneous phase transitions, if the generality of a viscoelastic phase separation model can be held. However, phase separation dynamics at the growth interface may be smeared or destructed in dynamically symmetric systems (like polyolefin blends), because of the lack of dynamic depression within viscoelastic length in the initial stage and hydrodynamic coarsening in the late stage. ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

*Telephone: +86 10 82618089. Fax: +86 10 62521519. E-mail: [email protected].

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’ NOTE ADDED AFTER ASAP PUBLICATION This article posted ASAP on December 1, 2011. There is a correction to the equation describing the length of the 346

dx.doi.org/10.1021/ma201940m |Macromolecules 2012, 45, 336–346