Dynamics of Layer Growth in Protein Crystallization - Chemical

M.S. degree with Honors in Chemistry in 1985 from Moscow State University ... of Physics and Mathematics at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsbur...
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Chem. Rev. 2000, 100, 2061−2089


Dynamics of Layer Growth in Protein Crystallization Peter G. Vekilov† and J. Iwan D. Alexander*,‡ Department of Chemistry and Center for Microgravity and Materials Research, University of AlabamasHuntsville, RI Building D-29, Huntsville, Alabama 35899, and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and National Center for Microgravity Research on Fluids and Combustion, Glennan 416, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7222 Received July 29, 1999

Contents I. Introduction II. Step Generation and Propagation A. Step (Growth Layer) Generation 1. Dislocations, 2D Nucleation, and Crystallites 2. Localization of 2D Nucleation: Bulk-Transport Nonuniformities and Defect Pinning 3. Evolution of the Dislocation Sources of Growth Layers B. Kinetics of Step Propagation 1. The Kinetic Coefficient for Incorporation into Steps 2. Interstep Interactions III. Defects, Strain, and Molecular Disorder in Protein Crystals IV. Unsteady Growth Kinetics and Step Bunching A. Phenomenology and Dependence on Transport Parameters B. Correlation between Unsteady Kinetics and Crystal Imperfections C. Macroscopic Models of Kinetics Unsteadiness and Feasibility Tests 1. General Considerations 2. Numerical Model 3. Simulation Results V. Microscopic Mechanisms of Instability and Step Bunching A. Linear Stability Predictions B. Numerical Simulation of Suspected Incorporation Pathway C. Stability with Respect to Small Perturbations D. Experimental Evidence for the Role of Perturbation Type and Magnitude VI. Control of Kinetic Unsteadiness A. Experiments with Flowing Solution B. Suppression of Unsteadiness with Faster Bulk Transport VII. Impurities and Kinetic Unsteadiness VIII. Rationale for System-Dependent Effects of Bulk-Transport Changes on Crystal Perfection A. Pure Solutions B. Impure Proteins C. What Should We Do before Conducting Low-Gravity Experiments? IX. Does Step Bunching Contribute to the Slow Protein Crystal Growth?

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X. Concluding Remarks XI. Acknowledgments XII. References

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I. Introduction Proteins are the elementary building units for all living creatures and are essential components for information and energy processing in living systems. The need to understand genome structure-function correlations for this group of natural compounds has emerged as a focus of intense recent investigations.1 Although advances in nuclear magnetic resonance techniques continue to increase the upper limit to the size of protein molecules that can be studied by this method,2 the diffraction of X-rays, electrons, or neutrons is the most widely used method for protein structure investigations. To resolve atoms that are, typically, 1.5-2 Å apart, these diffraction methods require single crystals that are as large as several tenths of a millimeter in all three dimensions and have low defect contents and high compositional and structural uniformity. Recent advances in protein expression, characterization, and purification techniques, as well as beam and detector technology and in computational crystallography, have greatly accelerated the rate at which protein structures can be solved.3 However, the preparation of diffractionquality crystals has emerged as the bottleneck in the route toward macromolecular crystal structure determinations.4,5 Beyond protein single-crystal growth, progress in various biochemical and biomedical research and production tasks is impeded by lack of insight into protein nucleation and growth mechanisms. For instance, the slow dissolution rate of protein crystals is used to achieve sustained release of medications, such as insulin.6-10 Work on the crystallization of other proteins that can be dispensed in a similar manner (e.g., interferon-R and human growth hormone) is currently underway. If the administered dose consists of a few, larger, equidimensional crystallites, steady medication release rates can be maintained for longer periods than for doses comprised of many smaller crystallites. To achieve such † University of AlabamasHuntsville. Phone: 256-890-6892. Fax: 256-890-6944. E-mail: [email protected]. ‡ Case Western Reserve University. Phone: 216-368-6045. Fax: 216-368-6445. E-mail: [email protected].

10.1021/cr9800558 CCC: $35.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Published on Web 05/18/2000

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Peter Vekilov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1963. He received his M.S. degree with Honors in Chemistry in 1985 from Moscow State University and his Ph.D. degree in 1991 from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Crystallography, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Alexander A. Chernov. After postdoctoral stints in Bulgaria and Japan, he worked as a Research Scientist at the Center for Microgravity and Materials Research (CMMR) at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL, with Professor Franz Rosenberger. Since 1998 he has been an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the same University and led the Physics and Chemistry of Crystallization Group at the CMMR. In 1995 he received the Young Scientist Award of the International Union of Crystallography for research in protein crystallization. His main focus is protein crystallization and other related phase transitions and their biomedical implications. Unsteady kinetics, instabilities, and defect formation in protein and inorganic crystals are prime foci of scientific effort.

Iwan Alexander was born in Cardiff, Wales, in 1955. He received his B.Sc. in Geology and Oceanography from the University College Swansea in 1977 and his Ph.D. degree from Washington State University in 1981. Between 1982 and 1985 he was a postdoctoral researcher with Robert F. Sekerka in the Departments of Physics and Mathematics at CarnegieMellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. In late 1985 he moved to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center as a visiting scientist and in 1987 joined the Center for Microgravity and Materials Research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, AL, as a Senior Research Scientist. He later became Associate Director of the center and an Associate Professor of Physics. Since 1998 he has been an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Case Western Reserve University and the Chief Scientist for fluids at the National Center for Microgravity Research on Fluids and Combustion. His recent research has involved the investigation of heat, mass, and momentum transfer processes in terrestrial and space-based fluid and solid−liquid phase change systems and on the interaction between macroscopic transport and interfacial processes.

size distributions, crystal nucleation times must be short so that all crystals grow at the same decreasing supersaturation. Other biomedical applications include situations where pathological conditions are related to the formation of crystals or other ordered solid ag-

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gregates in the human body. An often cited example is the crystallization of hemoglobin C and the polymerization of hemoglobin S that cause, respectively, the CC and sickle cell diseases.11-13 Crystallization of the proteins in the eye retina underlies the pathology of cataract formation.14 Aside from their obvious medical and biotechnical significance, another, often unrecognized, application of protein crystallization is its use as a model for crystallization phenomena that occur in a variety of systems.15 Thus, they are potentially useful to scientists from a number of different disciplines. Examples include water freezing in clouds and oceans,16 solidification in the Earth’s interior,17 the pulling of 12 and 18 in. semiconductor boules,18 etc. Given the resolution limits of modern surface characterization techniques, proteins are particularly attractive for studies of fundamental crystal growth mechanisms. For example, the size of the protein molecules (a few nanometers) and the typical time scales for growth (a few seconds between sequential discrete growth events) are within reach of the current advanced experiment techniques. On the other hand, the molecular masses typical of most protein molecules still leave thermal equilibration times relatively short. Thus, conclusions drawn from studies of protein model systems may still be meaningful for small molecule crystallization. In this regard, proteins could be a better model than, for instance, colloidal crystals.19-21 The above factors led to the emergence of macromolecular crystallization as a distinct area of research in the early 1980s. Since then, the field has benefited from concepts and methods developed in other research areas. For instance, the application of direct light scattering and other methods used to probe colloids led to quantitative measurements of molecular interactions and crystal nucleation in protein solutions (see refs 22-26 and references therein). Fluid dynamics analyses were applied to characterize the convective-diffusive supply fields in the solutions from which the crystals grow. Explanations of the differences between terrestrially grown protein crystals and those grown in microgravity,27-29 have largely been based on such analyses. Interferometric and scanning probe techniques, first used by inorganic crystal growers30,31 and surface scientists, provided insight into growth processes on a nearmolecular level.32-39 A variety of methods to establish and maintain advantageous supersaturation, temperature, and solution composition conditions have helped to achieve reproducible improved perfection of protein crystals.8,40,41 In this paper, we review recent results that explain some morphological and kinetics phenomena that occur during layer-wise growth of protein crystals. The explanations are based on ideas arising from the field of “nonlinear dynamics”. For the crystal growth processes that are the main themes of this review, “dynamics” refers to unsteady collective behavior and bunching of molecular steps on growth surfaces. These dynamics arise due to the interactions between individual growth steps (crystal layer edges) moving on the crystal-solution interface. “Kinetics”, on the

Dynamics of Layer Growth in Protein Crystallization

other hand, refers to the forces responsible for individual growth step motion and the underlying mechanisms through which molecules are incorporated into potential growth sites at these steps. Such a distinction is to a large extent limited since there is a clear interdependence between step dynamics and kinetics. A significant fraction of the studies of protein growth dynamics were performed using the protein lysozyme, most often extracted from hen egg white. This enzyme hydrolyzes polysaccharides in bacterial cell walls42 and was one of the first proteins studied by X-ray diffraction.43-45 It is still widely used in studies of protein folding dynamics46 and is particularly attractive for crystal growth research because its thermophysical properties are well characterized and because it was used in numerous prior studies (for a review, see ref 25). Numerous recent crystallization mechanism studies, see below, using a wide range of other proteins have validated the results obtained with this material and justified lysozyme as a useful model system for growth studies, see sections II and III below. Quantitative and qualitative results drawn from the small number of protein systems studied in detail show that there is a strong correspondence between the growth behavior and mechanisms of these protein crystals with data and theories accumulated over some 70 years of research into the crystallization of inorganic small-molecule crystals. Thus, while for some yet-to-be studied protein systems there may indeed turn out to be significant fundamental departures from existing crystal growth theories, there is no quantitative experimental evidence for this at this time. This review deliberately omits several areas of recent research related to protein crystallization. Protein molecular interactions in solutions have been discussed in a series of papers (see refs 47 and 48). Results on nucleation of protein crystals are summarized in ref 26. For a general theoretical introduction to the problem, see refs 49 and 50. Twodimensional crystallization of proteins is referenced in refs 51-53. For treatises on protein crystallization techniques, see the available or forthcoming editions of refs 54 and 55. A comprehensive list of references on impurity effects is provided in ref 56 and on precipitants and solubility in ref 57. Our discussion will not consider the possibility of conformational heterogeneity and flexibility of the protein molecular structure,54,55 which may be important for the perfection and utility of certain protein crystals. The reason for this is that current characterization techniques lack the submolecular resolution needed for the insitu evaluation of conformational effects. Section II begins with a discussion of the generation of new crystal growth layers. It is shown that if the crystals approach the sizes needed for their applications (typically >100 µm), growth layers are generated at a few preferred locations. The layers then spread to cover the entire face. This leads to long trains of almost parallel steps that exhibit step bunching and other unsteady behavior that results in undesirable defects. Examples of possible crystal

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defects produced by such unsteady growth behavior are provided in section III. In section IV we show that growth is unsteady and results in compositional and structural nonuniformities. The causes of this unsteadiness are discussed in terms of macroscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics concepts. The microscopic mechanisms of the instability are discussed in section V, and possible means of controlling or suppressing them are reviewed in section VI. In section VII we discuss the role of impurities in unsteady growth processes and, in particular, the effects of enhanced impurity supply to the interface. From here we develop, in section VIII, recommendations for variations in the transport conditions that will provide growth conditions that will allow undesirable unsteady growth behavior. Depending on the protein in question, desirable conditions may require the reduced-gravity environment of space or may need a forced flow of the nutrient solution. Finally, in section IX it is seen that step bunching can affect step propagation velocities. Future research directions in this field are considered in section X.

II. Step Generation and Propagation Crystals grow by ordered addition of growth units to a nucleation center. This requires suitable sites at which growth units can attach and conform to the crystal structure. Ideally, these growth sites are molecular configurations at the growth interface that provide an incoming molecule with exactly one-half of the neighbors of a molecule in the crystal bulk and were called half-crystal positions or kinks.58-60 For growth above the roughening transition temperature, such half-crystal positions (or kink sites) are abundant even at equilibrium.61 The frequency with which molecules are incorporated into the crystal structure depends only on the impingement frequency and the attachment activation energy. For such rough surfaces, the crystal’s growth rate and shape are controlled by the transport processes responsible for delivering growth material to the interface or heat away from the interface. Growth under these conditions is referred to as normal growth. This is the growth mode of most melt-grown crystals (for example, bulk semiconductors and oxide crystals used for microprocessors and optoelectronic device technologies; for further reading, see refs 62 and 63. For crystal surfaces below the roughening transition temperature, the bond energy between two molecules in the crystal (proportional to the enthalpy of crystallization or to the surface energy) is higher than the thermal energy of a molecule61 and the crystal is faceted. At equilibrium, the kink or growth sites can only be located at the edges of unfinished crystal planes on the surface. Indeed, at room temperature, thermal fluctuations have been suggested to result in abundant half-crystal positions at the unfinished layer edges. These are called growth steps or just steps.64,70 For inorganic crystals, the emergence of such growth steps is associated with 2D or surface nucleation of new layers65-68 or dislocations cropping out on the face.69-71 However, due to the small sizes of inorganic molecules and the considerably faster kinetics, direct evidence of many of the

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growth mechanisms have not been obtained prior to the advances in protein crystallization reviewed below.

A. Step (Growth Layer) Generation 1. Dislocations, 2D Nucleation, and Crystallites Most protein crystals display well-defined facets, and it has been confirmed at the microscopic level that growth occurs via the spreading of layers from growth step sources such as dislocations and 2D nucleation. Ex-situ electron microscopy observations have resolved individual growth steps on (101) and (110) facets of tetragonal lysozyme.72 In-situ atomic force microscopy73-75 has produced particularly instructive images of growth step generation at screw dislocation outcrops, see Figure 1, and of 2Dnucleation-induced islands, see Figure 2. Most recent AFM observations on a larger number of other proteins and viruses37,38,76-80 have reproduced the whole body of growth morphology and kinetics scenarios suggested for inorganic growth. These include layer spreading from dislocations and 2D nuclei, annihilation of growth steps coming from different sources at the face, and impediment of step propagation by foreign particles. When a foreign particle or a newly formed crystallite lands on the growing crystal surface, it may orient in register with the underlying lattice. In this case, it serves as a prolific source of new growth layers, see Figure 3, until the height of the adjacent crystal surface rises above it and engulfs it. Misaligned microcrystals and particles may also be incorporated into the crystal.

Figure 1. Spiral step source at outcrop of screw dislocation on a (110) face of lysozyme. Sequence of atomic force microscopy micrographs. (Adapted with permission from ref 74).

Figure 2. 2D nucleation-induced islands on a (110) face of tetragonal lysozyme. Island density increases with supersaturation from a to d. (Adapted with permission from ref 73).

Figure 3. Series of AFM images showing the landing of microcrystal (indicated by arrows) on the surface of a (111) face of a growing cubic crystal of satellite tobacco mosaic virus. This microcrystal serves as a source of growth layers. It grows in thickness significantly slower than the large crystal, presumably due to the low probability of 2D nucleation on its small top surface. This will eventually result in engulfment. Such events provide the major source of growth layers during the growth of these virus crystals. (Adapted with permission from ref 79).

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Figure 4. Series of AFM images showing the incorporation of a microcrystal 15 µm × 8 µm into a larger growing crystal of the protein canavalin. A lattice mismatch clearly exists between the two crystals. As the small crystal is consumed by the larger one, a planar defect and a bundle of screw dislocations form and propagate into the larger crystal. (Adapted with permission from ref 76).

Either case can result in the creation of dislocation bundles that operate as a strong source of growth layers, Figure 4. There has been only one report79 of normal growth of a protein: apoferritin, the hollow shell of the irontransport protein ferritin,81 Figure 5a. In previous quasielastic light scattering studies, it was found that apoferritin has a low surface energy. Despite the low surface energy, its rough surface morphology seems incompatible with the good faceting typically observed with both apoferritin and ferritin crystals.82 This contradiction was resolved by recent studies that reveal that this protein grows by layer generation (exclusively by 2D nucleation) and spreading, Figure 5b.83 Thus, earlier observations may be attributed to a high content, up to ∼50% of the dry protein mass, of protein inhomogeneities in the used material84 or to the high thermodynamic driving force used in ref 79 that may have caused a kinetic phase transition to a rough growth interface.85,86

2. Localization of 2D Nucleation: Bulk-Transport Nonuniformities and Defect Pinning Interferometric studies of the evolution of growth morphologies of lysozyme provided the first evidence for localization of 2D nucleation.25,32-34,87 While inferior in spatial resolution to AFM, interferometry is nonintrusive and permits the study of microscopic morphologies across entire macroscopic facets. This makes it possible to correlate bulk-transport-induced

compositional inhomogeneities and the response of the crystal morphology. A high-resolution interferometric approach (200 Å depth resolution, image acquisition times ∼3 s) was developed specifically for protein crystallization studies.34 The method uses one face of a growing protein crystal as one of the interferometer mirrors. Spatial and temporal information about the surface relief is extracted by digitizing the interferometric intensity and its time variations. In this way, information about the growth step source activity is obtained by monitoring the facet slope p (proportional to step density) in the neighborhood of step generators. The time history of the tangential step velocity v is also recorded since changes in v reflect changes in the mechanism of growth unit incorporation. Figure 6 shows the development of the morphology of a (101) face as a function of crystal size and supersaturation σ ) ln(C/Ceq), C and Ceq being the actual and the equilibrium protein concentrations.87 For the small crystal (Figure 6a), growth did not start until σ > 1.3 and the flat face was preserved as the crystal grew. Hence, it was concluded that growth steps were generated by randomly distributed 2D nucleation, in agreement with earlier observations on lysozyme using electron microscopy and AFM, see section II.A.1 and refs 72-75. With increasing supersaturation/growth rate and facet size, layer generation preferentially occurred along the crystal edges. The specific nucleation sites moved with time,

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Figure 6. Development of growth morphology on a (101) HEWL face with crystal size and supersaturation, in the absence of an active dislocation step source. Interferometric visualization of growth morphology. In this method, the crystal face of interest is used as one of the mirrors of a two-beam interferometer. Thus, if the crystal is aligned so that the singular crystal planes are perpendicular to the incident beam, the interferograms represent topographic maps of the interface. Time elapsed between b and c is 20 min. Supersaturation indicated for each frame. (Reprinted with permission from ref 87. Copyright 1996.)

Figure 5. AFM visualization of interfacial morphology during growth of a (111) face of cubic apoferritin crystals: (a) rough surface (Adapted with permission from ref 79); (b) smooth facet growing by 2D layer generation and spreading.

compare part b and c of Figure 6. With further increases of facet size and supersaturation σ, the steps were predominantly generated at the facet corners rather than at facet centers (see Figure 6d). This trend was observed in numerous experiments on {101} and {110} faces. This change in location of the nucleation sites can be explained by an increase in the nonuniformity of solute supply from the bulk nutrient as the crystal size and growth rate increase.88-91 This leads to higher interfacial supersaturation (and, thus, a higher probability of nucleation) closer to the crystal’s edges. Recently, using atomic force microscopy, the same transition from random to edge-localized 2D nucleation was found for ferritin and apoferritin crystals.83 Since the dif-

fusivity of the large ferritin molecules is significantly lower than that of lysozyme, the characteristic transport length is greater and the transition between the two modes occurs at sizes of about 200 µm. In a few observations, however, steps persistently originated at locations near corners or edges, even at small crystal sizes or low growth rates; see, e.g., the frame sequence of Figure 4 in ref 92. Yet, these crystals did not grow at σ e 1.6. Thus, apparently no active dislocation step sources were present, and the pinning of the step generation locations was probably due to other lattice defects93-95 that can locally enhance 2D nucleation.95-98 Thus, it appears that localized generation of new growth layers is quite common in protein crystallization, especially when crystal sizes reach those needed for X-ray structure determinations. This leads to long trains of quasiparallel steps propagating along the interface. Parallel step trains such as this are prone to unsteadiness that results in defects. This will be discussed below in sections IV-VI.

3. Evolution of the Dislocation Sources of Growth Layers As above, this evolution was studied using interferometry.87 The crystal face, shown in Figure 7, was initially free of screw dislocation step sources. At smaller crystal size and growth rate, the surface was flat, indicating growth by uniformly distributed 2D nuclei, Figure 7a. The higher growth rate and su-

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Figure 7. Interferometric monitoring of the growth morphology on a (110) face of a lysozyme crystal. Between b and c the supersaturation was temporarily increased to 2.84 and 3.22 (see text). This results in the dislocation step sources seen in c-f. (Reprinted with permission from ref 87. Copyright 1996 Elsevier Science.)

persaturation σ, in Figure 7b caused nucleation along the facet edges to dominate. The temperature was then lowered in steps to obtain supersaturation levels of σ ) 2.84 and subsequently σ ) 3.22. After a few hours, T was increased to 20 °C (σ ) 1.64). The facet morphology remained essentially identical to Figure 7b. The only effect of these sharp supersaturation changes was the appearance of a second crystal on top of the first one. No interference fringes appeared on its top face. This means that the new crystal was substantially misoriented with respect to the first one. This explains why no steps originated from the reentrant angle between the two crystals, in contrast to Figure 3 in section II.A.1. The new crystal grew much more rapidly than the first one, even at low σ’s, as can be seen from their relative change in lateral dimensions in Figure 7c-f. After overnight growth at σ ) 1.64, a hillock was observed at the lower left part of the facet of the first crystal, Figure 7c. This hillock persisted for about a day, in which the studied face grew about 13 µm. Hence, the hillock was most likely formed by dislocation outcrops at this location. Then steeper hillocks (visible in Figure 7d) supplied steps that eventually covered the facet. The supersaturation was kept constant for several hours, during which the top face grew by about 4 µm and the growth hillock became much steeper, Figure 7e. After further growth at σ ) 0.83, the hillock slope increased further, Figure 7f, despite the lower supersaturation. Upon further decrease to σ ) 0.55, the hillock slope remained practically unchanged.

The continuing (and apparently anomalous) increase of the hillock slope at constant or decreasing σ can be explained as follows. The dislocation groups active in Figure 7c-f have probably formed in response to the drastic temperature decreases or supersaturation increases. The response is most likely manifested through the trapping of a foreign particle or a drop of nutrient liquid.99 Since initially no growth activity resulted, the dislocation group must have had a net Burgers vector (vector sum of the vectors of lattice mismatch comprising each dislocation in the group100) of zero and a large circumference.64,101,102 Closely packed dislocations tend to diverge during growth since this decreases the elastic energy of the group.103 When the distance between any pair of neighboring dislocations reaches about 10 critical 2D-nucleus radii,64,104,105 one (or more) dislocation group(s) will start generating growth steps, provided that it has a smaller circumference and larger net Burgers vector. Furthermore, as the dislocations continue to fan out, their activity will increase. If several of the secondary (or tertiary) dislocation bunches attain growth activity, they will compete and interact. Observations of long-term changes and short-term variations in the activity of the growth step sources have implications for the unsteady step dynamics to be discussed below. Since the unsteady behavior depends on the magnitude of the triggering perturbation, these observations indicate that there will always be a source of step density unsteadiness.

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B. Kinetics of Step Propagation 1. The Kinetic Coefficient for Incorporation into Steps The dependence of the step propagation velocity v on the thermodynamic supersaturation ∆µ/kBT ≡ σ [) ln(C/Ceq)] can be postulated as

v ) βstepΩCσ


In eq 1, βstep is the kinetic coefficient for incorporation into the steps, Ω is the crystal volume per protein molecule, and C is the protein molecular concentration in the solution. Typical Ω values are as follows: for lysozyme, 3 × 10-20 cm3; for ferritin/apoferritin, 1.56 × 10-18 cm3; for the satellite tobacco mosaic virus, 4.2 × 10-18 cm3. This is significantly greater than the value for a typical inorganic system, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, for which Ω ) 1.07 × 10-22 cm3. The dimensionless product ΩC accounts for the change in molecular density during crystallization. Typical values vary from 0.06 for a 50 mg/ mL lysozyme solution down to 5 × 10-5 for a close to equilibrium 0.023 mg/mL apoferritin solution. Step velocity is often expressed as a function of the protein concentration in the form

v ) βstepΩ (C - Ceq)


This expression can be derived from basic kinetic principles.106 However, this derivation requires strong assumptions about the mechanism of incorporation of the molecules into the steps. Molecules are assumed to enter the steps directly from the solution without undergoing adsorption or surface diffusion. As discussed in section II.B.2, for at least two of the proteins studied to date, canavalin and lysozyme, there exists significant evidence that incorporation into steps is preceded by adsorption on the surface followed by surface diffusion. Before sufficient studies are done to confirm that this more complicated growth mechanism is limited to these two cases, the use of the more general expression (eq 1) seems preferable. Of course, given the actual and the equilibrium solution concentrations corresponding to the conditions at which v is determined, one can easily convert from kinetic coefficients determined by eq 1 to kinetic coefficients determined by eq 2. Typically protein crystals are grown at supersaturation levels of ∆µ/kBT ≈ 1-2 and the ratio (C - Ceq)C-1 eq /ln(C/Ceq) is about 5. Thus, the step kinetic coefficient value based on σ should be correspondingly higher than the value based on concentration. There has been speculation that the growth of tetragonal lysozyme crystals may occur through the incorporation of tetramers or octamers that form in the solution prior to attachment to the crystal.107-111 The AFM evidence in favor of this hypothesis109,110 is ambiguous because the experimental resolution required to quantitatively verify this was lacking. Indeed, recent molecular resolution AFM investigations of the crystallization of a number of other proteins show that these grew by incorporation of monomers.83,112 Furthermore, careful static and dynamic light scattering investigations24,25,113,114 of the

lysozyme solutions from which the crystals grow have not revealed the presence of any species other than the lysozyme monomer. Measurements of the step kinetic coefficient have been made using interferometric and scanning probe techniques. They involve measurements of step velocity v at 10 different supersaturation levels or protein concentrations. The kinetic coefficient is determined using a fit to an assumed linear dependence of v on σ. Often, the data scatter due to other factors (see argument below) is insufficient to distinguish between eqs 1 and 2. The values of β taken from the above references are as follows: lysozyme (110) face, 1.4 × 10-4 cm/s; lysozyme (101) face, 2.8 × 10-4 cm/s; ferritin, 2 × 10-4 cm/s; canavalin, 10-5-10-4 cm/s; satellite tobacco mosaic virus, (6 ( 2) × 10-4 cm/s; catalase (001) face, 3.2 × 10-5 cm/s; and thaumatin (101) face, 2 × 10-4 cm/s. Note that eqs 1 and 2 relate the step velocity to the “bulk” protein concentration or supersaturation, i.e., those in the crystallization container far from the crystal. However, the solution that is in contact with the crystal has a different concentration or supersaturation. Protein crystals are typically grown from unstirred solution, which, even in the presence of buoyancy-driven convection, leads to the existence of a zone depleted with respect to the solute at the growth interface. The reason for this depletion is the comparable rates of mass transport to the crystallization interface and through this interface. The characteristic diffusive mass transport rate in the solution D/δ ) 1 µm/s ) 1 × 10-4 cm/s (D ≈ 10-6 cm2/s is a typical protein solute diffusivity, δ (∼0.01 cm) is the transport length scale, commensurate with the crystal dimension). The rate of mass transport through the crystallization interface may be estimated as the ratio of the crystal growth rate R, typically on the order of 10-100 Å/s, to the molecular density change upon crystallization, ΩC, provided above. Values range from 2 × 10-6 to 2 × 10-2 cm/s. The corresponding Rδ/DΩC ratios of 0.02 and 200 indicate, respectively, an insignificant ∼2% depletion of the interfacial solution with respect to the bulk concentration or purely diffusion-controlled growth regime with a constantly decreasing interfacial concentration. Depleted zones at the protein crystal-solution interface have been experimentally observed using Mach-Zender interferometry and Schlieren techniques to visualize concentration fields around growing lysozyme crystals115-116 and predicted in detailed numerical simulations of the convective-diffusive transport.88 This depletion lowers supersaturation at the interface and the steps to move slower than expected based on the bulk driving force. The decrease in step velocity (i) is larger at higher crystal growth rates, (ii) increases with crystals size, and (iii) is location dependent, i.e., facets’ centers are exposed to lower supersaturation than the facets’ edges, see section II.A.2. Another factor that may lead to deviations from eqs 1 and 2 is that steps compete for growth material supplied from the bulk solution. The zone of lower solute concentration in the solution around a step

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Figure 8. AFM determinations of the dependence of the step velocity on canavalin concentration as a function of pH, as indicated in the plot. (Adapted with permission from ref 118.)

tends to attain the shape of a half cylinder with the step as its axis. If two steps are too close, these cylinders overlap and both steps get less solute than they would if they were far apart. Thus, closely spaced steps move slower that steps further apart. Such dependencies of the step velocities on interstep distance have been recorded for lysozyme87,92 and canavalin.118 Scaling arguments suggest87 that the competition for supply from the bulk should be too weak to cause any discernible effects. Thus, it was assumed that the strong effect of step density on step motion is due to solute adsorption on the interstep terraces followed by surface diffusion toward the steps. The competition for the adsorbed solute molecules between each pair of steps bounding a terrace causes the delay in step motion observed in experiments. For further discussion of this step-step interaction, which is an important component of the nonlinear step dynamics, see section II.B.2. A third factor is related to the solution behavior of the proteins. The charge on the protein molecules is to a large extent determined by the solution acidity.119 Thus, it is not surprising that at different pH values the step kinetic coefficient on canavalin crystals was found to be different, see Figure 8 and ref 118. Besides these intrinsic reasons for deviations from eqs 1 and 2, step velocities may also be affected by impurities. Two mechanisms through which impurities can affect step motion are typically discussed in crystal growth literature. The “stopper” mechanism120-122 assumes that the impurity molecules are adsorbed on the interface and the steps have to bend to pass between them. The resulting curvature in the step profile increases the chemical potential of the steps, lowers the potential difference that drives step motion, and, thus, slows the steps down. It has been shown that the dependence of step velocity on σ in this case is characterized by a “dead zone” at σ < σ* in which no growth occurs. At higher supersaturations >σ*, eq 1 or 2 applies, i.e., step velocity is unaffected by the impurities. Evidence for the action of this mechanism has been found for lysozyme, based on averaged (over several hours)32,33,87,123 and microscopic level124 kinetics. The second impurity action mechanism assumes that impurities occupy a fraction of the growth sites

Figure 9. Dependencies of step velocity on supersaturation determined by interferometry: (a) in solutions containing 0.01%, 1%, and 5% (w/v) of other protein impurities (Higher impurity concentration leads to slower step motion). Crystal sizes in all cases