for exceptional performance without an audience... Our LG241P AutosamplerforLiquid C^mtftc^fffpAp. J
Now high laboratory sampte-througtipuf coupledwtth high performance is available via the DynatechPr^?ion S a i l i n g LC24lPairtornâtie8ârrtpÎe injector for HPLCMierofMOcessor corttrotted and pheuroaicaiy-operateai this "stand-alone" unftisuser friendly with keyboard data effiry for all sampling parameters. Easy toi use and easyfcfinstall, the LC241Β is . operable with virtually any HPLC. Features include automatic, manual aridiTemo» operating modes, flCD viai indentlfioatton. interchangeable 42 or60 sample trajsjι shgteearnpfe ' .injection capability, a "flush-only" eyetenï, low sample consumption, arid no sample exposure during sampHng. Fpr more infejonatton-onthe L.C24ÎP or.ourttnedf ©fc auibsarnplers, •• " please contact Oynatech Precision Sampling Corporation, P.O. Box 15886, Bâton Rouge, LA7&89&Tèlepnane