courage still wider interest, National Aniline has compiled a new 34-page brochure containing com plete properties, known reactions, suggested uses...
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Development Chemist's Dream! j g ^

e-CAPROLACTAM ι building block for I completely new organics A

ί-Caprolactam stands as a challenge to the cre­ ative ingenuity of American chemists and chemi­ cal engineers. From it can be built completely new commercial chemicals and resulting end-products with properties unknown today. Consider its unique 7-membered ring, its polymerforming potentialities . . . its reaction possibilities with other chemicals to create new materials useful to science and industry. And then remember that this unique monomer is already priced low enough for volume use in resins and fibers. Send for Technical Bulletin 1-14R Substantial product-development work is being done with National ε-Caprolactam. A considerable body of basic research data already exists. To en­ courage still wider interest, National Aniline has compiled a new 34-page brochure containing com­ plete properties, known reactions, suggested uses and a comprehensive bibliography. Samples and additional technical help are available to those whose work may develop broader use of National £-Caprolactam.

Allied Chemical NATIONAL ANILINE DIVISION 40 Rector Street, New York 6, Ν. Υ. Atlanta Boiion Charlotte Chicago Gieetuboro Lot Anqelet Philadelphia Portland. Oie Providence San Froncitco In Canada: AUIEO CHEMICAL CANADA. LTD.. 100 North'Outer. SI.. Toronto

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