Normal solutions In no time
punch upper membrane
pundi lower membrane
rinse and make up to volume
Titrisol ampoules \
save weighing, dissolving and standardising the titre
Titrisol ampoules
due to their construction permit convenient quantitative transfer of the accurate dosage into the volumetric flask
Titrisol ampoules
save time, space and weight
Titrisol ampoules
are unbreakable, s tor able and always ready for use
Titrisols are absolutely reliable (titration exactness ± 0,2%) Please ask for our special leaflet
Sole distributors in the United States: Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Cantiague Road, Wèstbury L Ι., Ν. Υ.
E. MERCK A G - D A R M S T A D T - G E R M A N Y Circle No. 55 on Readers' Service Card 232/l-EUS