Early microteaching for TAs best done in laboratory

programs, even those intended to help develop interactive questioningskills for recitation TAs. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Thomas J. Tipton. Linc...
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Early Microteachingfor TAs Best Done in Laboratory Two training techniques frequently recommended for the preparation of teaching assistants are microteaching and representative laboratory work. Microteaching, the presentation of a 5-15 min lesson to a small peer group outside of the normal classroom environment. has been shown to be an excellent method for oracticine teachine skills in a trainine situation. Working i n laboratorieimny h a w a r a n r e d ihjectivei, from acqua:nringTAs wlth rhe lornrm~i,ftheequipment up lo irnparting ro rhrm n part of the lahoratury "philusuphy," borh oirhrse he~nghigh]) ~ n d i v l d d i z e d"critter;" from setring to setting. Getting effective microteaching sessions is difficult because new TAs often feel put off by the act of role playing, an essential part of the traditional microteaching experience. Also, sitting through lessons twice leads to boredom. The new variationhas been to use portable equipment to videotape the microteaching lessons during a laboratory session, and subsequently to analyze them before a group consisting of "TA microteachers." The training supervisor simply picks two TAs, saw somethine to the effect of "Whv don't vou be the student-take a minute to find somethina about the lab work that is&nfusine vou., and ask for helo. %u be t i e teacher. I'll set uo the camera.. and vou . can start in a minute." Not onlv has the settinen been verv realistic. but also the discussions have been esoeciallv animated ones comoared to ~,~~ rhosr u,hich tcwk place during "I her formata usrd prrwo~rsly.An added benefit has been that leqs limr weds ro he isolated in the training schedule for rnicrutearhing artivirv. Therefore, we rcctmmcnd thii approac'h for d l chemirrry T.4 rraining programs, even those intended to help develop interactive questioning skills for recitation TAs. ~








University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588



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Thomas J. Tipton David W. Brooks

Volume 57, Number 5, May 1980 1 355