Eastman Announces

Enclosed in a 2- inch sectional lead shield that reduces background count to as little as. 25. c.p.m. with the window fully open, the instrument's spe...
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Eastman Announces


T h i s is t h e f o r m u l a f o r

5 pounds through an elevation range of 2 x / 2 inches. M a d e of aluminum and stainless steel, the jack stands 1 inch high when closed, opens to 3 1 / 2 inches. T o p and bottom platforms are supplied with two stainless steel auxiliary plates. P-7 peatability of experimental data, says Hamner Electronics. Enclosed in a 2inch sectional lead shield t h a t reduces background count to as little as 25 c.p.m. with the window fully open, the instrument's specifications a r e : energy range, 25 k.e.v. to 8 m.e.v.; stability, 0.25% per d a y ; linearity, 0.15%. P-5

T h i s is t h e s t r u c t u r e o f


Acid Pump By attaching the Saf-T-Pump, made of polyethylene, t o any s t a n d a r d fivepint acid bottle, you avoid spilling the acid when transferring it t o another container, says maker, Fisher Scientific.

Gas Chromatography Cells

A spout, siphon, and 4-ounce squeeze bottle a t t a c h to the p u m p body. D e pressing the squeeze bottle delivers acid at the rate of 1000 ml. per minute. There is no after-drip from the spout, according to Fisher. Merely press the relief-valve b u t t o n to stop flow. P - 6

Midget Lab-Jack Central Scientific announces a tiny new Lab-Jack for micro techniques. The little lifter will handle loads u p to 64 A



Small thermistor sensing elements go into the new gas chromatography cells made b y Victor Engineering. T h e elements, says the company, enable faster response, more accurate and sensitive thermal conductivity detection and analysis. M a d e of stainless steel, the small cell block houses a matched pair of V E C O thermistor reference elements located almost directly in the gas-flow path. One sensing thermistor is for gas under test, one for reference gas flow, with the gases flowing completely through the cell block. E a c h cell has a bridge network, and gas connections can be made with V 8 - i n c h pipe fittings. P - 8

T h i s Is h o w E a s t m a n sells

SA I B 90% SAIB 100% SAIB

Gas Indicator A new bench-model W a r b u r g a p p a r a tus, suited for lab and classroom instruction, has been introduced b y American Instrument. The new a p paratus, which shows the amount of oxygen or other gases absorbed or evolved b y tissues, micro-organisms, and organic or inorganic substances, has




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