Eastman Briefs - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Periodic graphics: How different light bulbs work. Chemical educator and Compound Interest blogger Andy Brunning illuminates the materia...
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-Eastman. Jt£rie£s FOR MARCH



/ \ C C-OH II II HO-C C \ /


2,5- Dihydrôxybenzoqui none Form orange yellow solid Melting point 216°C. (decomposes) Quality technical grade From metal chelating to insecticide manufacture anyone interested in quinone compounds will find this one easy to work with—decidedly more stable than most and less irritating to skin and eyes. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee

n-Butyronitrile Form , ,., Specific gravity, 20°/20°C Boiling range, 760 mm Purity, %

clear, colorless liquid 0.7919 116.0-117.7° C. 99

We've been making isobutyronitrile for a number of years. It occurred to us the other day that some­ body might be interested in the normal isomer. Prospects for early commercial production look favorable. Eastman Chemical Products, Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B23

B 3

-C-I-C-C-OH I-C- I



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C-O-C-C-OH C Oi -- {C - C H y d r o q u i n o n e -D - H- yOdH roxyethyl)

H y d r o q u i n o n e Di-{ '-Hydroxyethyl) Ether Ether Form white solid solid Form white Melting point 97-100°C. Melting point 97-100°C. r Water content content 0.5 max. Water 0.5%'c max. Hydroxyl number, mg. KOH/g 555-565 Hydroxyl number, mg. KOH/g 555-565 Frankly, we've been amazed at the number of people who have listened to our story about this diol. We thought of it as a polyester intermediate. Beginning to suspect there's more than meets the eye. Polyurethane chain extender maybe? E a s t m a n C h e m i c a l P r o d u c t s , Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee ι

3-Methylnorcamphane-2-methanoi Form clear, syrupy liquid Specific gravity, 20°/20°C. ......;.'......... 0.9812 Boiling range, 20-25 mm 112-115°C. Color, APHA.. 10 To keep our readers avidly awaiting the next issue of Eastman BRIEFS we feel called upon to offer something real gone now and then. Esters of this month's selection look interesting as synthetic lube viscosity improvers and as plasticizers.






E a s t m a n C h e m i c a l P r o d u c t s , Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B24

Chemicals Division




Eastman Chemical Products, Inc.


subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Company

c~c 1,4-C y c l o h e x a n e dι i mι e t h a n o l Form'* solid 1,4-C y c l o h e x a n e d i m e t h a n o l Melting point U1-6VC. Formsolid Isomer composition 30% cis; 70% trans Melting point kl-61°C. Isomer 30% cis; 70% trans Purity, composition % gg Purity, gg For the % benefit of those who just came in, here's For theour benefit those whodiol just came in, for here's one of moreof promising candidates the one of our more promising candidates for the polyester/polyurethane hall diol of fame. polyester/polyurethane hall of fame. * Supplied as 70% solution in methanol E a s t m a n C h e m i c a l P r o d u c t s , Inc. Kingsport, Tennessee B11

Kingsport, Tennessee Please send more data on these chemicals:



B 2 3 U B24







Zone No.
