Eastman Kodak Company

ticket she votes,and while she omits serving the reader by identifying “pyrazolone” as Eastman 1397 and “bispyraz- olone” as Eastman 6969, and...
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C O M M E N T on just α few items amongst the unparalleled collection of EASTMAN Organic Chemicals most of which are stocked locally b y laboratory supply houses

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in ^ 1 ^ which inhibits the corrosive properties of HNO3. See In 1944, word came from the University of Nuevo Leonη in Monterrey that the odor of roasted coffee is due to merCorrosion et anticorrosion 3, 189-209 and 253-76 (1955); 4, captans. The Mexican chemists synthesized this compound 4-21 (1956) for a discussion of how mercaptans form a to advance their contention. Six years later, Angew. Chemie surface complex on iron to inhibit corrosion. could publish an article (62A, 292) discussing the patent Subsequently we dropped 2-Furanmethanethiol from the situation on the compound as a coffee-flavoring agent. Some list because one of the starting materials for it had disap­ years after that we added the compound to our list for peared from the market. The boss took a poor view of this general chemical experimentation. reason. "Thought you guys were supposed to be synthetic In 1961 the bony finger of coincidence stirred the stc emists," he said. So we made our own starting material U.S. Patent No. 2,989,485 issued and was assigned to d restored 2-Furanmethanethiol to the list. During this famous chemical company other than ourselves by eration, unfortunately, a few whiffs of the finished product inventor bearing the same common first name and the same me ^ ^ | B 0;ot1 away from us. Everybody smelled it, but nobody comuncommon surname as one of our two executive vice- ^ • K l alained. Curiously, though mercaptans will always be presidents, who is also a chemist. This patent has nothing mercaptans, coffee, yes; cabbage, no. to do with coffee. It cites this compound as one of a group


EASTMAN 6 9 6 9



Sales of these two are doing well. Their principal use is in fine cause. Until 1951, when Sewage and Ind. Wastes 23, 1402 told how they can be deployed to detect as little as 0. p.p.m. of cyanide in industrial effluvia, counting dead fis] had been more sensitive a method for CN~ than the availabl· chemical tests. (An only slightly less sensitive test than fishkilling had been the killing of bacteria we depend on to decompose sewage.) In Anal. Chem. 25, 1188 the same authors also detailed the use of these reagents in ammonia determination. Now (in Anal. Chem. 36, 865) along comes a lady in Prague who thoroughly scrutinizes what is going on in this ammonia determination. While we don't vote the same ticket she votes, and while she omits serving the reader by identifying "pyrazolone" as EASTMAN 1397 and "bispyrazolone" as EASTMAN 6969, and while her contribution to the ammonia-measuring technique seems limited to sug­ gestions for diminishing interference by CN~, CNS~, Fe++, Zn++, Cu++, and Ag+, her paper reads like a model of how an analytical chemist should think. She demonstrates, incidentally, that contrary to the original hypothesis, pyrazo­ lone is not the major actor in the procedure and that the test depends on formation of rubazoic acid. Now that is a bio­ chemically interesting compound that some unharried scholar may wish to track down on the back shelves of the library.


496 Acetophenone 1235 Propiophenone 1908 Bulyrophenone 3210 Valerophenone 3284 Hexanophenone 8964 Heptanophenone 8966 Octanophenone 9208 Nonanophenone 8062 Decanophenone 9214 Undecanophenone 4874 Laurophenone 9212 Tridecanophenone 9218 Myristophenone 9220 Penta decanophenone

719 1673 1778 3213 9197 9073 9075

Ethylbenzene Propylbenzene Butylbenzene Pentylbenzene 1 -Phenylhexane 1 -Phenylheptane 1-Phenyloctane

The one m ssinK heri> will doubtless he the one ev· ;rybody wants.

9195 9213 6816 9215 9217 9219

1-Phenyldeccme 1 -Phenylundecane 1 -Phenyldodecane 1 -Phenyltridecane 1 -Phenyltetradecane 1 -Phenylpentadecane

One of the labs of another of our fellow-giants of the chemi­ cal business needed a few homologous phenones and asked us to quote on making them. After fulfilling their need, we decided to shoot the works. We made all the others that had been missing from our list up to and including C15. Then for good measure we filled in the corresponding alkylaryl hydro­ carbons by Wolff-Kishner reduction from the phenones. Have we been rash?

To request our List No. 43 or ask questions or anything, write Distillation Products Industries, Rochester, N.Y.

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